
Chapter 27

But oopsie daisies! You fucked it up – again! The nagging voice in the back of my head taunted. I slapped the palm of my hand against my forehead to try and force the destructive thoughts away. Finally gaining the courage, I turned and made my way into the building, getting out of the suffocating heat.


I groaned in annoyance as Gemma ripped my headphone out for the third time in twenty minutes.

"Christ, Gemma! What do you want from me?" I yelled.

"Bitch! I already told you that you were coming with Kat and I to that party! Now, get your ass up and change out of that atrocious outfit. You have, like, ten minutes before we leave." She warned.

Pulling up to the house, I suddenly remembered why I'd sworn to myself I'd never attend a one of these shindigs. Ever.