
Chapter 65

Hold on... I shouldn't be turned on by that, should I? I asked myself while clenching my thighs together. The mental images his words created in my mind summoned a wetness to accumulate in my panties. Thankfully, he didn't notice my reaction as his eyes were trained on the road. I mulled over my options in my head for a few seconds, knowing that's all the time I had to make my decision.

One, I could explain why I'd been quiet and tell him why what he did made me upset...or I could purposely push his anger just a bit further and find out if I had another kink...

"Something," I muttered quietly after making up my mind. The car suddenly turned off the main road and down a desolate side street before stopping next to a curb. I whipped my head to the side, giving him a questioning look as my heart pounded in my chest.