
Plasmid Power

The spike of metal speared through the air, but it never made it to its intended target.

Twin beams of sickly green light ripped themselves out of Phet's eyes, reducing the falling metal spear into atoms before it could reach anywhere close to the ground.

I'd been on the receiving end of this ability from Phet in the past, and now I was even more glad that the beams hadn't managed to hit me.

If they could reduce solid metal to atoms in mere seconds, human flesh stood no chance at all.

Phet bellowed as he ripped himself free of the metal trap that had closed in around him. Even as Paramount tried to pull the metal back around the raging beast that Phet had become, the pieces were just ripped away.

Magnetism was fast becoming no match for Phet's overwhelming strength.

That didn't mean Paramount was going to give up.