
Chapter 79

Sitting there, watching Tanner and Calla play as I softly rocked penelope, I couldn't believe the turn my life had taken. I was just a shell of the woman I am today, looking for love in all the wrong places, but now I was so full of love and content that I was able to give to those that I loved the most without fear of losing myself ever again.


Twelve Years Later

"MOM!" I heard Calla scream from down the hall, which meant she was most likely in Tanner's 'man cave' as he liked to call it. This wasn't good.

"Yes, baby?" I hollered, taking a deep breath to prepare me for the shit storm that was about to go down. I continued kneading the dough for the homemade cinnamon rolls I was making as Calla entered the room.

"Dad refuses to let me go to Dillon's birthday party! You know how much this means to me!" She shrieked just as Tanner entered the room.

"That's because he's twenty, you have no business hanging around with him," he lectured.