
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

Solo Adventure

With the city of Bez'eru behind her, Lilith set off for her quest.

Back when Lilith was preparing for the quest, gathering supplies with the help of Ella, Elara had made a new magic bag for her. It was a small bag imbued with space-magic, adorned with small runes on the sides and inside. Elara made it because Lilith didn't have her own bag to carry her supplies, and what kind of maid-knight would she be if she didn't at least do this much for Lilith?

Lilith's spirits were high as she walked toward the mountains visible in the distance. Grasping her new bag with a grin, she thought to herself, Damn, Elara, this bag is amazing. I'm so grateful. I hope you and Ella stay safe in the city and don't worry too much. I could see in their eyes they were a little uneasy about letting me go alone on this journey, but they still let me go. I will not let them down.

With all that Kai has taught me as a battle-mage and with Elara showing me how to set up a campsite safely with protections and all, I'm ready!

As she walked, Lilith encountered miners along the way, some heading towards the mountain like her, while others were returning with carriages filled to the brim with magic stones, ores, and gems. Lilith greeted them warmly as she passed by. The journey to the mountain was relatively straightforward; she simply followed the road.

By the early evening, Lilith arrived at a resting point established long ago by the lord for miners and travelers alike. It was considered somewhat safe, but as Elara had taught her, Lilith immediately set up protection wards around the area.

Not long after finishing her preparations, the miners she had passed earlier arrived at the resting site. They greeted her and asked if they could stay nearby for safety. Lilith nodded warmly and agreed.

"I'm Lilith. Nice to meet you," she said with a smile.

The leader of the miners, Thorsten, a dwarf with a full beard, greeted her loudly with a jolly voice, "Greetings, young miss. My name is Thorsten, and I'm the foreman of this mining group. Thank you for letting us stay with you. as you know the saying. There's safety in numbers."

Lilith smiled back, appreciating Thorsten's jovial demeanor and the camaraderie of having company for the night.

After sharing some of their supplies, Lilith felt satiated and began to yawn, signaling that she was ready to settle in for the night. She bid Thorsten and the other miners goodnight warmly before laying down on the ground, nestled in a magical sleeping bag she had acquired from Bez'eru, which was imbued with protective runes.

As she settled into the sleeping bag, Lilith couldn't help but marvel at the wonders that a magical city like Bez'eru could produce. The bag was a testament to the city's craftsmanship and the practical use of magic stones, ores, and gems. Feeling safe with the protection wards she had set up, Lilith soon drifted off to sleep peacefully.

The miners, reassured by her preparations, also settled in nearby, finding comfort in the safety of numbers and the magical defenses Lilith had put in place.

Meanwhile, a bit away from the resting site, two shadows lurked in the darkness. They observed the resting site carefully, their attention fixed on Lilith sleeping peacefully and the miners nearby also resting.

"She's a good kid," Elara remarked quietly, her eyes focused on Lilith. "Letting others stay within her protection wards shows she's learned well from me and Kai."

"Well, she's followed your teachings perfectly. It's not surprising," Ella added softly.

Elara smiled warmly, pride evident in her expression. "She's done everything I taught her, and she's done it right. I couldn't be prouder."

Deciding on a suitable spot to settle down, Elara continued, "Let's stay here, Ella. It's a nice spot—out of sight from the resting site but close enough."

Ella nodded in agreement, a yawn escaping her lips. "Yeeeea, I'm sleepy too."

The night passed peacefully, and Lilith woke up feeling refreshed and ready to continue her journey. She exchanged a few words with the miners, thanking them for their company. They advised her that with her speed, she should reach the mining camp set up at the foot of the mountain by midday.

"It's like a small village," one of the miners explained. "There's a tavern there where you can get food and drinks, and a guard tower with patrols to keep watch and prevent any bandit attacks. Other than that, most of us sleep in tents or under the trees."

Lilith nodded gratefully, gathering her belongings and preparing to depart. She bid farewell to the miners and expressed her gratitude once more for their company and the information they provided. With a determined stride, she set off towards the mining camp, eager to reach her destination and continue her quest.

