
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

A Strange Dream and a Meeting with the Guild Master

As they settled into their beds, Lilith said, "This reminds me of the quarters we had back in Verdant Hollow village."

"Ah yes," Elara responded with a smile. "They are similar indeed. I guess the bedding is the only difference, really."

Ella began to flutter around the room, filled with energy. "I'm not really tired. Is it okay if I fly around outside? I can even see if I can find the guild so we don't need to look for it tomorrow."

Lilith looked at Ella, then at Elara. "Well, it's fine by me as long as you stay safe."

Elara nodded in agreement. "Yes, as long as you stay safe. We can open the window so you can fly out and see the capital and fly back in when you are done."

Ella beamed happily. "Okay, I'll go find the guild!" she exclaimed, and with that, she flew out of the window.

Elara looked at Lilith. "It is time to sleep, Lilith."

Lilith nodded and climbed into bed, and Elara did the same. They soon drifted into a deep sleep.

In her slumber, Lilith found herself in a strange dream. She was surrounded by darkness, except for a silver light that emanated from the necklace. She ran toward the light, and as she reached it, she heard a voice.

"Oh, little one... who are you?" the voice asked.

Lilith looked stunned at the necklace. "Wait, you can talk?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes," the necklace responded.

Lilith looked even more bewildered. "Who are you?" she inquired.

The necklace hummed as if in thought. "Well, well," it said. "Who I am is a wide concept. I was once a mighty dragon called Aurora the Northern Light. After losing a fight to a demon lord 10,000 years ago, I became this necklace. My soul was infused, and I was trapped in it. I slept for some time after that. I only just reawakened when you found me in the forest."

"Oh," Lilith exclaimed. "You might have been awakened when I came into this world. You see, I too am a demon lord."

Aurora replied, "Oh, little one, you might indeed be the one who awakened me. But I do not sense the same aura as other demon lords. You might be special."

Lilith, now deep in thought, said, "Well, I am on a journey to travel the world and find answers about who I am. All I know at the moment is that I am a demon lord. People don't know I'm a demon lord other than Elara and Ella."

Aurora said in a smiling tone, "That is good to hear. I do not know who Elara and Ella are, but they sound like trustworthy companions."

Lilith nodded. "Elara is the first person I met in this world. She is a maid-knight. And Ella, well, she is a faerie to whom I feel a deep connection."

Aurora exclaimed, "A MAID-KNIGHT! Now that is rare indeed. Maid-knights were even around when I was alive. They are righteous people who serve whom they deem fit to follow. You, little one, you are indeed special. A young demon lord and a maid-knight... now that is something."

Aurora then said, "Our time here is about to end. If you want to talk to me, just wear the necklace and whisper my name, Aurora of the Northern Light, and I shall answer you."

With that, the dream faded, and Lilith awoke with a start.

The next morning, Lilith shared her dream with Elara and Ella. They listened intently, their expressions thoughtful.

"We should definitely try to speak with Aurora again," Elara said. "It sounds like she has valuable knowledge."

Ella nodded. "Agreed. But first, we need to go to the guild. I found it last night—it's a big building that looks like a small castle. I can take us there after breakfast."

They went downstairs and greeted the innkeeper, asking for breakfast. They enjoyed their meal and then set off toward the guild. As they walked, Ella excitedly shared what she had seen in the capital the previous night. The bustling city was alive with people of all races, filling the streets with vibrant energy.

After about an hour, they reached the grand building of the Everwood Adventurers Guild. Approaching the reception desk, they were greeted by a female catkin, a member of the beastfolk with cat ears and a tail. She ended her speech with a characteristic "niya" and smiled warmly.

"Welcome to the Everwood Adventurers Guild'niya. What can we do for you todaiya?" she asked.

Elara stepped forward. "We are here to deliver a token for a completed quest. It was a guarding quest." She handed over the token.

The catkin inspected the token and nodded. "Indeed'niya, this is a completion token'iya. I'll process your payment'niya. It might take a moment, so please wait here'niya." She left to go to the back.

While they waited, Lilith looked around, marveling at the size and differences from the guild in Oakvillage. Ella, hiding in Lilith's hair, popped out her head and said, "Yes, it is really, really big."

About five minutes later, the catkin returned with their payment. "Now that the payment has been processed'niya, is there anything else we can help you with here in the guild'niya?" she asked.

Elara replied, "We also need to meet with the guild master. We were sent by the guild master of Oakvillage."

"Oh, I see'niya," the catkin said. "Give me a minute'niya. I'll go see if the guild master is available'niya." She disappeared for a few moments, then returned. "The guild master is ready to greet you. Please follow me'niya."

They followed the catkin up a flight of stairs. Upstairs, the space was smaller than the guild hall below but still quite large. At one end was a door with a sign that read "Guild Master Everleaf." They knocked, and a female voice from within said, "Please enter."

