
The Mad Dash............

miles away Turain in a famous country called Norwir, a highly dignified biologist Duran Phillie was doing a research on how could he make healing by medical equipments more effective so as to reduce the time taken by a normal body to heal an injury and help people even at a faster rate. He had prepared a solution by enhancing an ointment's capability.

"This discovery would not only heal people faster but can fill my pockets too high", such were the thoughts of Duran. Deep inside his heart he too was somewhat selfish kind, for he too was just like other mortal humans.

His discovery was enough to give fame and fortune to all his upcoming generations.

Duran was respected as already a brilliant biologist, but that fame alone cannot satisfy a human's greed.

Duran was respected as he performed the first open heart surgery of his town without those latest equipments, not to mention the surgery was worth to a night of patient's daughter along with 3/4th of the man's properties.