
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

The Banquet, and a Demon lord?

The next morning, they were woken up by the bustling city noise booming with laughter and cheer as the citizens busied themselves carrying goods from all over the city to the town square. The air was filled with the scent of fresh bread, roasted meats, and the fragrant aroma of flowers being used to decorate the streets. High spirits were palpable as everyone prepared for the banquet later that day.

Elara stretched and looked out the window, seeing the townspeople bustling about with smiles on their faces. "It looks like the entire city is involved in the preparations," she remarked.

Lilith, already up and peeking out the window, nodded enthusiastically. "It's amazing to see everyone so happy and united. This is going to be a day to remember."

Ella, still nestled on her fluffy pillow but fully awake, grinned. "Let's hurry up and get ready. I don't want to miss a single moment of the festivities."

They quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, where they were greeted by Jizla. "Good morning! Excited for the banquet?" she asked with a cheerful smile.

"Very much so," Elara replied. "The whole city seems to be buzzing with excitement."

Jizla nodded. "It's not every day we get to celebrate such a victory. Lord Taitez and his family have really brought the city together with this event."

They bid Jizla goodbye and walked to the tavern for some breakfast. In the tavern stood Harvin and greeted them with a jolly laugh. "Hard to sleep, isn't it, with the whole city working together?"

Elara nodded with a smile and answered, "Good morning, Harvin. Indeed, it's a little noisy today, but it's much better than the gloomy atmosphere that plagued the citizens when we first arrived."

Harvin chuckled. "Aye, the city's alive with energy. What can I get for you this morning?"

"We'd like some light breakfast," Elara replied. "It would be a shame to eat too much with the banquet on its way."

"Indeed," Harvin agreed. "There will also be food stalls, so you won't want to miss out on all the delicacies."

Harvin quickly prepared a simple but delicious breakfast, consisting of fresh bread, fruits, and a light porridge. As they ate, they chatted about the day's events and their excitement for the banquet.

Lilith, with her usual curiosity, asked, "Harvin, have you heard any more details about the banquet?"

Harvin nodded. "From what I've gathered, it's going to be quite the spectacle. Lord Algran and the adventurers who defeated the necromancer will be honored. There will be music, dancing, and performances from local artists. And of course, plenty of food and drink."

Ella's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I can't wait to see it all!"

After finishing their breakfast, they thanked Harvin and made their way back outside. The city was already buzzing with activity as more decorations went up and final preparations were made. They decided to explore the town square and soak in the festive atmosphere before the banquet began.

As they wandered through the bustling streets, they saw vendors setting up colorful stalls filled with all sorts of goods. Children ran around with excited faces, and the air was filled with laughter and chatter. The once somber city now radiated joy and unity.

When they reached the town square, they saw the large stage being prepared for the evening's performances. Tables and chairs were arranged, and musicians were tuning their instruments. The aroma of various dishes being prepared wafted through the air, making their stomachs rumble despite their recent breakfast.

Elara spotted Garret in the crowd, overseeing the preparations. He waved them over with a smile. "Good to see you all! Everything's coming together nicely. The banquet will start in just a few hours."

"We're looking forward to it," Lilith said, her excitement barely contained.

Garret nodded. "Make sure to enjoy the festivities. There's something for everyone today.

As the hours passed, the city continued to transform. By late afternoon, the town square was filled with people, and the festive atmosphere reached its peak. The banquet began with a grand parade, showcasing the adventurers who had defeated the necromancer. The crowd cheered loudly as Lord Algran and his companions took the stage, their bravery celebrated by all.

Speeches were made, and toasts were raised, each one honoring the unity and strength of the people. The feast commenced, and the trio found themselves surrounded by delicious food and lively conversations.

As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle, the music started, and the dancing began. Elara, Lilith, and Ella joined in, their spirits lifted by the camaraderie and joy surrounding them.

After they were done dancing, Elara spotted Lord Taitez in high spirits, surrounded by both his sons, talking and laughing. Then she noticed Kai next to them. Kai saw Elara looking and waved her over. Elara took Lilith by the hand and guided her through the crowd. Ella, who had been resting on Lilith's shoulder after a long time flying around, catching her breath and resting her wings, remained perched comfortably.

As they stood in front of Kai, they greeted him with a smile. "Our hero," Elara said with a smile.

Kai laughed. "Hero? Pfft. I did my part in the fight against the necromancer, but the true hero of the group is Lord Algran. He was the perfect leader and fought valiantly."