Inside, the guild master, Everleaf, stood to greet them. She was an elegant elf with long, flowing hair and an aura of wisdom. "Welcome," she said warmly. "I understand you have traveled from Oakvillage and have important information for me."

Elara stepped forward. "Yes, Guild Master Everleaf. We found this necklace, which we believe is the cause of the mana poisoning in the forest.

"I see," said Everleaf thoughtfully. She looked at the catkin and said, "Thank you, Mila. You can leave us; we have much to talk about. Oh, and Mila, one more thing. Could you bring us some tea and snacks? Thank you."

"As you wish, Guild Mast'Niya," Mila replied before leaving the room.

Everleaf turned back to Elara. "Please tell me more about the necklace and its connection to the mana poisoning in the Whispering Forest."

Elara started to explain and then gently looked over to Lilith. "Lilith had a dream last night about the necklace."

"Oh, how interesting," Everleaf said with a smile, looking at Lilith with eyes full of curiosity. "Please, tell me more."

Lilith recounted the dream, describing Aurora and how her soul was trapped in the necklace. She refrained from mentioning her own identity as a demon lord but explained that, according to the dream, she could communicate with Aurora by wearing the necklace and whispering her name. However, she admitted they hadn't tried it yet, so she wasn't sure if it would work or if it was just a dream.

Before Everleaf could speak, a knock on the door interrupted them. "You may enter," Everleaf called out.

The door opened, and in came Mila with a tray of tea and snacks. "Here are some snacks and tea'Niya," she said, placing the tray on the table. "Is there anything else you need, Guild Mast'Niya?"

Everleaf nodded. "No, that will be all, Mila. Thank you."

Mila bowed and left the room once more.

Everleaf poured the tea and handed cups to Elara, Lilith, and Ella, who eagerly accepted the refreshment. "This is quite the revelation," Everleaf said, taking a sip of her tea. "Aurora of the Northern Light was a dragon of great power and wisdom. If her soul is indeed trapped in this necklace, it could explain the disturbances in the Whispering Forest. The presence of such a powerful entity, even in an artifact, could disrupt the natural mana flow."

Lilith nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Should we try to communicate with Aurora now?"

Everleaf considered this for a moment. "It would be wise to try. If Aurora has information, it could help us understand the situation better and perhaps find a way to resolve it."

Lilith took a deep breath, holding the necklace in her hands. She glanced at Elara and Ella, who both nodded encouragingly. With determination, she slipped the necklace over her head and whispered, "Aurora of the Northern Light."

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a soft, glowing light emanated from the necklace, and a gentle, melodic voice filled the room. "Hello, little one. I see you have called upon me. How may I assist you?"

Everyone in the room looked at the necklace in awe. Lilith swallowed and spoke, "Aurora, we need your help. We believe your presence is causing the mana poisoning in the Whispering Forest. Can you tell us more about how you came to be in this necklace and what we can do to fix the forest?"

Aurora's voice responded with a hint of sadness. "I was once a mighty dragon, defeated in battle by a demon lord. My soul was trapped in this necklace as punishment. I have been dormant for thousands of years, only to awaken recently. The mana poisoning might be a side effect of my awakening. To restore balance, we must perform a ritual. The Ritual of Renewal is an ancient rite that gathers all the mana poisoning and cleanses it. It would work best where you found the necklace, as that is most likely where it all started. The four of you and I together might be able to perform it, if the guild master can travel with us."

Everleaf looked thoughtful. "I might just have the time. It should not take more than a week to get to the forest, so as long as nothing urgent arises, I should be able to travel with you."

Lilith, Elara, and Ella exchanged hopeful glances. The idea of performing an ancient ritual with the help of a powerful dragon spirit seemed daunting, but it also felt like the key to resolving the forest's troubles.

Elara spoke first. "Thank you, Guild Master Everleaf. Your assistance means a lot to us. We should prepare for the journey and gather any supplies we might need."

Everleaf nodded. "Agreed. I will make the necessary arrangements here and inform my second-in-command to handle guild matters in my absence. We should depart as soon as possible to ensure the forest can begin healing."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the group began to make their preparations. Elara and Lilith gathered provisions and travel gear, while Ella fluttered around excitedly, her tiny wings buzzing with anticipation. Everleaf coordinated with her staff, ensuring that everything would be managed smoothly during her absence.

The next morning, as the sun rose over Everwood, the group assembled at the city gates. Everleaf, now dressed in travel attire rather than her formal guild master robes, joined them with a determined expression. The journey ahead was long, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay in their path.

The road back to the Whispering Forest was both familiar and new, with Everleaf pointing out landmarks and sharing stories of her own adventures. As they traveled, they bonded over shared meals and campfire tales, growing closer as a team.