
the otaku and his robots.

In the hanger of a huge warship a young man and a small floating Sphere with a sentient A.I. are currently working on a new robot armor with designs the young man came up with that young man's name is Leon Foe Bartforde.

" Master you are quite interesting when coming up with designs for machines this Armor you've designed is quite an interesting one even down to its cockpit." Said luxion.

" Aw thanks buddy this machine is called Alt Eisen it's name means Old Iron Due to its weapons being A little Outdated but it's performance is way over the top." Said leon

" You do seem to keep a lot of Ammunition inside this thing." Said luxion.

' if you're wondering how I Leon Foe Bartforde am creating the alt Eisen and have done a one eighty with my personality the truth is simple I am not the real Leon Foe Bartforde I was a human from the reality in which this world was a anime.' thought Leon.

( Flashback.)

A young man is playing the game of super robot wars Original generations when he learns the new volume of the world of otome games is tough for mobs Is now available at the bookstore across the street.

After saving his game he heads to there but before he makes it to the bookstore a car runs a red light and he gets hit.

" Where am I?" He asked.

" Hmm well most people call this place heaven but since you died unexpectedly we'll call this place your bus stop to another world." Said a voice standing behind a desk is an old man with a long white Beard I suppose I should give you some sort of blessing before I reincarnate you hmm Ive got it I shall give you the blessing of the God Of magitech the ability to understand both magic and technology.

I woke up in the body of Leon Foe Bartforde just after he set out on an adventure using my knowledge of the Anime I knew that the battleship would be somewhere near the island that the big whirlpool was so I headed in that direction using what my new blessing allowed me to do I created a computer program to help me build some nifty equipment the first being a enhancement suit meant to increase my physical and magicall combat abilities the second thing I did was craft myself a rifle that could shoot both projectiles and beams not magic beams but thermal energy beams this would be crucial for my defeating the guardian.

After arriving at the island I entered the chamber where I found the guards badge I used it to enter the bridge but as luck would have it the guardian was waiting for me it was a tall robot with a monoclar eye sensor it turned to me to see me and tried to shoot at me but I managed to dodge thanks to me accelerator suit I dodged the machine gun fire and I fired off a shot from my rifle which I based of the ochstän rifle used by the Weiss Ritter Leon shot a bullet aimed at it's left shoulder and it tore a chunk out of the armor.

The enemy robot charged at me which I kept up and landed behind the enemy robot as I aimed at it's eye knowing that was it's weak spot leon fired another bullet at the robots eye and it pierced it before exploding.

Leon slowly walked towards the bridges control panel and deactivated the security measures before rewriting the ships control to answer to him.

" You have indeed impressed me give me a name and I shall be in your service." Said the A.I.

" Your name shall be Luxion." Leon said.

" New ID confirmed now master what may I call you." Said Luxion.

" Leon just call me Leon." He said.

" Master Leon how may I be of service." Said Luxion.

" Take me to the hanger and show me the Mechs that you Carry." Asked Leon.

" If you mean the armors well I certainly can do that." Luxion answered.

After awhile I arrived at the Hanger where a large Black and grey machine stood tall held by restraints.

" The first thing we're going to do is rebuild that thing save it's armor and frame but we will rebuild it's design and control system." said Leon.

Thanks to his Blessings Leon had managed to gather the resources and materials to not only build the machine into the alt Eisen but also help him revamp it with a more versatile flight modular Leon also managed to give it a newly acquired anti magic coating which he laminated onto it.

" Master I do believe this new armor is quite a beast and a beautiful one at that." Said Luxion.

" Aw thanks buddy I appreciate that." Leon said in a friendly tone.

By the way why did you want to have three other armors with your machine.

" Well I plan to have some Ally's in the future and thought that some back up will be great so I plan to create three others in the future." Leon said.

" I see master it would be wise not to let the academy know about your plans but as for now we have arrived at your aunt's household." Said the A.I.

" Great hide yourself for now luxy because I would believe my aunt would try and steal you." Leon told the A.I.

" Yes sir my masters orders are to follow unquestionably." Said Luxion.

" Hey don't act like that I may be your master but I also want to be your pal." Said Leon.

" But if course can't you understand a robots humor when you here it." Said Luxion.

" Okay you got me." Leon said.

Aunt Zola was livid to say the least but Leon managed to smile all the way knowing that she would bite off more than she could chew.

Meanwhile I planned on heading to the academy.

To be continued.

I decided that Leon and Luxion will have a brotherly love between them they'll tease each other but in the end they truly care about each other Luxion knows all about leons isekaid as he can scan his memories also Leon will be a nicer and more honest person in my story he will be morally just and kind but he won't be a push over as he will kick ass and break every bone in your body but only if you hurt what's dear to him.

ian_brookscreators' thoughts