
The Xovunides

The dc universe and marvel universe will be as one. The Xovunides are an alien race that has not been discovered yet until now

silverxp · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 5

One year has passed and the events of Ultron movie took place. And Darkness made it to Themyscira now going through their trials and getting stronger. nothing has changed was the 7 with Starlight asking the justice league for help. And the world now knows about compound v.

(Underworld). *Swoosh we see Chiaroscuro flying around Hela in circles. I see your speed is improving but it's going to be enough. Hela said while grabbing Chi's leg and slamming her into the lava. *Ahhh Chi now flying out of the lava. Man I know lava can't burn but that was super hot. Chi said landing on the ground. You do know there's only one year left it's time we take off the kid's gloves Chi and get serious. Hela said looking serious. I should've known that you were going easy you did the same thing we first met. Chi said flying towards Hela.

(In deep space). The king of Xalvadora is in a spaceship heading to a planet. looks like we'll reach this planet on schedule. the king said. My lord, may I ask why are we going to this planet? One of the Crew mates asked. I heard this planet has a good environment enough to live on. I thought why not have a second home just in case. the king said looking at a screen that had the unknown planet on it. This may be our New future no one knows about this planet. I found this planet when my father told stories about it. A planet that can give anyone a new path that can give us a new path. the king said.

(Earth training field). *Boom *boom *boom Hakari and Ursaal clashed with both holding hands trying to push the other back. I guess you got a little stronger Hakari but you're still weaker than your sister. Hakari was clenching his teeth struggling to push Ursaal back. *Grunt I know I'm nothing like my sister that's why I have to train harder to the point where I can't feel my body. Hmph, it's going to take a lot more than that *urahh. Ursaal threw Hakari to the ground. Try to summon a little more strength Hakari and don't try to use your healing ability it won't work since you have barely any stamina left. Ursaal yelled. *tch damnit come on get body get up this isn't the end I have to surpass my limits. I'm a Xovunide one of the most powerful race in the universe. Hakari began to lift himself. I may be weaker than most but I'll get stronger and keep getting stronger. Hakari now was standing on both legs his body was completely battle-damaged. Okay, Hakari I'm kinda impressed but talking about getting stronger is not enough. You'll need to show it. Ursaal said. Both now looking at each other. (5 hours later). Hakari was now laying on the ground with Ursaal standing above him battle damage and Hakari looked like he might die if he moved. That was fun Hakari but I suspect more than this when you get stronger. Ursaal said. Yeah but first let me heal hehe ouch great now laughing hurts. Hakari said in pain. I wonder where your dad went? Ursaal question

(Clovis pov). Clovis was fighting a monster made of lava in a cave. What the hell I thought the earth was a peaceful place. It's worse than Xalvadora. Clovis said punching and dodging the lava monster. It's time to end this and check up on Hakari I wonder if he's gotten stronger. Clovis Said flying around the lava monster like a tornado Now punching its head off. Well, that was easy. Clovis said flying off.

(Hakari pov). *Ouch can't you at least stop going for the kill? My danger Sense is starting to hurt my head a little. Hakari said holding his hand. Well get stronger to keep up then and this danger Sense can't you at least modify it where it can detect more than when your life's in real danger? Ursaal asked looking at Hakari folding her arms. I never tried it plus I don't even know how to do that. I may have to ask my father for help or if you have an idea I like to hear it. Hakari said. I have heard of a hero called Spider-Man it looks like he has some sort of danger Sense too. We should go find him and ask for some ideas. The stronger you get the more excitement comes my way. Ursaal said still having her arms folded. Well glad I can be somewhat useful to you but don't make this a habitat. Hakari said.

(Justice League watch tower). I got a bad feeling about this. something is coming and it's coming fast. cyborg said. yeah, and it looks like it's heading in a specific direction. Batman said. yeah because it is called Galactus and whatever planet he's heading to is in danger. Mr. Fantastic said. How do you know what this thing is called? the flash asked. Because we encountered Galactus before it was when before the multiverse merged. He's very dangerous and if we don't do something now then the planet will be destroyed. Mr. Fantastic said. How did you beat this thing last time? Shazam asked. Last time there was a silver guy on a board who blew himself up. the human torch said. We're going to need some help with this problem call everyone available. Captain America said.

(Underworld). We see Chiaroscuro was now standing on a cliff looking up at the chaotic sky. It feels like I've been here for entirety. But I feel it is the power I had before. Man, it's been a while since I felt like this I can probably take out the Viltrumites if I wanted to. Then you should why not take out those annoying pirates you'll be doing everyone a favor. Hela said. That's not who I am anymore or the Xovunides you should know that since I walked away from the last war. Chi said looking straight at Hela. Have it your way now get outta here and save your pitiful world and tell Odin that Asgard will be mine. Hela said. Chi was now flying to the portal that was still open. Well, it looks like you're done with your training with Hela. Odin said. Yeah, how long was I in there? chi asked. Only 1 month but to you, it felt like years I bet. The underworld moves faster than the outside. Odin said. Well at least I'm back to my original strength I should be able to hold my own. And I did my meditation training so I can keep my emotions in check. (Chi was now flying). Alright, I should get back to Xalvadora to warn the king about this entity. Chi said flying away from Asgard.

