
The World of Halese

Logan1234 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


My name is Ryger. Ryger Murim the last son of the Murim family more well know as the failure of the Murim family. My family is known for its excellent swordsmanship everyone in my family has a talent for it except me. The one thing I am good at is writing something that's looked down upon in my family.

Years passed where I was bullied into submission until that day came, the day the world changed. The day the world of Halese opened to the challengers.

Challengers people who were most useless people in the world. They could be a noble who was given every chance or an average person who wasn't given any chances or they could be like me someone who was only useless in the situation they were in.

It began as an average day I practiced and practiced until midday when my father arrived. Lorenzo Murim the Sword Emperor he was the one person who was indifferent to me he didn't like me but he didn't hate me like my siblings and mother did. Until this day when he arrived I dragged myself over to the storm gate to greet him. Where he struck me down right there and then with a smile on his face as if he was enjoying it.

As I faded out of consciousness I could see his expression change to a look of pure horror as if he didn't mean to do it.

Once I awoke I found myself in a small cabin surrounded by a fog dark enough to stop me from seeing anything.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in my head saying " You are Challenger Number 100 of the world Vericon" there are other people in this situation was the only thing I could think off but who were these people. They could be anyone from criminals to princesses. Again that voice appeared saying "as the 100th challenger you have been awarded with a special reward. A SSS rank skill Evolution and A C rank summoning card." Once the voice stopped a card appeared in my hand. Then it appeared again saying" crush the card to summon a loyal monster your skill has been automatically added press your chest to see your status window."

As the voice finished I immediately pressed my chest to see:

Ryger Murim


Str 12

Spd 8

Int 9

Agi 10

End 14

Def 3

Skills: Evolution(SSS)

They summed my power up into stats. Once I finished reading the information I crushed the card. A vibrant light appeared once it dissipated a soft voice said" master how may I serve you" when my curiosity got the best of me another status appeared.



Race: Incubus


Str 300

Spd 150

Int 200

Agi 350

End 100

Def 200

Skills: Seductive Aroma, Fire Spear, Fireball

Evolve to gain more skills

It's stats far out ranked mine so how was I its master.