The trip to the mining camp was a joyous journey for Lilith. As she walked along the path, she marveled at the wildlife surrounding her. Deer and their fawns grazed peacefully in the meadows, their ears twitching as they sensed her presence but showing no fear.

Lilith noticed that the more she walked alone, the more animals seemed to emerge from their hiding places. Rabbits hopped across the path, squirrels chattered in the trees, and birds sang from the branches above. It was as if Lilith had a calming effect on the surroundings, her presence soothing and gentle.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight of a family of foxes playing near a burrow, their playful antics bringing a sense of warmth to her heart. The forest seemed to come alive around her, and she felt a deep connection to the natural world, as if the animals were drawn to her in a way she couldn't quite explain.

The sun climbed higher in the sky as Lilith continued her journey, the path gradually ascending towards the mountains. The air grew cooler, and the scent of pine filled her lungs. The tranquility of the forest and the beauty of the wildlife made the journey feel almost magical, and Lilith couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment.

As she neared the mining camp, she saw the first signs of human activity. The sound of hammers and the murmur of voices carried through the trees. She emerged from the forest to see the camp spread out before her, a bustling hub of activity with tents, a guard tower, and the tavern the miners had mentioned.

With a final glance back at the serene forest, Lilith stepped into the camp, ready to take the next step on her quest.

As Lilith entered the camp, she was immediately approached by two guards. They were sturdy men, clad in leather armor with swords at their sides. One of them held up a hand, signaling for her to stop.

"Hold on there, miss," he said, his voice firm but not unkind. "Who are you and what brings you to our camp?"

Lilith smiled warmly, reaching into her pocket to retrieve her adventurer token. She held it up for the guards to see, the silver emblem gleaming in the light. "I'm Lilith," she said confidently. "An adventurer from Bez'eru. I've come here for the subjugation of the undead that have been troubling your miners."

The guard leaned in to examine the token, his expression softening as he recognized its authenticity. "Ah, an adventurer," he said, nodding appreciatively. "We've been expecting someone from the guild. It's good to have you here."

The second guard, who had been observing quietly, spoke up. "The undead have been a real problem lately. They've been attacking our miners and causing all sorts of trouble. We could use all the help we can get."

Lilith nodded, her resolve firm. "I understand. I'll do my best to take care of the problem."

The first guard stepped aside, gesturing for her to enter the camp. "Welcome, Lilith. If you need any information or assistance, just ask around. You'll find most of the miners in the tavern or around the tents."

Lilith thanked the guards and proceeded into the camp. The atmosphere was bustling with activity, miners and workers moving about with purpose. She could see the guard tower in the distance, a sturdy structure that offered a good vantage point over the camp and the surrounding area.

Her first stop was the tavern, a lively place where miners gathered to relax after a long day's work. She pushed open the door and stepped inside, greeted by the warm smell of food and the hum of conversation. She made her way to the counter, where a burly man with a bushy beard was serving drinks.

"Excuse me," Lilith said, catching his attention. "I'm looking for information about the undead attacks. Can you point me in the right direction?"

The man wiped his hands on a rag and nodded. "You'll want to talk to Brumstone, the foreman. He's usually over by the tents. He can tell you more about where the attacks have been happening."

"Thank you," Lilith replied. She turned and made her way towards the tents, determined to gather as much information as she could before setting out on her mission.

Far up the mountain, a shadowy figure stood in a dimly lit cavern, illuminated only by the eerie glow of an orb in his hands. The orb displayed a live image of the mining campsite, capturing every detail. The figure leaned closer, intrigued by the scene unfolding within the orb.

"How interesting," the figure murmured to himself, his voice a low, raspy whisper that echoed off the cavern walls. A sinister smile crept across his face, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. He continued to watch Lilith as she interacted with the miners and guards, noting her confidence and the way the wildlife seemed to respond to her presence.

"How interesting indeed," he repeated, this time louder, his voice dripping with malicious glee. "This girl... she seems to be connected to the world in a way that is rare."

The figure's laughter filled the cavern, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of any creatures that might be lurking in the shadows. He placed the orb on a pedestal carved from ancient stone, still observing Lilith's every move.

"Let's see how she handles the challenges ahead," he mused, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "The undead won't be her only challenge."