
The Writer of Magic

"What do you mean I'm in Calastro Academy?! That's just something I wrote when I was still a student?!" What happens when you are transported to a fantasy novel you didn't finish to write? That's what happened to Yman Caliesto when he got hit by lightning underneath a deluge. Now, he had to retrace his step as he navigates the world he created when he was still 18 years old. But the only problem is... His body is the same as the main characters of the story! 13, young, inexperienced, and completely talented. Will Yman find a way to go back home? Or will he forever be trapped inside the unfinished novel of his making.

SibboMarco · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Ruin Pathfinders

Sandata Gorge. Just like Hanabi mentioned, is a huge and desolate place. Black stones, jagged like swords and spears, poke out the ground, exuding sand and dust. The whole place was brimming and overflowing with Earth Elemental Energy. And it was so abundant that it made my head spin.

"This is the place. Sad state of affairs ain't it?" Captain Ventus whistled, earning a grin from Toby and Soraya.

"Yman? What's wrong? You look a little pale." Claire notes and I agree with her. The excess amount of earth energy was making my chest heavy.

"Right... magic users are sensitive in mana. The overflow of mana is highly dangerous, so Yman, tell us right away if the concentration is already too much for you to handle." Captain Ventus informs me and reassures me.

"Captain... I'm seeing activity from beyond the entrance. " Leo informs us, I think he already obtained his talent: 'Hawk's Vision'.

"How many can you see Leo?" Claire asked as she readies her spear.

"Three to five chimeras. They're wolf-breed." Leo cursed under his breath.

I haven't fought with the wolf breeds yet, but according to what Toby and Claire experienced, they were agile creatures with excellent mobility and claws sharp as steel. The only magic that can effectively subdue them is Earth Magic. But I haven't received the Script of Earth yet.

"We have to lure them out of here. Arsenic readings are spiking in the inner corridors." Angela surmised.

"Easier said than done. Those wolves have fast reflexes." Toby grit his teeth, he must've had a very difficult time in dealing with those things.

"Hey... Yman, right?" Soraya began, it seems even she was having difficulty in pronouncing my name. "You can use Light magic yeah?"

"Yeah, I can... why?" I pondered and she grins.

"Be our bait." She offered and everyone stared at her.

"What?" Toby inquired with an angry tone.

"Hear me out... Like all chimeras, they are susceptible to Holy and Light elements. And whenever they see a light source, they attack it without mercy. So, why not use that to our advantage." Soraya explained and she did make valid points. But the others weren't trying to risk that idea.

"I'll do it." I put an end to their squabbling. But Toby and Leo were dead set on stopping me.

"Yman this is too dangerous!" Leo puts in.

"I know... But the mission comes first. And I know you guys will have my back."

"What is with you? You're always like this!" Toby said.

"Like what?" I asked them with a cold tone. "Toby... If it's a job to protect our school and the community, I don't have the luxury of being timid. It is our duty as cadets."

"B-but..." Toby was trying to find a loop hole but Captain Ventus intervenes:

"That's enough cadets. Yman, you should know that they're just concern for your well being, no need to be cold. Leo and Toby, your comrade is ready to do the task suggested to him. So, as his companions, it's our job to make sure he comes back home safe too. Right?"

"But captain, their concerns are warranted. Yman is a Mage, he can't outrun those beasts." Claire puts in, she's clearly upset but she wasn't letting herself be affected by it. She really does have the mission close to her being.

"That's why I'll be there with him." The Captain volunteered and all of us were gaping.

"C-captain?!" Even Soraya was perplexed by the sudden impulse of the captain.

"Ease up Soraya, your reaction makes it seem like I'm gonna haze the new recruit. Nah, I just need a bit of time with Caliesto here." Captain Ventus said, but the others still weren't convinced.

"We should trust the captain." Hanabi said timidly, and she was... blushing towards the Captain. Do I detect something?

"That's our Hanabi! Anyways, catch you guys later. Be sure to get ready when we give the signal. Leo, show us your marksmanship. Claire, Toby, back him up as his melee cover. Hanabi, reserve your strength for Team buffs. Soraya, Angela,

just grabs me by the neck and drags me away towards the edge.

"I've heard from the headmaster. Seems like he has faith in you." Captain Ventus' voice suddenly became a whisper. And I nod, his face was serious and stout.

"He asked me to investigate the origins of the Chimeras. And that already coincides in trying to get along with the platoon, I presume?" I investigated and Captain Ventus nods.

"Yep... But listen Yman. As your captain, it's my responsibility to ensure your safety, that's why I volunteered to be with you when luring those wolves. Plus, I'm curious about your capabilities." The captain said and we reached our destination, a secluded cliff overlooking the pit.

