
Chapter 56

"I fucking hope so." he growled back, giving me a final hard and deep kiss before releasing my lips and focusing his attention back on Calla as she constructed an elaborate castle in the sand.

Bad, Tanya! You're supposed to be spending time together in a non-sexual way! I reprimanded myself. Feeling my eyes grow heavy once more, I let my head fall onto Tanner's shoulder. I felt his breath lightly ghost over the top of my forehead when he looked my way before he lifted his arm to resituate us. I melted into his side as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, my nose pressed against his collarbone as I took in his scent with every breath full of air.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been asleep for when Tanner gently shook me awake, but I was glad for the impromptu nap as I felt much more refreshed than before.

"Oh god, how long was I out?" I asked groggily before stretching.