(Paradise Island). A bunch of arrows were flying down but stopped in mid-air. Darkness had her eyes closed standing still. (In Darkness head). Looks like I fully develop my telekinesis to the point where I can use it as a force field. But it takes a lot of focus I'll have to work on that). Darkness finished talking in her head at the same time when the arrows fell. Looks like your ability has grown but why don't you always have it on? I mean you can use it as a defense around your body. The amazon woman Agave said. That takes a lot of mental energy and focus right now I can use it for 5 minutes. If I can go longer than that then I basically go Braindead for an hour. So I would like to avoid that at all costs okay time to get back to my training. Darkness now was doing one-hand handstand pushups.

(Hakari and Ursaal pov). Well, that was a waste of time he didn't even know how his danger Sense works. And he called it spider sense well at least I got some ideas to improve your danger Sense. Ursaal said flying next to Hakari. How I mean it's not like you can feel it or something. Spiderman's spider-sense detects danger before it happens. Mine works when my life's in danger and there aren't a whole lot of things that can kill me. Hakari said in a cocky tone. Oh, so you think you're so strong but haven't even knocked me down Hakari. Ursaal said as both stopped in mid-air. You don't hold back, do you? And don't think that you'll stay stronger than me because I'm planning to be a powerful warrior. Hakari said. ⚡ looks like my danger Sense activated but where is the dang... Hakari stopped mid-sentence to catch the spear that was heading for his head with both hands. What hell where did that come from? Ursaal questions looking around. ⚡⚡ let's go!!! Hakari yelled to Ursaal both flew away from a bunch of spears that were headed towards them. Both were dogging the spears but both were getting cut. Ouch damnit that hurts we have to find somewhere to draw out the baster. Hakari said using his telekinesis to stop a few spears. Over there that nice open field. Ursaal said as both were heading to the ground. Okay, maybe I can pinpoint their location now. Hakari said looking around. These kids think they can find me haha amateurs. But that white hair kid stopped my attack instantly. Let's see if they can handle this. the mysterious figure said as he was making clones of himself. Hakari why did your danger Sense go off? I thought that only happens when your life's in danger. Ursaal asked in confusion. Those spears may be made of a material called uru which can harm any Xovunide. Hakari said. So I can guess that this person knows about your race. And he must have some can of special power he was able to hurt me too. keep your guard up Hakari. Ursaal said. ⚡⚡⚡⚡ Oh crap!!! Hakari yelled as a bunch of spears was heading in every direction.

(Xalvadora). Well, it looks like our population has gone up. Chiaroscuro said floating in the air. Better head to the palace and warn the king. but I need something to eat first. Chi said she was flying towards a food stand. This hits the spot Chi said as she was eating a bowl of black noodles. Glad you like it I got the idea from Earth. The Chef said. It's good to see you Chi you haven't been at any of the torments. Female Xovunide said sitting next to Chi. Here you go you two these two are on the house. the Chef said. thanks, both said. I have been training for all this time. I see you got stronger to Mai. Well, there have been stronger opponents lately I guess they have been training lately. Mai said. Good because we'll need as many warriors as we got there's a battle coming. Chiaroscuro said. Yeah I know I've been sensing it for some time now and bet others have too. Mai said. hahaha, now that's the blood of the Xovunides all ready for battle no matter the circumstances. the Chef said laughing. Yeah, that's what I'm really worried about because Hakari is more into fighting than anything else. Chi thought as she was heading towards the palace.

(Clovis pov). That was Hakari better speed up. Clovis said as he was headed towards Hakari's scream. At least 8 heart beats and it looks like their surrounding Hakari and Ursaal gotta go faster. Clovis was going faster than sound. Clovis was now at Hakari's and Ursaal's locations. Clovis was now looking at Hakari as he was pierced by 3 spears too in both legs one in his stomach. laying on top of Ursaal who was also pierced by a spear in her chest. Clovis now disappeared and move faster before anyone can see. hahaha, that's what you get for using your powers think your heroes I bet. Well, this is the outcome of those actions I better get going there going die in a few minu.. what the hell my clones are disappearing at a rapid rate. it's another hero I think but I can't locate them. the lunatic said in a panic. So I guess you're the real one then. Clovis said. The lunatic then turned around looking into Clovis's eyes. In one motion he tried to make clones but was struck in the chest by Clovis's hand. Clovis then pulled out the lunatic heart and crushed it in front of him. The man fell out of the tree and was now dead. Are you okay two okay Clovis asked as he moved Hakari off Ursaal and pulled the spears out of their bodies. Ouch damnit, I couldn't think of anything else or figure out where he was. Hakari said as he sat up as his body was healing. It's okay Hakari this guy was trained and had a unique power he was able to duplicate him and his weapons. Where did he uru from tho there shouldn't be any on this planet. Clovis thought as he held the spear. This planet is full of surprises I can understand why my father has been keeping his eye on it. Ursaal said standing up and holding her chest. Ursaal you should rest a bit you don't heal as fast as me. Hakari said. I'm fine what concerned about is that I need to get stronger. That worm was able to hurt me this much. Ursaal said frustrated. I know what you mean I should've been able to take out that guy easily but he was clever. I need to get stronger and able to move as fast as you Father. Hakari said looking at Clovis. Then you two better be ready for this type of training because I won't go easy. let's head to that training room. All now we're flying heading toward the training room.

Only one more year left till Galactus heads to Xalvadora will the Xovunides be extinct or will they be able to overcome this? Will everyone's power be enough? find out next time on the Xovunides