
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · 都市
15 Chs

Trial II

After giving Likyl another strand of his hair and Thusixla going on and on about how even a strand of Daimos hair was a treasure, the trio were finally back on track.

"Are you ready?" Daimos asked Likyl who was already nervously playing with her fingers. The thing was, they did not tell her the full story. Well they did, but not the truthful part of it.

Daimos needed a medium, since his third eye was gorged out, and this medium coould be anything, like putting another eye that belonged to another Cthulhu descent, or having some robotic eye fixed in his hollowed out third eye.

Even she knew those won't work for Daimos.

"Yeah" Likyl nodded and closed her eyes. Daimos looked at Thusixla and she silently removed the tentacle supporting Likyl and slowly layed her back on the bed and stepped out of the room closing the door behind her. So now it was only Daimos and Likyl alone in the room.

Likyl was feeling too nervous and started looking around the room. It was not that spacious nor was it luxurios, there was a bedside stool that had tube like lamp on it, it had only one window in the room and beside the window was the wardrobe, which would have nothing in it. It did not look like the futuristic styled rooms Likyl was used to, the room was painted white, making it look like some hospital room, if not for the dressing table opposite the bed and close to the door, so if one entered, they would see the bed first, and looking to their right the dressing table.

"Take it" Daimos said, handing Likyl the book and also bringing her sightseeing to a stop. "I will be looking at the book through your eyes, so it should be in your hand, I will tell you what to do."

Likyl took the book and instantly felt the power emenating from the book. 'How could Thusixla hold this book without even flinching?!'. Likyl did not expect this at all, it was like holding a grenade that had it's pin pulled, for a person with no knowledge of grenades, he or she would just drop it on the ground, but someone thatknows of it, but has never seen it physically before, would panick and cause harm to themselves. Likyl was feeling like that, she has seen the book being held by Thusixla and her reaction made her believe the book was somehow harmless, but this...

"Don't think, just close your eyes and try not to reject me entry into your mind... and when you enter my mind... don't walk around" Daimos warned and also layed down beside Likyl. Likyl held the book and closed her eyes.

That was why she was nervous, normally she was the one entering the minds of others and creating a kind of bridge that links their minds with hers, but she can only send their thoughts to others in her mind link and can't affect their thoughts and actions. But today, she was actually swaping minds with someone, she was not the only one entering their minds but the other person she is linked to is also entering her mind, of course she will be nervous. Also, the way they will be swapping their minds was the second thing that scared her.

"When you feel something touching your forehead don't panick, jsut relax." She heard Daimos's voice beside her ear and wanted to open her eyes but then felt what Daimos was talking about, something was indeed toucjing her forehead.


Outside the room, Thusixla just stared at the door and smiled.

'It has started.'

On the small bed that could only fit one person lay two people, a man and a woman. The thing that seemed strange was that they were both conected, not sexually but in a different way.

Daimos's third eye was open and reddish black tentacles were slowly crawling to Likyl form the hollow eye in his forehead. These tentacles slowly made their way to her head and some entered her head through her ears, nose and mouth, whiles the other touched her forhead as blood slowly made it's way down her tanned face. Likyl was clenching the bedsheets in her hands when she felt the pain but didn't open her eyes.

'It will pass... endure... think of something... anything... mom's cooking... dad's lectures...endure...' Likyl knew that she was disposable, the fact that they took her already showed that she was the weakest and and most disposable. When the blacksmiths of old were training their students, they used wood and not coal, because when the student fail in their creation, the amount coal wasted could have been used by a master blacksmith to create a good weapon. Likyl knew she was the wood and the other users of the hive ability were the coal. She was the wood used to check how much heat a material needed and the coal was then used to make that material into a beautiful creation.

Likyl did not know when, but when she opened her eyes, she saw herself in what looked like a room. It was a spacious room, with two windows that had beautiful curtains covering them, but that was not enough to block the sun rays that still brithened up the room. Likyl looked around and saw what looked like Futon at the corner of the room and that was it, she did not see any other thing and even the door looked like a painting.

