
The Young Prince's Squire

Lucian, the Young Prince has finally come of age, and his father expects him to wed as soon as possible. However, Lucian does not want to restrict himself with marriage. He prefers travelling on adventures, and belives that getting married would only stop him from exploring his youth. * * Simon, a common boy who stumbles into the prince on the night of his birthday finds himself tangled in a web of misunderstanding with the young prince. After a night of trouble, he is made the Prince's Squire, and follows the prince on his countless adventures. As time passes, Simon finds himself slowly getting attached to the proud man he once used to loathe. He restricts himself from acting on his feelings, but when the prince confesses to the same feeling, Simon is unsure of what to do. Will their love prevail? Or will they be separated by the demands of society?

thehonoredone · LGBT+
71 Chs

No Matter The Risks..

Edmund was surprised that his plan had worked. But above all, he was happy to see the horrified look on the faces of his younger brother and their father.

"It's been a while, Lucian. You've doubled in size since the last time we met." Edmund remarked as he steadily walked towards Lucian who didn't say a word or make a move. He wanted his father to be the one to make a move first, but when it seemed like the king was too bamboozled to speak, he made his first move by handing Rosaline over to a guard who was on standby.

"You street rat! How dare you enter this place without an invite!" King Wallace thundered, marching forward to stand in-between his oldest son and his youngest.

Edmund's lips curled into a cold smile as he continued to approach, his eyes never leaving Lucian's. "Street rat? Is that what you call me now, Father?" His voice dripped with disdain and unrestrained sarcasm. "I suppose that's an improvement from 'disgrace' or 'failure.'"