
The World Of Ascathia

The Planet Ascathia, Home to the all-powerful magical beings, Humans, Demi-Humans and mythical creatures, all were created by a god-like being that calls herself "The Celestial Thearch", She came with an idea to prevent a world-level catastrophe by creating a contract which is called "Eternal Partner", that allows humans and demi-humans to host and control the mythical creatures' powers, The Story tells us about a mysterious human called "Aksul", who receives a help from an unknown mysterious power.

NothTard · ファンタジー
9 Chs

"Analyzing Gluttony"

Chapter 01, Part 5 "Analyzing Gluttony."

[Location: Training Grounds.]



Rose and Aksul are just shocked at the fact that he is unable to launch any type of offensive spells, whether he tries to fire them one by one or all together.

Rose: [I've never seen this type of phenomenon, being a hex manipulator yet unable to launch any type of offensive spells.]

Rose: [Maybe he doesn't have enough magic power? But that doesn't seem to be the case.]

Rose: [Something seems to be eating away the magic waves after they have been launched, is it a drawback to being a hex-manipulator? Poor magic control?]

Rose keeps thinking and thinking about what seems to be the cause but she is unable to understand the cause of such phenomena with the fact that Aksul was able to manipulate multiple natural elements but not able to keep the magic projectiles stable.

Rose sighs and just hopes for the better later on but for now she decides to move on to another type of magic.

Rose: "Let's just for now forget offensive type spells, maybe since you are a new awakener you're unable to use offensive spells yet."

Aksul: "Yeah sure, let's just go with that for now."

Aksul looks at his hands

Rose: "Still, do you feel something weird when you fire the projectiles? For example, do you lose your concentration on the wooden targets?"

Aksul: "No, my only focus is the wooden targets and making sure they hit them."

Aksul: "But the second they start to fade, I feel like my magic is being 'Devoured' for some reason."

Rose: "Devoured?"

Aksul: "I don't have an exact clue on how to say it but it's like something is eating it away."

Rose: [Devoured? Is something wrong with his core? Maybe unstable magic waves?]

Rose: [No, otherwise he would have been unable to use property manipulation nor complete the partner contract.]

Rose: "Oh well, let's leave the complicated stuff for later."

Rose: "Then let's move to something easier, that is 'Mind Skills'."

Aksul: "Mind Skills?"

Rose: "Mind Skills are skills that affect the brain itself and could grant the user either a disability since most minds are weak to direct exposure to magic energy."

 Rose: "Or if your mind Can handle magic energy well with direct exposure, it could result in a mythical ability and such."

Aksul: "So like it's a fifty-fifty?"

Rose: "It's not that simple, Mind Skills can be learned or born with depending on the person as I have said, Dragons and Elves are the masters of mind skills."

Rose: "Why? Because Dragons and elves can convert the exposure from the magic energy to something good. And that is the Mind Skills."

Aksul: "So are you able to easily use them?"

Rose: "I'm the queen of my people for two reasons, one being extremely wise and intelligent the other is for my mastery of magic."

Rose: "This isn't about me anyways, I will teach you how to use Analysis Magic, which is the most basic and easiest to use."

Aksul: "I thought it might pose a risk?"

Rose: "Depends on the magic, Analysis Magic is one of the most basic because it barely exposes magic energy to the brain."

Rose: "It simply uses the eyes as both input and output."

Rose: "To start using it, focus and concentrate on an object or anything around you and direct a tiny amount of magic energy to your mind with the goal of 'knowing' what are you trying to analyze."

Aksul focuses on a flower in front of him and directs magic to his brain, slowly but slowly Aksul starts seeing words above the flower.

Aksul: "Oh I see it!"

Rose: "Good job! What does it say?"

Aksul: "It says it's a common flower that grows around in this area and some extra details about it."

Aksul then proceeds to analyze the sky, the ground, and even rose herself.

Rose: "Seems like you're having a bit too much fun."

A small magic circle then appears by Rose's left ear.

Rose: "A Transmission?"

Rose: "What's wrong? The politicians? We already held a meeting two days ago about the partner topic."

Rose: "They are requesting a meeting? Alright arrange it on my schedule and I will check back with you when I'm done."

The Magic circle disappears.

Rose: "Sigh, those politicians have been wild these couple of days."

Aksul: "Is it about me?"

Rose: "Yes you idiot, They rarely hold meetings with me and I would get direct reports to approve or disapprove but the other towers have publicly announced their partners which put pressure point on the politicians."

Rose: "Let's go back home for now, I need to figure out my schedule and prepare for them."

Rose And Aksul teleport.



Rose and Aksul emerge in the tower, specifically Aksul's room.

Rose: "There you go, you can go ahead and explore or do whatever you want, just don't cause too much trouble."

Rose: "And if you want to go out of the tower make sure one of the head guards or captains."

Aksul: "Thanks but I won't for now, I feel tired for some reason."

Rose: "That's probably Magic Exhaustion, just relax and rest for now."

Rose: "I send someone to wake you up if needed."

Rose leaves the room.

Aksul flops on the bed.

Aksul: "What a weird day, being a genius and a cripple at the same time."

Aksul: "Let's just sleep for now."



[Location: UNK/NULL]

Unknown Voice: Beginning Analyzation process.

Unknown Voice: Target: !@#$N%@!#U532!%!LL

Unknown Voice: Proceeding.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to analyze the specified target. Retrying.


Unknown Voice: Attempt #5251824 has failed.

Unknown Voice: Suggested Solution: Evolvement of Analyzation to a higher degree.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to acquire permission from the host. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to acquire permission from the host. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to acquire permission from the host. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to acquire permission from the host. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Error, failed to acquire permission from the host. Retrying.

Unknown Voice: Attempt #42912 has failed.

Unknown Voice: Proceeding with the required measures to evolve.

Unknown Voice: Bypassing the requirements…

Unknown Voice: Bypassed Successfully.

Unknown Voice: Evolving to a higher degree.

Liza: The evolvement process has started.

Hello there again, As usual this was extremely fun to make and i hope you will enjoy this as much as i did!

NothTardcreators' thoughts