
The wrong girl in aurelia

Angelicglimpse15 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The news

Hermoine sat in the middle of the room after collecting herself. Many eyes were staring at her as she was trying to process the information she was given. she was chosen to be an exchange student in Aurelia. she was in a weird place somewhere other than home with a bunch of royals and nobles and couldn't return until the exchange program is over. what in the world is going on?? this can't be real now can it?? she thought before seeing a pair of brown boots on the ground in front of her.

"you must have a lot of questions," Stefan said as he extended his hand to the girl, who was kneeling on the floor. she took it and stood up straight . "I'm more than happy to answer any question that you have" he reached out to his pocket and held out a device, a cellphone? they use that here? she always thought royals would communicate using letters sent by pigeons but I guess things change. she was handed something she couldn't afford considering her hard life as a village girl, her family was never able to afford to get her things like this. but that never bothered her as she was just grateful that her parents were always by her side and took care for her, providing her with the simple necessities like food, clothes and a roof on top of her head.

she took the device and stared at it. questions, what kind of questions?? he already said she couldn't go back home, she couldn't just leave the program even if she wanted to. her mind started to wonder, who's going to take care of her parents and help them around the house? did they even know that she was gone? how was she going to take care of herself here? what was their currency? was the 10£ in her pocket going to be enough? her eyes widened, she realised that her hair was going to be a mess. she slowly placed her hand in her hair and tried to make sure it was in place.

"are the semi- frequent trips to my village out of the question?" as soon as those words left her mouth she regretted it and started to worry. out of all the questions that she could have asked that was the one she chose to ask.

"why would you need to make semi-frequent trips? you're not trying to run away now are you?" Stefan asked, an amused smirk graced his face. his hazel eyes stared into Hermoine's green ones, a growl rolled from the back of his throat. " I told you there's no getting out of this. You're here for the year"

"This isn't about me running away". Hermoine said, trying to stand her ground and hold her head, but she couldn't help it but shrink a bit. she moved her hand through her curly black hair. "It's for maintenance".

"Maintenance?" Stefan asked, standing up straight. "I'm sure you have everything you need, you'll be able to find everything here so no need to worry".

"Do you guys have peppermint soap?"


"peppermint soap. olive oil spray for hair, curly hair products?" Hermoine looked at the man in front of her and was a little amused seeing the look on his face, but she kept her face calm.

"Oh! Olive oil" One of the men hopped oh his seat and moved quickly to Hermoine's face "Is that how you keep you hair so curly?" as he moved to touch her hair. Hermoine quickly blocked his hand with her arm.

"Please don't touch my hair" Hermoine said looking more serious than earlier.

"Please excuse him, Chris loves everything related to personal beauty" Stefan said, shooing his little brother away. "But this doesn't warrant the semi- frequent trips"

"You'll see why it does, but can we at least make one trip so I can get what I need?" Hermoine asked pouting her lips.

"Hmph, fine Henrik" Stefan said looking over his shoulder at the man who was barely paying attention. "You're going to take Hermoine to her village to get what she needs and see to it that she comes back here safe and sound".

"W-WHAT?! Why does it have to be me?! Why can't Chris go with her? This is right up his ally" The man named Henrik seemed visibly distraught, and it caused Hermoine to roll her eyes, what was so hard about running the store?

"Because I put you in charge of this exchange student. If anything happens to her, or if she manages to escape your sight and you end up losing her, let's just say John's vision won't be fulfilled and will be very angry" Stefan held a calm smile as his Hazel eyes glared at Henrik's greenish brown ones. Alicia's eyes darted to the remaining brother's, noticing that they all had- dual coloured eyes.

How...odd she thought to herself before turning her attention to the men right in front of her. Henrik sighed, looking defeated and stepped into Hermoine's personal space.

"Listen up you little girl or whatever the hell you may be because I'm only going to be saying this once. I'm in charge whatever I say goes and if something happens to you, don't go blaming me"

"But he'll blame you" Hermoine said pointing a low finger over at Stefan which caused Henrik to stiffen a bit.

"I'll be blamed by him but you'll know it's your fault. Now let's go I don't have all day" Snatching her by her wrist, Henrik dragged her out of the council room.

James looks up from his cellphone and glanced over to Elijah "200 Flelros says that Henrik loses the girl and we'll have to go get her"

"I'm in" Elijah says with a coy laugh, that was quickly interrupted by the sound of a growling stomach.

"I'm in, he's going to lose her...but I want some fettuccine with roasted chicken" Stanley chimed in, getting up to go to the kitchen to grab a snack before dinner. This was going to be an interesting year.