
the X family

Mica has been away from her sister - Octavia - for years after going to join the X-Family ( a large group of people known for their power and superiority) She never expected to see her sister soon. But what happens when her sister shows up one evening at her clan, demanding to be part of the X-Family? The X-family was no child's place as they were known to be dangerous and corrupt. They were enemies to the government who actually feared them. The X-Family was so large, they had to split and create different clans which were controlled by Masters. Mica belonged to the top most powerful clan - the Khalid clan - owned by the powerful and cruel Master Khalid. When Octavia suddenly shows up and insist on joining the Family, Mica kicked against it because she knew how dangerous it was. She tried to talk her sister out of it but it proved negative as Octavia was adamant on her decision on wanting to stay. Instantly, Mica knew something was wrong. She knew her sister had always been scared of the X-Family and her sudden decision of wanting to join only meant something was wrong. She knew she had a different reason for wanting to stay. Well, on the other hand, despite Octavia's determination to stay, she still had the Master to face. As a result of how powerful the Khalid clan was, everyone wanted to be a part of it. He had to put a limit to it and made up his mind not to receive new members. But what happens when the weird, determined Octavia shows up? She's made up her mind to convince the Master to accept her, no matter what. But the question is, would she succeed? Would the dark - hearted Master find her worthy and accept her? And what could be her reason for wanting to stay so badly? What were her fears? What was she so scared of? find out in this amazing piece

Taois · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Octavia and the master


By: Faith Lucky

Octavia quickly bent her head again, shame and fear taking over her completely.

She didn't want to look at any one, not even the master.

Her sister's words rang in her head:

"On no occasion must you disobey him. If you do anything wrong,,Master Khalid would kill you".

She needed to do this; needed to get through this - no matter what.

"And it's time for the bid..." The boy on stage commenced.

"Who goes first?"

He turned to look at Octavia and the rest of the girls on stage.

"Let's go with the blonde one. Highest bidder....!"

Octavia listened as the men started dragging the bid, acting like they were pricing a commodity.

Her breath became unleveled as conniption gripped her. She can do this, she kept assuring herself.

Soon, the bid for the first lady was over and the lady walked down the stage, going to meet the winner - her Master for the night.

Octavia knew instantly she was next. But still, she tried not to look at anyone.

"And....here we go - the se*y looking lady", the boy smirked and shot Octavia a back glance.

"So, what's it gonna be? Who gets her??"

"I want the blue eyes" a man sniggered from the crowd.

"500 dollars".

"Ahh! That's quite much. Anyone else...."

"800 dollars" another said and a gasp from the ladies arouse.

"1 thousand dollars..." Said another.

"2 thousand dollars.."


Octavia was almost whimpering as she heard the men struggle for her. And her heart skipped when she heard someone say:

"50,000 dollars".

What the....hell?????

At first, the hall went dead silence as eyes searched for the owner of the voice.

Then,they found him - Master Klaus.

Octavia also found him and tears pricked her eyes when she found how huge he was. He was so huge and looked like he was going to kill her.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!! Obviously, we have a winner" the guy on the stage said, and an applaud began.

That was a huge sum of money to Khalid's account.

"Congrats, Master Klaus. You deserve her".

The hall became a little bit noisy as they talked about and Octavia didn't need anyone to tell her to go to him.

She gulped nervously as she climbed down the stage, taking steady steps towards him and she was so grateful she didn't trip along the way.

She finally got to where he was and his cold face had a smirk on it.

"She's pretty", one of his boys beside him whispered and the Master nodded in satisfaction.

She was worth the money. All eyes were still rotating around her.

"What's your name?" He asked when Octavia stood very close to him.

Normally, she'd have snobbed him cause doesn't reply strangers. But considering the circumstances she was in, she had no choice.

"Octavia", she replied, sounding like she had a lump in her throat.

"Hmm", he nodded agreeably.

Everything about her seemed nice.

The bid had already continued with the rest of the girls on stage. So, lesser attention was being paid to Octavia - and she was thankful for it.

"Come on, then. Let's get straight to business", the Master said and started walking away and for a second, Octavia thought of running away.

Yeah, it was only for a second because the next second, she was dragging her legs behind him.

She glanced at her sister's table as they walked pass, but Mica wasn't looking at her. She didn't want to.

She followed the man out of the noisy hall and came out to a hallway and with each step they took, Octavia's fears increased, knowing they were getting closer to the room.

She tried as much as possible to prevent herself from whimpering and finally, they got to the room.

Master Klaus opened the door and walked in and Octavia slowly did same.

It looked just like an hotel room, designed for the purpose.

The door went shut as Octavia walked in and looked at the room.

"You should start undressing" Klaus said as he started unbuttoning his shirt.

He took off his tie, the shirt, then turned around to see if Octavia was done. But to his surprise, he found her still clothed - just like she was.

He arched his brows at her.

"And why are you still in your clothes?" He scoffed, but she kept her head bowed, unable to move.

"I'm talking to you! Why aren't you undressed?? Are you trying to play games with me?" He growled, and slowly, she looked at him.

"I'm sorry" she whimpered and turned around, headed for the door.

The hell, she didn't know what she was doing. She wasnt thinking straight.

She was about turning the knob when Master Klaus gripped her hair from behind.

'And what the f*"k do you think you're doing??" He growled and she winced at how painful it was.

He pulled her back by the hair and took her to the bed, pushing her roughly.

She whimpered as she fell on the bed, her hair over her face.

"Please..." She whimpered, crawling into the bed.

"I'm not ready..".

Klaus huffed and climbed up the big bed. He held her legs and pulled them roughly so her back touches the bed.

"Do you think I'm stupid by participating in the bid? How dare you come here when you're not ready??" He snarled into her face and dived his hand into her dress.

"No...!" Octavia winced and tried fighting him off, but couldn't.

She needed to stop him.

Although, she knew she'd agreed to this and had no reason to stop him, her sister's instructions kept replaying in her head, but she couldn't heed to any of them. She wasn't thinking straight.

When the man suddenly touched her pa'nties, she let out a shriek and a heavy wind came howling at him.

They took him from the bed and landed him in a rough way, so rough, he broke a table during the crash. He also bounced on the wall and by the time he finally landed on the floor, he was unconscious and had blood gushing from his head.

Panic filled Octavia's eyes as she stared at him - lying still on the floor.

And at that moment, she knew she had just made one of the biggest mistakes of her life.