
Chapter 67

"I know you already said you didn't think I had bad intentions by what I'd said, but I need to say what I'm about to anyway. I was just teasing you with my comment. What I meant was that I bought the truck with leather seats because they're easy to clean in general. I never once thought about how it could've been related back to my past," he explained evenly. "I don't want you to think, even for a split second, that my mind wanders to any woman I may have seen before you. You're it for me, Penny. You're the only woman that's ever on my mind and you are more than enough for me. You satisfy me in every way a man could possibly be satisfied; not just in the bedroom. But, for the record and so that things are perfectly clear, you beyond satisfy me in the bedroom. Sex is so good with you that I have to constantly remind myself to give you a break so I don't hurt you," he assured me.