
Chapter 9 - Building a Base Part 2

Ryan was feeling pretty good. It looked like things were going according to plan. He had two more days before he could create additional beings like Kiara. According to Alaina, he would be able to create 3 more in his initial Stage of Rank 1. Each rank was further divided into three stages. Initial success, moderate success and perfection. Every time you reached perfection stage; you could attempt at Rank 2. If he had enough Mana surrounding him, he could reach the next stage.

He initially wanted to go ahead and create the rest of them as and when he could. But Alaina told me he should wait until he reached moderate success. At moderate success, he will be able to create one everyday without needing to take long breaks.

"Ryan, I will now give you the ancestral technique of cultivation for divine trees of his family. This technique is for Guardians and their divine trees. Since I am a Druid, we can cultivate together and progress in ranks together" explained Alaina.

"We have to build a defensible camp. One Shadow Vulture will be followed by dozens more. We should be prepared for the threat. Kiara and the Earth Golem will take care of the defenses. The Golem already has instructions in what he should be doing. Kiara will create defenses using brambles and spears made from iron oak that she is growing in the yard" she continued.

"Our initial defenses will have to be mud walls and iron oak weapons. Once we have enough time, we will upgrade them into better solutions. During this time, try and let the Mana flow through you and don't absorb any. To progress in each rank, you will need to increase the capacity. The way you would do is by building matrices in your core. This is like how a glass blower increases the size of the vase by blowing more air into it. At Moderate success we can start cultivating together." Alaina explained.

He focused on the ambient Mana around him and started extracting more and more. The golden vortexes started forming all around him. There were millions of threads flowing from him into the domain. He could feel the plants and the portions of Earth absorbing some of the threads. There were two strong connections that he noticed. One connected to Kiara which was green like the leaves on her. The other one was flowing into Alaina which was golden like the Mana around him.

Slowly hours passed and he once again felt that the world around him started moving faster and faster. He could see that the wall being gradually forming around him, as the Earth Golem started working faster and faster. Kiara looked like she was dancing and singing in front a tree that looked like a slate colored version of an Oak. He was surprised how quickly there was a new tree in his domain.

According to Alaina, the iron Oak was hard like iron while being as flexible as wood. It was apparently grown into the shape you wanted rather than smelted. These trees were rare in the world, the only reason he had one in his domain was due to the Divine tree properties. The other reason was Kiara was a nature spirit which made her perfect in raising and caring for various rare plants and trees of Alyssia.

Things looked like they were quickly taking shape. His leaves gradually stopped growing larger and he could feel his core flex vibrate as if it was a living being. In the process of reaching moderate success the vibrations would increase in frequency. This would continue till the core expanded to the moderate level.

He was almost ready to break through when three more shadow vultures came into his domain. He adjusted his time perception to real-time. He was about to let the team know that the vultures arrived, but they were ready for the threat this time. Alaina shot ice daggers from her palms, while the Earth Golem intercepted them. Out of nowhere Kiara pulled out a bow and started shooting arrows made of iron wood at the birds. In about 2 minutes they had killed the party.

"Wow, that was amazing. I did not even have a chance to warn you guys" exclaimed Ryan with excitement. He felt like the changes around the camp were so formidable that the three barely broke a sweat dealing with the threat.

"Of course, my lord, we live to serve. This humble one feels sad that she couldn't kill them all with my bow. For the lord to break from his meditation, I am ashamed" replied Kiara. But one look at her face he could tell she was controlling herself from dancing at her success. Ryan was still amazed at how animated the lavender scented brat was.

He could swear he saw a flash of irritation in Alaina's face. But it was gone before he could confirm. It felt like Alaina didn't like Kiara vying for his attention. He dismissed his doubts thinking 'Yeah right she wants my wood. I am pretty sure, I am imagining all of this'

"It is amazing work Kiara. I am sure you will grow only better at it. Was that magic I saw Alaina? Amazing!!! you must show me how to perform some of that, I want to shoot some fireballs" Ryan spoke animatedly to Alaina.

Alaina and Kiara looked horrified. "Ryan you are a plant. Fire is not a good idea in a growing forest" said Alaina. Even the Golem looked like he disapproved how weird Ryan was.

"Yes, I knew that. I was testing if you were aware. Obviously, I know I am a plant. I am going back to cultivation. I am pretty sure there will be more following the pesky bird" replied Ryan.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Ryan asked still embarrassed at the looks he was getting.

"Ryan, could you create more golems? Since we have some mana cores available" Alaina spoke softly as if she was scared she would break Ryan.