
The Xia Dynasty and Atlantis

In his previous life, while carrying out a special mission, he was severely ambushed by the enemy. With the resolve to complete his mission at all costs, he launched a desperate attack that triggered an energy explosion from one of the nine cauldrons—an object of secret research in Zone 53. This explosion, under the influence of an unknown power and following an unclear pattern, transported him to a strange era. He personally experienced the bloody turmoil at the end of the Xia Dynasty, a period that marked the end of mythology and the beginning of history in China. He witnessed the rapid decline of the once extremely powerful Xia Dynasty, taking on the identity of a hidden star from the Wu religion's Star Sect. He helplessly observed the fall of the Wu and the rise of the Dao, becoming entangled with legendary figures from history. He saw firsthand how history became stories, stories turned into legends, and legends eventually evolved into myths, only to vanish completely into the annals of history, leaving behind mere fragments and glimpses.

Ko_jo · 東方
44 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 1: Zone 53

Jiangnan is beautiful in spring. The scenery is as colorful as brocade, the spring breeze intoxicating, and the willow trees by the water are like flowing silk.

The cobblestone path winds through the old walls on either side, covered with mottled moss that has silently taken root between the stones. The fine mist-like spring rain makes the greenery even more vibrant. Along the path, a group of three or five brightly dressed young girls, holding flower branches, cheerfully walk by. Their sweet and soft Wu dialect, typical of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang region, is enough to make one feel half-drunken with delight.

At the end of the path is a small courtyard, about three to five meters square, surrounded by a quaint blue brick wall and an old black wooden gate. Outside the gate, two gardenia trees are in full bloom.

Standing outside the gate, Yang Tong gently closes his new red oiled-paper umbrella, shakes off the tiny water droplets from the umbrella surface, and takes a deep breath of the fresh, fragrant air before raising his hand to knock. The black wooden gate creaks open on its own, revealing a large man sitting among a garden full of jasmine flowers, clapping his hands and laughing, "Yang Tou, what brings you here today?"

Yang Tong's face twitches with frustration as he nearly bursts out, "I've told you a thousand times, stop calling me Yang Tou!"

The large man, holding a small teapot, laughs heartily, his voice booming like an avalanche. He turns his head and calls into the traditional-style house with black tiles and white walls, "Xiao Hua, Yang Tou is here. Go to the market and get two legs of dog meat from the butcher, and pick a few orange leaves on the way back. Our old hen just laid a few eggs; we'll add them to the dog meat stew. Yang Tou loves this dish!" Placing the teapot on the small table in front of him, the large man stretches, his bones making crisp cracking sounds. He then twists his waist and laughs, "Hey, who started saying 'hanging up Yang Tou to sell dog meat'? But, Yang Tou, you do love eating dog meat, don't you?"

Yang Tong, who usually maintains a gentlemanly demeanor, shows a few traces of awkwardness, and shouts, "Alright, I give up. I can't deal with you guys and your sharp tongues!"

From the main house, a petite girl in black trousers and a light moon-white long shirt runs out. Her eyebrows are like green hills, her eyes like autumn water, and her lips like the red leaves of autumn—a truly charming young lady. She nods to Yang Tong with a smile, "Professor Yang, you're here? Xiahou, make some tea for Professor Yang. I'll go get some groceries and dog... I'll be right back." Her delicate lips twitch slightly, showing her distaste for the dog meat.

Yang Tong laughs dryly, watching the girl move past him like a breeze. Once she's gone, he turns back to Xiahou, his expression suddenly serious, "Still haven't told her what you really do? Well, maybe it's for the best." Sighing, he walks over to Xiahou and gives him a hard slap on the stomach, "What a sin! How did a gentle girl like her end up with a big gorilla like you? With your strength, how can anyone survive your grip?"

Xiahou chuckles, his face full of a simple and honest smile. Despite his imposing build, he's a handsome man. His height is about 1.9 meters, but his shoulders are almost a meter wide, and his arms are unusually large. When standing, his arms hang down so low that his fingertips almost reach his knees. His skin is a ruddy yellow, and his muscles bulge beneath, making him look like an indestructible mountain. His wife, Xiao Hua, is a typical delicate Jiangnan girl, petite and lovely. The contrast between them is stark, like Mount Tai paired with a white jasmine flower.

Scratching his bald head, Xiahou blames Yang Tong, "Who told you to rush me to Xiao Hua's hospital when I was injured?" Reflecting on past events, Xiahou also turns serious, "So, what's the matter? I'm half-retired now. You, as the head, don't usually visit without reason."

