
Chapter 24

"Serves you right! This whole thing was totally unnecessary." I clipped while shooting daggers at Scar, wanting him to understand how angry I still was for putting me through this. Maybe having sex with him wasn't the best idea... I thought while chastising myself. I just couldn't help myself. I think I wanted it more than he did.

A few seconds later, someone came running into the room, looked at me, and burst out in laughter.

"What's so fucking funny?" Scar snarled, getting right up in the guy's face. His laughter stopped immediately as a look of fear took over.

"I-I just heard your woman stabbed Krueger and I had to check her out for myself. You gotta admit, it's kinda funny that such a tiny thing as herself hurt Krueger as good as she did." He said with a snort of laughter. Scar's head jerked back in surprise before he looked over at me as I avoided his eyes in guilt.