
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

Ella Got a New Friend

It was around dinner time when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lilith asked.

"It's me, Everleaf," came the reply. "The innkeeper told me your room number and said I could just walk up to you guys."

Lilith ran over to the door and opened it with a smile. "Come on in!"

"Oh, look how cozy this room is. I like it," Everleaf said, taking a look around.

"Yeah, it's not that big," Elara replied, "but it's good enough for us. And Ella doesn't really take up space either, so it's perfect."

Ella was lying on a pillow near the window, nodding and waving at Everleaf. Everleaf smiled and waved back at her.

"So, guys," Everleaf said, "should we go get some food downstairs? I'm getting hungry."

"Good idea," Elara agreed.

They all headed downstairs to the dining area, where the innkeeper greeted them with a warm smile. "Ah, good to see you all together! Dinner is almost ready. Please, take a seat."

As they settled into a cozy corner, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making their stomachs rumble with anticipation.

While waiting for their meal, Ella fluttered around the room, her curiosity piqued by the various guests and decorations. She noticed a small, green creature sitting alone at a table, looking rather glum. Intrigued, Ella flew over and hovered beside the creature.

"Hello there!" she chirped. "Why do you look so sad?"

The creature, a small forest sprite with bright emerald eyes, looked up in surprise. "Oh, hello. I'm just feeling a bit lonely. I haven't made many friends here yet."

Ella's face lit up with a warm smile. "Well, you're not alone anymore! My name is Ella. What's yours?"

The sprite, looking a bit less glum, responded, "I'm Nori."

"Nice to meet you, Nori!" Ella said, her voice full of cheer. "Come join us at our table. We're all friends here."

Nori hesitated, glancing over at the group sitting together. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

"Of course!" Ella insisted, gently taking Nori's tiny hand. "Come on, they'll be happy to meet you."

Ella led Nori over to the table where Lilith, Elara, and Everleaf were chatting and laughing. As they approached, Lilith noticed them first.

"Who's this?" she asked with a welcoming smile.

"This is Nori," Ella introduced him proudly. "He's new here and could use some company."

"Welcome, Nori!" Lilith said, her smile widening. "Please, join us."

Elara and Everleaf echoed Lilith's sentiments, and Nori took a seat at the table, looking a bit more at ease.

Everleaf leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, Nori, what brings you to the capital?"

Nori shifted a little in his seat, glancing at the others. "I'm here to learn more about different kinds of magic. My village is very small, and we don't get many visitors. I thought coming here would help me find new ways to help my people."

"That's wonderful!" Elara said, genuinely impressed. "There are so many resources here in Everwood. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for."

Lilith nodded enthusiastically. "And if you need any help, just let us know. We're always happy to lend a hand."

Their food arrived then, filling the table with steaming plates of delicious dishes. The innkeeper had outdone himself, and the group dug in with relish. As they ate, they shared stories of their adventures and listened to Nori talk about his home and the magic he was familiar with.

Ella, in particular, was fascinated by Nori's tales. "I'd love to see your village someday," she said, her eyes wide with excitement. "It sounds so magical."

Nori smiled, clearly touched by Ella's interest. "Maybe one day you can visit. I'm sure my people would love to meet you all."

As the evening wore on, the group laughed, talked, and enjoyed each other's company. Nori quickly became a part of their circle, his initial shyness melting away in the warmth of their friendship.

Eventually, the innkeeper came by to check on them. "How's everything?" he asked with a broad smile.

"Fantastic, as always," Everleaf replied. "Thank you for the wonderful meal."

The innkeeper beamed. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you need anything else, just let me know."

As they finished their meal and prepared to head back to their room, Ella hovered beside Nori. "So, what are your plans now?"

Nori looked thoughtful. "I think I'll explore the city a bit more tomorrow. There's so much to see and learn here."

"Sounds like a great plan," Ella said. "Maybe we can join you for some of it. It's always more fun with friends."

Nori's face lit up. "I'd like that."

"Oh, by the way, Lilith," Everleaf said. "About the books and knowledge you said you seek, I have found some books in the guild. They are in my office, so if you guys come over tomorrow, I can lend them to you. And if you like, you can read in the guild's garden. It's open to all adventurers and is a nice place to read in peace."

Lilith's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Thank you so much, Everleaf! That sounds wonderful. I can't wait to dive into those books."

"Great," Everleaf replied with a smile.

"We'll make sure to stop by the guild tomorrow." elara said.