"Is this his mind?" Likyl thought as she got up from the floor and walked to the futon. Yes, in the mind space of the people she links with, she is no longer disabled and can walk, even her appearance will go back to the way she looked like, with slight differences.

Her hair was now long to the point of sweeping the floor with it's edges, her green eyes were now white in color and her skin looked a bit fair. Only that her body looked translucent and rippled like the reflection of an image in a body of water.

"Since he said I should not move around, I might as well lay down" Likyl said, as she lied down on the futon and looked at the ceiling of the room and almost screamed in shock.

Meanwhile on the outside, Likyl's body was now in the control of Daimos. Though it was only her eyes. Daimos then controlled his body and slowly took the book and opened it infront of Likyl's eyes and looked at the pages.


[Calculating percentage>>> Percentage confirmed]



[Book of the Ancients has issued a trial]

[Mind space requirement>>>>third tier]

[Requirement not met>>>> Mind space tier>>>0 tier]

"*tsk* I guess the book is calculating Likyl's mind space as mine" Daimos felt frustrated."I guess I have to pick another us--"

[Anomaly detected]

[Trial opening]

[Find the fragments of the ancient ones>>> 0/7]

[Rift opening in 30 minutes]

[Party members allowed>>>Two including the jumper>>> three]

[Get ready>>>29:59]



Daimos would have sprang up from the bed, if his conciusness was not in Likyl.

He had a lot of questions, but he knew he would not have answers to them yet.

'But where is the rift opening at?...no, I have to prepare first'. Daimos quickly removed his tentacles from Likyl's head and got up from the bed.

"Thusixla!" He literally yelled her name and Thusixla instantly dashed into the room in mere milliseconds. "What happened?" She asked confused.

"You have fifteen minutes to get Likyl a wheelchair, get us some weapons and battle suits, some rations for a juorney that might last more than two months and send a letter to the academy that we might miss the planet exploration exam" Daimos quicly said and Thusixla didn't ask any questions and instantly left the room.

"I also want you to get ready" Daimos said to Likyl as he also left the room. Likyl already heard his orders but her face was deathly pale.

'I was so close to being disposed.' She thought.'So that thing was right... what would have happened to me if I didn't follow it's instructions?' Likyl could not help but shiver.

She saw something in Daimos's mind space, that she had never seen before.'And from what it said, we would be seeing often'.


About thirteen minutes later, Likyl was seating on a comfortable wheelchair that looked like the a certain professor usually sat in. Calling it a wheel chair was a mistake, it was equivalent to mini ship as there were no wheels under it since it floated about 8 inches of the ground.

Daimos was wearing a combat suit that looked tight but did not hinder his movements at all, and the back of the suit could open and close, allowing him to release his tantacles with ease. Thusixla also wore the same thing, except that hers was already open, revealing her sexy back to the world.

The trio were all ready. Daimos connected to Likyl again and used her eyes to look at the book.


"Okay we have ten minutes left" Daimos disconnected from Likyl as she got control of her body and couldn't help asking.

"Where are we going " Thusixla was also curios but was pretended to be aware of the where they were going, so that Likyl won't think she was not very important.

"A rift... the book said I should collect seven fragments of the ancient ones, and I could only bring two people with me". Likyl did not know of Asuxes and she did not need to.

"The thing is, I don't know where the rift will open, so I wanted to get ready and I might connect with you when ten minutes are up, in case the book gives me a direction" Daimos explained, to which Likyl and Thusixla bith noded.

Ten minutes later, Diamos, Thusixla and Likyl all looked at the men and women dressed in white robes bowing to them.

Then an old woman who looked to be their leader walked to them and bowed.

"Great heroes from beyond, plaese help us, our kingdom has been terrorized by the Demon King Dagon, we seek your help and return, we shall give you the greatest traesure of our kingdom" The old woman said still bowing down.

The trio on the other hand looked at each other and had the same thought.

'What is going on'