
Camden Market

I puffed the collar of my jacket up as I walked through the shadowy streets of the Northern Quarter.

I wasn't heading to the underground base of Hypogean, I was going somewhere else entirely. Somewhere right against the wall of the Community.

In the days before the attack that ended civilization, the area had been known as Camden Market. Most people still called it that now.

The market was open all day every day, from the crack of dawn till late in the night. It was a place where bad guys and good guys came together under a banner of truce to purchase things that weren't otherwise available in the centre of the community.

Everything from relics of the bygone age to handmade pieces of art right down to meat hunted by rogue scouting parties that dipped in and out of the walls. It wasn't technically a legal pastime, but no one was actually going to try and stop people from risking their lives.