
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

Lost and Found

As the morning unfolded in the tranquil garden of Everwood's guild, Lilith remained deeply engrossed in her books, her curiosity about the capital's history and lore driving her exploration of each page. Meanwhile, Everleaf and Elara sat nearby, engaged in a quiet conversation, their voices occasionally mingling with the gentle rustling of leaves and distant birdcalls.

Ella and Nori, having exhausted their interest in the garden's flora, began to flutter around the perimeter. Ella, somewhat restless, approached Elara with a delicate flutter of her wings.

"Is it okay if I go out to explore the capital in daylight?" Ella asked eagerly. "I've only seen it at night, so there's so much more to see."

Elara smiled warmly at her. "Of course, Ella. And is Nori going with you?"

Nori, who had been listening intently, flew over with a bright smile. "Yes, I'd love to explore more of the capital with Ella. It sounds exciting!"

Elara nodded approvingly. "Alright then, have fun exploring. I'll let Lilith know that you two have gone out. She seems quite absorbed in her reading."

With a grateful chirp, Ella and Nori took flight, their wings catching the sunlight as they soared over the bustling streets of Everwood's capital. They marveled at the colorful shops and the lively atmosphere, their curiosity leading them to new discoveries at every turn.

Suddenly, as they neared a quiet alley, Ella's keen senses caught a faint cry. She darted ahead, her heart skipping a beat when she spotted a small figure huddled near some crates.

"Oh, look!" Ella exclaimed, pointing excitedly. "It's a little girl."

Nori followed Ella's gaze, concern knitting his brow. "Let's go down and see what's wrong."

With a gentle descent, Ella and Nori approached the trembling child. The little girl, tears staining her cheeks, looked up with wide eyes as they landed gracefully before her.

"What's the matter?" Ella asked softly, her voice soothing.

The girl sniffled, her voice trembling. "I... I got lost. I was with my mommy at the market, but I wandered off, and now I can't find her."

Nori knelt down beside her, his demeanor gentle and reassuring. "It's okay. We'll help you find your mom. What's your name?"

The girl sniffed again and wiped her tears. "My name is Emy."

Just then, a frantic voice echoed from the end of the alley. "Emy! Oh, thank goodness, there you are!"

Ella and Nori turned to see a woman rushing towards them, relief flooding her features. It was the innkeeper's wife, her apron slightly disheveled from her hurried search.

"Oh, Emy, you had me so worried," the woman exclaimed, gathering her daughter into a tight embrace. "Thank you both so much for finding her."

Ella and Nori exchanged smiles, relieved to see the joyful reunion. "We're glad we could help," Ella said warmly. "Emy's a brave girl."

The innkeeper's wife nodded gratefully, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, thank you. Please, come by the inn kitchen. I'd love to repay you both for your kindness."

With a final wave, Ella and Nori watched as Emy and her mother disappeared around the corner, their hearts warmed by the small act of kindness they had shared that morning.

As they flew back towards the guild, Ella couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Nori glanced at her with a smile. "You know, Ella, you're really good at helping others."

Ella blushed lightly, her wings fluttering with happiness. "Thanks, Nori. I just want to make a difference, even if it's small."

Nori nodded, his admiration evident. "Well, you certainly did today. I'm glad I could be here with you."

With their newfound friendship deepening, Ella and Nori returned to the guild, their hearts lighter and their bond stronger than ever.

As they glided into the guild's garden, the soft breeze carrying the scent of flowers and earth, Ella and Nori spotted Elara and Lilith resting peacefully under the shade of the grand oak tree. Lilith had drifted off to sleep, her head comfortably nestled on Elara's lap.

"Hello," Elara whispered with a gentle smile as she noticed Ella and Nori approaching. "Did you have fun in the capital?"

Ella nodded quietly, her eyes bright with excitement. "It was amazing to see the capital and meet so many people," she replied in a hushed tone, mindful not to wake Lilith. Nori echoed her sentiment with a contented smile.

Ella then leaned closer to Elara, her curiosity piqued. "Did Lilith read herself to sleep?"

Elara nodded softly. "Yes, she did. Despite her appearance, she's still quite young at heart. When I saw her starting to doze off, I called her over here to rest. Everleaf had already left us by then; as the guild master, she has a lot of responsibilities and guild work to attend to. She mentioned her workload was piling up in her office, so I'm not sure when she'll be available again. We'll just have to wait and see when we next meet her."

Ella nodded thoughtfully, her wings fluttering slightly as she recalled the events from earlier that morning.

"Elara," she began, her voice tinged with excitement, "while Nori and I were exploring the capital, we heard a faint cry coming from an alley near the market. We flew over and found a little girl named Emy. She was sobbing, clearly lost and frightened. We asked her where her mother was, and she told us they had come to buy ingredients for the inn's kitchen. We knew we had to help."

