
The World Is Stupidity: And You Are Stupidity.

If it's not wanted, why are they approaching me? Do they like me for a reason. Well, I just want to live freely and then die.... a homeless person who wants to find the truth about his life. Maybe I'm a bum, but my world is my home? Or my house is my world. That's what my life is like! Fight to defy the fate of justice.

Yoredream · ファンタジー
30 Chs

chapter 20 - An unwanted world.

"Hmm... so this is an abandoned world? Very bad." he muttered.Currently Kalvhe is walking around in a dark city which is known as 'judgment.' and there is a large kingdom called '100 nights of judgment'. and with the city various crowds such as markets.

"No wonder this world is abandoned. Because, everything in this world has a curse tied to its reason." Kalvhe muttered looking at those people.

They are like humans but have many arms, and some are like manifestations of insects to various forms of feared monsters.

'But? it would be really strange if I wandered around in a different form like this.' He thought, looking around and many of the people there were looking at him strangely.

'I'd better find a place first.' He walked into the narrow and quiet alley.

'I thought, I will find my identity in this world? Because the painting says that all existence in this world is an unwanted figure, and that's the same as me.

But the strange thing is, I don't feel any familiarity with this world at all? Am I wrong." kalvhe stops at the intersection of three alley roads.

"Exactly how many worlds have been abandoned? It's truly a pity."

He took something out of his dimensional storage and took out a black cloth as well as two pairs of black and branched horns that he asked for from the strange servant.

"Luckily I brought this."

then he put on the long black horns and covered his whole body with black cloth and he copied Arveshgetta's weapon into a fake one and let it spin behind his back.

"This way, it will be easier for me to get along with others. Yes, even though this is considered very conspicuous." He left the alley again, but passed from a different place than before.

'The primordial? The world he created really had strangeness in it, like Augorsh's world and this world...

Want to say this is the Demon World but not? neither does the physical world.—that's the strangeness of this world.

All life in this world has been cursed since the beginning of this world's creation, even the air in this world is very cursed and harsh.' Kalvhe touched his own silver eyes.

'At least my eyes aren't affected because of it.' He walked in the middle of the city street, but suddenly everyone came running.

'Hmm..., what's wrong?.' kalvhe saw the panic.

"Move... look out of the way." The shout was heard, and made everyone in that place quickly move to the side of the road.

"Hurry, hurry... otherwise we will be killed...


"The noble Lord has returned from his hunting...


"Kid, why are you just standing there? Quickly get out of the way..." the gentlemen grabbed Kalvhe's hand to get out of the way of the nobles who were coming.

'hem..., who actually is coming?.' he moved out of the way and stood on the edge of the sidewalk.

Then not long after? The horse-drawn carriage came with its entourage. However, even though it was said to be a horse-drawn carriage, what was pulling the carriage was a terrifying dragon cub.

"Pay respects to the noble lord..." shouted the guard who was walking to protect the carriage.

Then suddenly everyone bowed their heads and saluted, but Kalvhe just stared silently at something in the carriage.

"Hey, you... lower your head." The gentlemen grabbed Kalvhe's shoulders and made him look down.

Then the train passed, and surprisingly behind the train there was a large cart carrying a very large monster.

"Look at that..."

"Isn't that an 'Asscale crocodile?"

"Great... the noble master actually conquered him."

"Great.. great.." the shout shook the city instantly, the residents of the city gave amazing cheers.

"Asscale crocodile?.." Kalvhe muttered.

"Don't you knowascale crocodile, is a crocodile that originates from the great land of 'Alaska', and it is an existence that shines light in the darkness." Said the gentlemen.

"Land of Alaska? An existence that shines a light on the darkness?.." Kalvhe muttered again.

'What does it mean?.' he thought, then he left that place with thoughts filling his brain.

"Oi brat, where are you going." The gentlemen shouted? But Kalvhe was already deep in thought and made him ignore that person.

"Tch.., Children nowadays don't know how to be grateful," he muttered, then the men left.

"An existence that shines light on the darkness? Why should such a noble monster be hunted." The confused kalvhe who was walking on the sidewalk muttered.

"Are the people in this world believers in darkness?" He looked at the crocodile again, and he saw the gaze of the crocodile.

"Hmm..." he stared at the crocodile without anyone realizing it.

"Do you want to ask me for help?" Kalvhe said in silence, then the crocodile shed tears.

"Okay... but you have to be patient." then Kalvhe went into the alley again.

'Even so, can I save him? The figure in the carriage was really very strong, he was even the one who defeated the crocodile and also. the Asscale crocodile? He... Don't, I'll ask him directly later.' he thought.

The day passed, and the next day Kalvhe walked around the city again, but now he found news that made him think a little too much.

The news was spread throughout the continent and it was done this morning, the announcement in the news was that in the afternoon towards evening there would be a big performance event in front of the public? And that was the judgment for the Asscale crocodile.

'don't kidding? If it was done in public, it would be very difficult for me to save him.' Thought Kalvhe who was walking with some confusion.

'Especially with my own strength? not to possibly save her openly... but if I can cure the crocodile, then there will be a slight chance of escape.'

"But? How to cure it." He went to the top of the abandoned tower.

"Hmm... should I just ignore it?" He muttered, and he looked at the dense forest, It was so dense that the forest looked like a wall separating this kingdom from the forest itself.

"That's right... I just need to lure a bunch of mindless demonic monsters to attack this city, right? If I'm not mistaken, 'Gargoyle' is the name of the monster... it's a very scary name, isn't it." Inside the tower he moved to launch his plan.