In the misty spring rain, Yang Tong carefully hangs the oil-paper umbrella on a branch of a nearby azalea. Sitting across from Xiahou at the small tea table, he lowers his voice, "Indeed, there's a matter. We're short on hands, so I need you, this half-retired 'Xuanwu,' to go on a mission one more time. Have you heard of Zone 53?"

Xiahou picks up the teapot, takes a sip directly from the spout, then remembers Xiao Hua's instructions and finds a teacup from somewhere, pouring a cup for Yang Tong as well. Looking at the slightly pale tea, Xiahou glances around and plucks two jasmine flowers, squeezing them until they're dry, and tosses them into Yang Tong's cup, "Jasmine tea, give it a try."

Yang Tong chuckles bitterly, shaking his head as he takes a sip, "No tea flavor at all. Jasmine tea?"

Xiahou drinks a large gulp, then says, "Zone 51, I've heard of. Not only heard of it, but Xiao Chong, Xiao Mao, Xiao Niao, and I also broke in and caused a ruckus once. But Zone 53, never heard of it."

Yang Tong cautiously looks around before lowering his voice further, "Zone 53 was established less than two years ago, classified at red S-level secrecy. We don't know the research direction or the objects of study. We managed to place twelve moles inside, but within six months, eleven were lost. The last one sent an urgent message yesterday, indicating Zone 53 has developed something highly unfavorable to us."

"So?" Xiahou frowns, "Is it to seize the research results or destroy the area? If it's infiltration to steal results, Xiao Niao has a 30% higher success rate than me. If it's violent destruction, Xiao Mao alone can take on an entire armored division. I usually handle rear support or clearing the way."

Drinking another sip of tea, Xiahou says with some frustration, "Not to mention our boss, Xiao Chong. He's proficient in planning, infiltration, and violent attacks—a one-man army! Why not call them and instead trouble a half-retired guy like me?"

Yang Tong's face shows displeasure, "Don't even mention it. Qinglong caused big trouble in England, and top vampires chased him from Europe to Africa, and from Africa, he sneaked into Latin America. No way to spare him. Zhuque is on vacation, sneaking into a Mayan temple in Latin America and being hunted by a large group of unknown supernaturals. Qinglong joined in the chaos."

"Then, what about Baihu? This seems right up his alley." Xiahou scratches his head, somewhat unhappy, "Not because I just got married and you want to mess with me, right? Hey, Yang Tou, according to our bureau's rules, once married, either retire or switch to internal duties. No more fieldwork."

Yang Tong curses quietly, "Baihu? After you come back, visit him in the detention room! He and your designated successor, Xiao Xuanwu, got into trouble. Damn it." Yang Tong's anger boils over, and he swears.

"Got into trouble?" Xiahou looks gleeful.

Yang Tong sighs, "Yes. They went drinking with someone, both ending up with alcohol poisoning! They're still in the hospital! Internationally recognized top S-class superhuman Baihu, poisoned by alcohol! If this gets out, the whole bureau will be a laughingstock!"

Xiahou's face twitches, suppressing a laugh. Shaking his head, he says, "Then I'll go. What's the plan, procedures, target, and support team? What do we know about Zone 53?"

Yang Tong's expression turns solemn, "Honestly, we know nothing specific. Once inside, follow our insider's lead, but his access is limited, so the mission is highly risky."

Xiahou stands, muttering, "Risk is no issue. My Xuanwu techniques are top-notch for survival. When do I leave?"

Yang Tong, sitting there, looks up at him and nods slowly, "Now. In two hours, a diplomatic plane leaves from Pudong Airport. You'll parachute into Zone 53's perimeter." Hesitating, Yang Tong says, "Think it over. The insider's message is urgent, but Baihu will recover in two days. Qinglong and Zhuque are ordered to handle their issues and head straight there. Maybe you won't need to go."

Xiahou's face hardens, then he smiles, "Yang Tou, in our line of work, what's there to consider? Let's go."

Yang Tong is silent for a moment, then abruptly stands, grabbing the oil-paper umbrella. The two walk out together.

Xiao Hua returns, carrying a basket. Seeing them leave together, she smiles, "Professor Yang, Xiahou, are you going out? Have a meal before you go!"

Yang Tong forces a smile, "Sorry, Xiao Hua, an urgent academic meeting. Xiahou has to come with me."

Xiahou laughs, giving Xiao Hua a big kiss, "Honey, stew the dog meat for me. If all goes well, I'll be back tomorrow night. Have dinner ready for me!"

Xiao Hua shyly pats Xiahou's head, avoiding Yang Tong's amused gaze, and nods, "Drive