Elara listened intently, her eyes widening with admiration for Ella and Nori's quick thinking. "That's incredible, Ella! And to think her mother is the innkeeper's wife. You both did an amazing job helping her find her way back."

Ella blushed modestly at the praise. "Well done, both of you," Elara said warmly, patting Ella's shoulder. "It's moments like these that remind us why we're adventurers." 

Time passed peacefully as they sat under the shade of the oak tree in the guild's garden. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of voices from other adventurers created a serene atmosphere. Lilith stirred awake, blinking in the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches above.

"Did you sleep well, Lilith?" Ella asked softly, her eyes sparkling with concern.

Lilith stretched languidly, feeling the comforting coolness of the grass beneath her. "Yes, I think I did," she replied, her voice still carrying traces of sleepiness. She glanced around, momentarily confused to find herself waking up outdoors. "How long was I out?"

"You slept for quite a while," Elara chuckled, amused by Lilith's dazed expression. "Mila stopped by to collect the books you borrowed from Everleaf. She mentioned you can borrow them again whenever you like."

Lilith's confusion melted away as she recalled the books and Everleaf's offer. "Ah, I see. Thank you for letting me know, Elara."

Nori, eager to share more, chimed in. "Ella and I were just telling Elara about finding Emy. Her mother was so relieved when she found us."

"That's wonderful news," Lilith said warmly, her eyes lighting up with pride. "But who is Emy?"

Nori gasped softly. "She's the daughter of the innkeeper and his wife," he explained, his voice filled with sympathy for the little girl they had helped earlier.

Lilith nodded, understanding dawning on her face. "Ah, I see. That must have been quite an adventure for you both."

Ella chimed in eagerly, her wings fluttering with excitement. "It was! Emy was so scared when we found her, but she was so brave too. And her mother was incredibly happy when she saw emy again."

Elara smiled fondly at Ella and Nori. "You both did a wonderful thing today. It shows how caring and quick-thinking you are."

Nori blushed slightly at the praise, while Ella's smile widened. "Thank you," she said softly, feeling proud of their impromptu rescue mission.

As they sat together in the peaceful garden, basking in the warmth of the sun, Lilith remarked, "It's getting late." She still seemed a little tired from her nap. "We should head back to the inn."

"Yes, that's right," Elara agreed with a soft smile. "Let's go back then."

"Sounds like a plan," Ella chimed in eagerly.

They made their way back to the inn, enjoying the gentle breeze that swept through the streets. Upon entering the inn, they spotted Emy smiling, waving, and calling out to them. "Hello, faeries!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

"Hello," Ella replied with a smile. "I see you're all smiles now."

Nori also greeted Emy but gently corrected her, "Only Ella is a faerie. I am a forest sprite. We look similar, but we are two different races," he explained with a smile.

Emy looked at Nori with wide eyes, intrigued by the distinction. "Oh, that's so cool! You both have wings, though," she observed, bouncing on her feet with excitement.

"Yes, that's right," Nori nodded, amused by Emy's curiosity. "But faeries like Ella have special magic, and sprites like me are more attuned to nature."

Emy nodded thoughtfully, processing the information. "Can I see your wings up close?" she asked eagerly, looking at Nori with a bright smile.

Nori glanced at Ella, who nodded encouragingly. With a gentle flutter of his wings, Nori lifted off the ground slightly, displaying his shimmering green wings for Emy to see up close.

Emy gasped in awe, her eyes sparkling. "Wow, they're so pretty!" 

Ella grinned proudly, delighted to see Emy's fascination with Nori's wings. Moments like these made their adventures in Everwood even more special.

"Oh!" Emy exclaimed suddenly, breaking the moment of admiration. "Mother asked me to bring you to the diner when I saw you. Could you all please follow me?" she asked with a shy voice towards the end.

"Of course," Ella replied warmly. "We're here for dinner anyway, so it's the perfect time to go to the diner."

Emy's smile widened. "Then follow me."

They followed Emy into the cozy diner where the innkeeper greeted them warmly, thanking Ella and Nori for finding Emy. He ushered them to a table and said to Emy, "You can stay here with Ella. I'll go to the kitchen to get your mother."

The innkeeper swiftly returned with his wife. They both bowed respectfully and said aloud, "Thank you for taking care of Emy. Tonight's dinner is on the house."

The gesture filled the air with warmth and gratitude, making Ella, Nori, and even Emy feel welcomed and appreciated. They settled in at the table, looking forward to a delicious meal and cherishing the bonds they had formed in their time together in Everwood.