
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

The City of Magic

Days turned into weeks, and soon two months had passed in the capital. In that time, Lilith had read all the books the guild master lent her, and Elara spent her time teaching Lilith various magic spells, including the protection ward Elara used when they camped outside the capital. Ella and Nori deepened their friendship, and when they weren't flying around the capital or helping out Elara and Lilith, they spent time playing with Emy at the inn. Nori had also found an elemental magic user, an elderly elf named Arino, who began mentoring him.

One sunny morning, as they gathered for breakfast at the inn, Elara looked around the table at her companions. "It's amazing how much we've all grown in such a short time," she remarked, her eyes filled with pride.

Lilith nodded, her face bright with enthusiasm. "I've learned so much about magic and the history of Everwood. Those books from Everleaf were incredible!"

"And you've become quite the spellcaster," Elara added with a smile. "Your protection ward is almost as strong as mine now."

Ella chimed in, "Nori and I have explored nearly every corner of the capital. It's been so much fun, and we've made some wonderful friends along the way."

Nori, sitting next to Ella, nodded in agreement. "Arino has been teaching me a lot about elemental magic. I feel much more connected to the elements now."

Elara smiled warmly at the group. "I'm so proud of all of you. It feels like just yesterday we arrived here, and now look at everything we've accomplished."

Emy, who had been listening eagerly, piped up, "And you've all been so much fun to play with! I'm going to miss you when you leave."

Ella ruffled Emy's hair gently. "We'll miss you too, Emy. But we'll come back to visit, I promise."

As they finished their breakfast, the innkeeper approached their table. "Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to let you know that there's a special event at the town square today. It's a festival celebrating the arrival of spring. You should all go and enjoy it."

Lilith's eyes lit up. "That sounds wonderful! We should definitely go check it out."

With that, the group finished their meal and prepared to head to the town square. The streets were already bustling with activity as vendors set up their stalls and performers rehearsed their acts. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly baked goods.

As they arrived at the square, they were greeted by the sight of colorful decorations and lively music. Children ran around playing games, and adults mingled and laughed. The atmosphere was vibrant and full of joy.

Ella and Nori immediately took to the skies, their wings shimmering in the sunlight as they flew around, taking in the sights from above. Elara and Lilith walked through the crowd, admiring the various stalls and performances.

After a while, they found a quiet spot to sit and watch a group of dancers perform. The rhythmic music and graceful movements captivated them, and they lost track of time as they enjoyed the show.

As the day turned into evening, the group reunited and shared their experiences. "This has been such a magical day," Lilith said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Elara nodded in agreement. "It's days like these that remind us why we set out on our adventures. The world is full of wonder and beauty, and I'm grateful we get to experience it together."

With their hearts full and spirits high, they made their way back to the inn. In the cozy room of the inn, Lilith was looking out the window, where the festival was still in full swing. She sighed and turned around.

"Elara, I think it's about time we leave Everwood and continue our journey," Lilith said, her voice thoughtful. "I read in one of the books about a city known for its magical prowess. It's in the demon territory. The city is called Bez'Eru. It's known for its major export of mana stones and magical artifacts."

"Oh, really?" Elara replied with a smile, nodding. "I guess it is about time we leave. And it sounds like a good idea to check out Bez'Eru."

Ella fluttered happily around, buzzing with excitement, but Nori looked saddened. Noticing Nori's demeanor, Ella asked, "What's wrong, Nori? You know you're welcome to join us on our journey, right?"

Nori nodded with a sad smile. "I know, Ella, and I would love to travel with you guys. But now that I've found Master Arino, I need to stay and learn all that I can from him. I need to learn as much as I can to help my small village."

Lilith, looking at the two of them, smiled and chimed in, "That's a fine goal. I hope you learn well and are able to help your village."

Elara continued, "Well, we first need to get supplies, and it would be great if the guild has a guard quest that leads to Bez'Eru..."

The following days were filled with preparations. They gathered supplies and visited the guild. Mila, the guild staff member, explained that there indeed was a quest to Bez'Eru, but it was not a normal guard quest. It was a joint travel quest.

"The details of the quest are rather simple'niya," Mila explained. "A nobleman is traveling to Bez'Eru'niya and has joined forces with a merchant group to ease the cost'niya. They need more adventurers for the journe'iya."

Elara smiled and said, "We'll join. It's new for us, so we'll follow whoever is going to be the guard leader of the traveling group."

Mila nodded, pleased with their decision. "Excellent. The group will be departing in three days'Niya. Make sure you're ready by the'Niya."

Elara nodded and said, "We will be ready. Can you tell me if Everleaf is available? We want to say goodbye to her."

Mila looked at Elara with a sad smile and said, "The guild mast'Niya is not in Everwood at the moment'Niya. She had so much work to do'Niya and had to travel to other guilds in nearby towns'Niya. She will most likely not be back here in time'Niya."

Elara nodded with a knowing look. "I guess I'll leave a letter with our thanks and gratitude."

"That would be great'Niya," Mila said. She then handed Elara a piece of paper and a pen. Elara thanked her and started writing the letter. After she was done, she folded the paper and gave it to Mila, then said, "I hope you will give this to Everleaf."

Mila nodded with a smile and said, "Of course'Niya, I will'Niya."

They then went back to the inn and told the innkeeper and his wife that their stay had come to an end and they would be leaving in three days. Emy, peeking around the corner, started crying and ran to Ella.

"Are you really leaving?" she asked.

"Yes," Ella said with a sad smile. "But cheer up, Emy. We will surely meet again, and by then, I will have more tales to tell."

Emy sniffled and looked at Ella with a smile. "You better have some good stories to tell when you come back."

Ella nodded happily, flew close to Emy, and hugged her. It was an awkward hug since Emy was still much bigger than Ella, so Ella was hugging Emy's head and patting her hair. Then Ella kissed her forehead and whispered a soft chant, "May the spirits be with you." Ella glowed faintly, and the glow transferred from her to Emy.

"There, now we are connected. If we are close to each other, we will both know it."

Emy smiled and giggled. "It tickled."

"I guess we have to have a farewell dinner," the innkeeper's wife said. "I'll start cooking a feast."

As the innkeeper's wife bustled off to the kitchen, the group settled into the cozy common room, the aroma of cooking food soon filling the air. They spent the evening sharing stories, laughter, and the warmth of friendship, making the most of their remaining time together.

The farewell feast was a grand affair. The table was laden with delicious dishes: roasted meats, fresh bread, hearty stews, and sweet pastries. Emy's eyes sparkled with delight as she helped serve the food, her earlier sadness replaced with excitement.

"To new adventures and safe travels," the innkeeper said, raising his glass in a toast. "You'll always have a home here at the Golden Acorn."

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together, the sound echoing their shared bond. The meal was filled with lively conversation and heartfelt farewells. Even Nori, usually shy, found himself laughing and chatting animatedly.

As the night drew to a close, Elara, Lilith, Ella, and Nori said their final goodbyes. Hugs were exchanged, promises to write and visit were made, and a few tears were shed.

Emy clung to Ella one last time. "Promise you'll come back soon?"

"I promise," Ella said, her voice full of emotion. "And until then, remember our connection. We're never truly apart."

With hearts full of gratitude and a touch of sadness, the adventurers retired to their room for one last night at the inn. The next morning, they would embark on their journey to Bez'Eru, ready to face new challenges and make new memories.

As they lay in their beds, Lilith whispered, "To new beginnings."

"To new beginnings," Elara and Ella echoed, their voices filled with hope and determination. The future awaited, and they were ready to meet it head-on.