[Gargoyles are terrible creatures, they are part of the embodiment of the devil from hell? He has a shape that resembles a human with thick black skin like a snake and a hunched body. he has two long arms and legs that have black claws piercing the ground, his face is very scary with a long tongue and sharp teeth, and his horns curve forward like a bull ready to stab his opponent, two pairs of demonic bat wings and a dragon's tail quite long]. And in a busy market, he stopped in front of the fruit seller.

'I didn't expect that in this world there is also fruit like grapes.' he thought.

"uncle... share this fruit."

"Okay... how much do you want." Answer the trader.

"Hmm... how much is one kilo?"

"Just 15 crystals are enough."

'15 crystals?... that's right, people in this world make money transactions with the crystals they get from the mines they maintain.'

'it's a good thing I brought it.' He gave him 15 crystal seeds.

"Thank you, young man..." said the trader.

Kalvhe continued his journey with a bunch of grapes in his hand.

"Not bad, the taste remains the same even though there is a little rough energy in it." He enjoyed the fruit and walked out of the city.

'Approximately? what is the name of that forest.' He saw a large forest far in front of him.

He walked through the damp ground and several hours later with a leisurely stroll, he entered the dark forest.

'There are so many large plants that grows, makes this forest completely dark, and there is also no sun in this world, because the lighting in this world uses reflected light reflected from the aura of life in the world.'

he climbed the tall trees, and could see lots of various monsters in the forest. Each other's prey and prey, something that exceeds the laws of the jungle and the cruelty carried out by the hunting instinct of life.

'Approximately what is the top of the food chain in this forest like? he muttered and closed one of his eyes then put the grapes in front of him.

The reflection from the grape skins made him see everything in the forest and he even saw the smallest depths of the grapes.

'Is that so? There is no top of the food chain in this forest, because even the strongest can be hunted by the weakest monsters.'

"Very interesting."

'Then I just have to find out where the power of the gargoyle monster is.' he muttered, then he went through the various branches of the tree by jumping and walking casually.

"Incageenva." He muttered, then a silver sword appeared in his hand.

In the depths of forests and high mountains, there is a cave located between the mountains? a very large rock cliff, and Kalvhe saw a group of the monsters he was looking for there.

Then Kalvhe threw the sword towards where the cave was and stuck it in a large rock inside.

"Let's start..." he muttered, then the sword glowed and made all the gargoyles in that place panic and riot.

"Freezing of desire..." then quickly as far as 50 kilometers from that place everything froze instantly.

"Very good." he saw tens to hundreds of gargoyles in that place frozen and he approached them..

The freezing of desires that Kalvhe uses is a power that can freeze a person's desires and the instincts of anyone who is frozen by that power, and the gargoyles that have been frozen by him are now just empty vessels that have no emotions or life instincts.

and it's like an empty sheet of paper, right now Kalvhe only needs a pen to fill in the sheet and form a wish that he wants.

Kalvhe who entered the cave, now he approached the leader of the terrible monsters and gave him orders as if he had chosen something to write on the blank sheet.

"command for you, From now on you must follow this sword as its master." Kalvhe said standing in front of a monster three times his size from him.

He showed the silver sword to the gargoyle king and redrawn reality and unreality? where he made all the gargoyles in that place see Incageenva as the king he would serve.

It wasn't an illusion but he distorted reality with unreality. where the reality of his 'silver sword' changed that reality into the unreal 'form of the gargoyle king'.

"Changing reality and unreality is very easy when one has nothing inside and is like a blank sheet of paper.

but it would be a bit difficult if I used it directly on someone who was still conscious, but that doesn't ignore the fact that I could do it." He muttered, then he left the cave and left the silver sword with the crowd of monsters.

He stopped at the edge of the cave cliff and looked up.

"Hmm... the reflection of light is getting dimmer? Does that mean the crocodile's judgment will be carried out soon?" he muttered.

"I'd better hurry." He jumped from the cliff and summoned a wing artifact from his back.

'The mirror of light is a large magic circle displayed in the sky outside the atmosphere, it can glow because of the aura of the world that comes from the primordial or creation.

I knew information it's came from the world of Vrylia and was right on the painting that was on the wall at that time.

It is said that the magic circle has 7,960 layers that work at the same time, and the one who creates this magic is a figure who stands at the top of this world, and is known as the 'pillar of the cursed world'.

He is one of the figures from the 99 Ancient Mythologies of the past who came out alive from the great war during the first creation and without being resurrected.'

"This world was cursed initially because he was cursed by the primordial..., but I didn't expect that in this world there was also one of the 99 Ancient Mythologies from the past."

"Like the Augorsh world had that figure as one of the first creations."

Kalvhe continued to fly and stopped at the place where he originally came.

"For now the first step is complete, I just have to continue with the rest." Kalvhe muttered walking out of the forest.

Swiseeee.... he felt a big wind pass through him and it wasn't once but many times.

"Hemm..." he saw various air vehicles flying towards the kingdom.

"Looks like this time it's quite serious..." Kalvhe muttered, feeling the strong pressure from the 145 air vehicles present.

'Asscale crocodile? What kind of existence is he…..

Sorry for only being able to update the story after two days? My day is quite busy with busy work, so yeah... I can only postpone the publishing time.

and thank you for reading my story, I hope you continue to support my work.

Yoredreamcreators' thoughts