Elara nodded in agreement. "Well, in the eyes of the citizens, you are all heroes."

Taitez, noticing Elara, spoke up. "Greetings, Elara. Are these your companions?"

Elara turned to the lords and bowed slightly. "Greetings, Lord Taitez. Greetings, Lord Algran and Lord Garret. Yes, these are my companions. This young one is Lilith, and the faerie's name is Ella."

Lord Taitez smiled warmly at Lilith and Ella. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Your presence here is most welcome."

Lilith, a bit shy, curtsied slightly. "It's an honor to meet you, Lord Taitez."

Ella fluttered her wings and gave a tiny bow. "Yes, an honor indeed."

Algran stepped forward, his expression kind and respectful. "Elara, your reputation precedes you. My brother has spoken highly of your skills and bravery."

Elara smiled, a touch of pride in her eyes. "Thank you, Lord Algran. I'm glad to have been of service."

Garret, always cheerful, clapped Elara on the shoulder. "You've were a great help to us when we travel from Everwood to Bez'Eru. We couldn't have made it safely without your support."

The group continued to talk, sharing stories of their adventures and victories. The festive atmosphere was infectious, and even the usually serious Taitez seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. The conversation flowed easily as they exchanged tales and laughed together.

Algran took a deep breath, a smile spreading across his face as he began recounting their recent quest. "We managed to locate the necromancer with the help of a spell that Kai used," he said, nodding toward Kai, who grinned modestly. "It led us to a ruined fortress deep in the mountains. We had to slay undead all the way up until we finally found the necromancer and defeated him."

Elara leaned in, fascinated. "That must have been quite a battle."

Algran nodded. "It was. I couldn't have done it without Kai and the other adventurers. Kai showed off his prowess as a battle-mage. That spear of his is no joke."

Kai chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's all about teamwork, really."

Algran laughed loudly. "Don't let his modesty fool you. Kai's spear work was something to behold. He fought valiantly, cutting through the undead like they were nothing."

Lilith's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I wish I could have seen that."

Kai smiled at her. "You'll get your chance to see plenty of action, I'm sure. Adventures like ours are always on the horizon."

Ella, sitting on Lilith's shoulder, chimed in. "Just think of all the stories we'll have to tell after our own adventures."

Lord Taitez, listening intently, nodded approvingly. "Your bravery and skill have brought peace to our city. For that, we are eternally grateful."

Garret, curiosity piqued, asked, "A ruined fortress in the mountains? I didn't know there was such a place."

Algran looked at his brother and nodded. "It's a ruin from ancient times, long ago. We found out about it by reading old texts and scrolls. It dates back to when a Demon Lord named Jagh ruled the area, thousands of years ago, according to the texts.

The necromancer seemed to have found it and raised the dead there, building up his force. It was lucky that we got there when we did. Who knows how big an army he could have built if he had not been disturbed."

Lilith leaned in, eyes wide with fascination. "A Demon Lord named Jagh? That sounds like something out of a legend."

Kai chuckled. "It practically is. The texts we found were incredibly old. They spoke of Jagh's rule and his eventual downfall. The necromancer must have stumbled upon the ruins and decided to make it his base of operations."

Elara nodded thoughtfully. "It's a good thing you managed to stop him before he could grow too powerful. The city owes you all a great debt."

Lord Taitez smiled warmly. "Indeed. And it's not just the city; the entire region is safer because of your actions."

Algran looked around at the gathered group, his expression serious. "We should remain vigilant, though. There are always remnants of such dark times lurking in hidden places. The necromancer's discovery of the fortress proves that."

Elara agreed. "We will keep our eyes open and continue to protect the people. That's what we do best."

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere remained festive, with laughter and music filling the air. The citizens of Bez'eru were clearly in high spirits, grateful for the peace that had been restored. The adventurers knew that their journey was far from over, but for now, they could enjoy the moment and the company of newfound friends.

When the banquet finally began to wind down, Elara, Lilith, and Ella made their way back to their room, their hearts full of hope and their spirits high.

As they settled in for the night, the sounds of celebration still echoed in the distance. 

Elara looked at her companions with a smile. "That was a great Banquet today. This city is safer and happier because of Kai and the other adventures."

"And lord Algran" lilith chimed in.

ella already laying on her fluffy pillow closed her eyes and said. "yea it was a good banquet, now its time for some snooz snooz. good night guys"

"Good night ella" elara and lilith said now laying in there own beds ready to sleep.