And I could hear them, rasping breathe, the distinct clash of metal and stone, and the thuds of feet in the bedrock. I could hear at least 6 chimeras. The captain gives me a nod and I readied my spell:

"Blind them with your brightness; Ray!"

An orb of light appears above and rains down a barrage of luminous lasers at the pit. Howls and yelps sound in reply, and then angry snarls began to resonate in response. I think we've got their attention. Just then, huge shadows began to leap in the air, and the wolves were now surrounding me and the Captain.

"Captain... What do we do now?" I asked and the captain smirked.

"We fight... Set the signal off now!" The captain said and hurls a storm of blades at the wolves, some dissipated for being impaled by the daggers, but most got out in harm's way. Although it bought me enough time to signal the others.

"We'll need to hold out for another minute or two sir." I said and he snickered.

"Seems like you underestimate your own teammates Yman. But, I get it, they have been hiding their talents like you. And since Claire, Leo, and Toby were earlier than you, they've adapted to my platoon with finesse." Captain Ventus informed me as he stabs a wolf and throws a blade towards one in mid-air.

I didn't know what he meant but only ten seconds passed and Claire comes in from the sky, plunging on top of a wolf, her spear impaling the wolf who skids away from the captain's barrage.

When a chimera was about to pounce at either the Captain or Claire, a bullet pierced it's skull out of nowhere. At the highest edge of a cliff, Leo was positioning his barrel towards the incoming and climbing chimeras.

At the same time, a flash of steel began decimating the incoming reinforcements, swings of a claymore and a sword moving at wind speed, and a blur of black and blond hairs was all what the poor chimeras saw, as Soraya and Toby dance around the field, I could feel my strength surging, the I realized these were buffs, I look at the cliff and saw Angela and Hanabi's magic. Hanabi's divine magic was protecting us, while Angela's dance was invigorating our strength.

"See? This is how we do it in the Ventus Platoon." The captain said as he brandished his knives in a cone, impaling the legs of three chimeras. He then nods at me to finish the deed:

"O light of the fragile stars; Energy Blast!"

Three spheres of light envelop around chimeras and burst out in a loud bang! The howls dissipate as they turn to fur and claws.

The aftermath of the fight was anti-climactic. But I did learn one thing, our platoon functioned in their best performance.

"That's only a few of the main bulk." Leo said as he counts his bullets and checks his rifle.

"Gotta agree with the marksman. The report said a very particular chimera is roaming about the gorge. Says to have a brighter coat, and the fangs and claws were brimming with elemental energy." Angela said, taking a breather to massage her aching legs.

"Um... Yman? Are you hurt? Is your mana reserve low?" Hanabi asked me, her expression was that of concern, and she does look like she tired.

"I'm fine, you don't have to give me your Mana potion... in fact..." I just realized. Whenever I used magic, I never get tired, well except from talking and reciting the incantation. But other than that, not once did I had the need to drink a mana restoration potion.

"I-I see..." She blushed and walked away.

"How should we proceed now, captain?" Soraya asked.

"Hmm... Since the entry way is cleared, we have one shot in clearing this place. So how about we finish the deed?" Toby suggested but Angela shakes her head.

"There's the issue with the Arsenic gas too." Leo explained and Toby's face sank down.

"But Toby did make a point... Who knows if we'll get another shot like this?" Claire puts in.

"Yman, Hanabi, any thoughts?" The captain asked us two magic users.

"Well... We still have supplies, but it won't last for a full blown expedition in the depths of the Gorge. But I also agree that we might lose this opportunity if we run away now." Hanabi ponders on the options.

I weighed in our choices. The Sandata Gorge isn't a walk in the park either. From what I remember in my making this place, Toby and his platoon were dispatched here during act 2. And they briefly mentioned the countless number of expeditions failing to see it through. But it also here where Toby acquired Awakening and his weapon, Oathsworn.

"I'll clear the way." I said and all eyes fall on me, without allowing any of them to protest, I was already chanting.

"Scatter and dissipate upon the breeze; Storm!"

A gale of green energy bellows forth and blows away the black sand and yellow vapor. Leaving only a clear pathway.

"Is it accessible?" I asked and the Captain gave me a solid thumbs up.

"No arsenic residue can be detected anywhere near the entrance." Angela notes. "Well... that solves the glaring issue."

"Heh, having a mage sure is handy. Glad to finally see the natural elements being blown away." Soraya lets out a hearty laugh.

"Well, since we're already here... Why don't we explore it even further?" Captain Ventus asked and all eight of us entered the ruins deep inside the Sandata Gorge.