With their plans for the next day set, the group enjoyed the rest of their meal, chatting and laughing together. Ella and Nori became fast friends, exchanging stories about their homes in the forest and their hopes for the future.

When it was time to retire for the night, they all headed back to their cozy room. Nori was given a small, makeshift bed near the window, and he settled in with a contented sigh. Ella fluttered over to him, her wings glowing softly in the dim light.

"Goodnight, Nori," she said. "I'm glad you're with us."

"Goodnight, Ella," Nori replied with a smile. "I'm glad too."

As they all settled down to sleep, the room filled with a sense of warmth and friendship. They knew that with each other by their sides, they could face whatever adventures awaited them in the days to come.

The next morning, Ella woke up early and greeted Nori with a smile. "Wow, Nori, your wings are shining in the sunlight," she said, admiring the glimmering glow.

"Ahh, yes," Nori answered with a soft smile. "Most of my kin's wings do that."

"Good morning, Ella. Good morning, Nori," Lilith said, rubbing her eyes as she joined them. "Did you guys sleep well?"

"Very well," Ella chirped, fluttering around the room. "It's such a nice day outside!"

"I slept well too," Nori said, stretching his tiny arms. "Thank you for letting me stay with you."

Elara soon stirred, joining the morning greetings. "Good morning, everyone," Elara said, brushing her hair back. "Ready for a new day?"

lilith nodded, with a smile on her face. "Yes, and we have quite a day ahead. First, let's get some breakfast, then we can head over to the guild."

As they made their way downstairs, the innkeeper greeted them with a hearty breakfast spread. Freshly baked bread, fruits, and warm porridge awaited them, filling the air with a delicious aroma.

"Thank you for the wonderful breakfast," Elara said, taking a seat.

"You're welcome! Enjoy," the innkeeper replied with a cheerful nod.

As they ate, the group chatted about their plans for the day. Lilith was excited about visiting the guild's garden to read the books Everleaf had mentioned, while Ella and Nori planned to explore more of the capital.

After finishing their meal, they thanked the innkeeper and set off for the guild. The streets were bustling with activity, but they navigated through the crowd with ease, their spirits high.

Upon arriving at the guild, they saw Everleaf. Everleaf wave at them and then led them to her office, where she handed Lilith a stack of books. "Here you go. These should keep you busy for a while."

Lilith's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Everleaf. I can't wait to start reading."

They then made their way to the guild's garden, a serene and peaceful area filled with blooming flowers and shaded by large trees. Lilith found a comfortable spot to sit and began reading, while Ella and Nori explored the garden, marveling at the beauty around them.'

As Lilith immersed herself in her books and Ella and Nori flitted about the garden, Everleaf and Elara found a quiet bench under a large oak tree. The morning sun filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

Everleaf glanced over at Lilith, her expression thoughtful. "Elara, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," she began, her voice soft and cautious.

Elara turned to her, sensing the seriousness in Everleaf's tone. "What is it, Everleaf?"

Everleaf took a deep breath. "I've noticed something... unusual about Lilith. There's a feeling I get around her, something powerful and ancient. It's as if she carries the presence of a greater being, like a hero or a dragon, or even a demon lord. But the strange thing is, I sense no malice or ill intent from her. She's just a young, happy child."

Elara nodded slowly, her gaze drifting to Lilith. "I've felt something too, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. She has an aura, something that sets her apart. It's one of the reasons I felt compelled to protect her."

Everleaf sighed. "It's rare for a maid-knight to serve a young child unless that child is special. And Lilith... she's definitely special. But I can't help but wonder what her true nature is. What if there's more to her story than we know?"

Elara's eyes softened as she looked at Lilith, who was deeply engrossed in her book. "Whatever her origins, Lilith is kind-hearted and pure. She has a light within her that draws people in, makes them care for her. I believe in her, Everleaf. And whatever comes, we'll face it together."

Everleaf smiled, feeling reassured by Elara's words. "You're right. Lilith is fortunate to have you by her side, Elara. And so are we."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, watching as Ella and Nori played among the flowers. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a soothing backdrop, a stark contrast to the uncertainties that lay ahead.

"Let's keep an eye on her," Everleaf finally said, her voice firm but gentle. "And be there for her, whatever happens."

Elara nodded, her resolve unwavering. "Agreed. We'll protect her, no matter what."

With their conversation drawing to a close, the two women shared a quiet understanding.