

Sarah felt she was sufficiently prepared and came down stairs to a strange and gloomy atmosphere. Her father and Mark were avoiding looking at each other, both staring off into different corners of the room, lost in their own thoughts. She knew she had to do something before it became more awkward for the two of them.

The best thing she could think of was to act stupid and rush down the stairs.

"Sorry, sorry. Mark, sorry for taking so long, hope it wasn't too long?"

Mark raised his head as a faint smile appeared when he saw Sarah. It had been over three months since he last saw her, he had wanted to visit her in hospital, but the stubborn old man, David had not allowed any visitors bar immediate family. So, all he could do was turn around each time in disappointment.

"No need to apologise, after all I asked to see you so suddenly. I have something to tell you, Sarah."

Sarah saw her father perk up at Mark's sudden change in tone and she glanced in his direction suggesting he should leave. Derrick picked up the cue and excused himself, however to their surprise Mark said he should hear it too.

"No, Derrick, you need to know this too, it will save me from re-explaining it later. Sarah you should have a seat too."

Derrick thoughtfully gave Sarah the cup of tea and she sat down across from Mark, awaiting his explanation.

"Sarah, you've met Athena, right?"

Sarah's eyes widened in shock upon hearing the familiar name, however, Derrick's brows furrowed in confusion. In this moment, Sarah felt she did not really know Mark at all, however she was curious as to where he fit into all this.

"What? How did you know? Who are you?"

"Damn. So, it's true. Sarah, you need to listen to me. That world isn't as simple as they make it out to be. Our world isn't so simple. That offer was also not so straightforward. What if I told you, you are now immortal, age will no longer affect you? Also, death will never be final, she will never give you up you know. Your fates are now bound for eternity."

"Wait. I have heard her talk about the fates and now you also mention the fates. What are they?"

"The fates are the strings that bind us to this world. They are what gives us our conscience, our sentience, it's what separates us from the animals. The fates are everywhere and anywhere. It is not so simple to define them, but know they are beyond the manipulation of us mortals. Even the gods pay a heavy price to affect the fates. Since your fates are bound, you cannot harm each other but it also means you can never leave each other. For eternity, your life and your lives to come will all be at her whim. Know it is not an equal bargain. She gains much more from you than you will ever gain from her."

"Mark, you say all this, but I do not see where the problem lies. Yes, it may be harder for me to die from now on. Yes, I may have to do things for her every now and then, but so what, isn't that what life is anyway. You do me a favour and then I do you a favour? She has been perfectly reasonable so far."

"But that is because you do not know them like I do. If there is anything you take away from what I have to say, it is this. Do not let your guard down around her. Sure, there are many worse than her but that does not mean that there are not any better than her."

"Mark. You still have not answered how you know all this."

"That is a long story…"

Derrick unable to sit quietly any longer asked impatiently,

"Wait, before you say anymore, Mark, Sarah what are you both talking about? You're both going in circles."

"Umm, Dad, I was dead. Gramps said I shouldn't tell anyone this, but it's the truth and I figured it's best to let you know, you can tell Mum later too. When I died, I found myself in another place, a strange place. There was a person who told me they were going to take me to Hades and that I was in the Underworld. I followed him and met a guy I assume was Hades, I never got the chance to verify it, he was in the middle of a domestic problem. In the next moment I found myself suffering immense pain and that's when Athena visited me. She said she would heal me if I agreed to be her Champion. And I accepted."

"Hmm…so the breakup between Hades and Persephone is also true. Uh Sarah do you know what it was over?"

"Well, I think she said he was lying to her and then he said he slept with another woman by accident, so I guess he cheated on her?"

"What an idiot. He already has such a loving and beautiful wife."

"Wait. Wait. Hades, Athena? Don't tell me you're saying these mythological beings exist? What's next the Earth is flat? The moon landing was faked?"

"Uhm, Dad, I'm still trying to work it out. Not sure about the others but these extra beings, it's true. I don't know if they are really Gods but they are special and have powers that are beyond us. I saw it and felt it. I was dead, Dad. But I came back. That woman named Athena made me an offer that if I became her champion, she would heal me and I accepted. She says it's a beneficial union between us. And my gut seems to say I should trust her."

"Well...I'm going to need some time to process all of this but. Hmm…If it took Sarah dying to meet these gods. Mark, how did you find out about these existences? Are you another so-called champion?"

"No, I'm not champion. But I do have my contacts and associates, some of which are close to these existences, as champions or priests. I have spent the last decade chasing these elusive shadows, trying to find a clue, to find a certain person."

Sarah and Derrick waited patiently for Mark to say his piece.