
The World Is Stupidity: And You Are Stupidity.

If it's not wanted, why are they approaching me? Do they like me for a reason. Well, I just want to live freely and then die.... a homeless person who wants to find the truth about his life. Maybe I'm a bum, but my world is my home? Or my house is my world. That's what my life is like! Fight to defy the fate of justice.

Yoredream · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 2 - splendor of vrylia

Many years have passed, I have become accustomed to living in this place for those ten years.

During that time I still didn't know who this strange man really was, and what his purpose was. He just said that 'a new beginning has begun, dreams will come true, but? the madness is still always there.'

I don't really understand what that strange person is saying, but I can accept that fact. because what he said was the truth.

He's a strange person, he never says his name. he just said that he was just a 'loyal servant'. I don't really care, maybe he meant his master's servant who he always referred to as his joy.

Even so, who is 'Vishlevan Vishvanath', what does he have to do with all this? and is he the one who brought me to this place. I wonder about that.

' that's a complicated thing to think about? And I don't want to think about it too much either. After all, since the beginning of my life? all I want is the freedom that I can enjoy, and then die in peace. '

it is the principle of a common man like me, and a derelict tramp like me. Previously I lived in a very cruel world, a world that was on the edge.

But yeah... I was a little grateful to hear that the Aovlle continent where I used to live had been destroyed, after all that continent had received various kinds of suffering due to life. and destruction is the perfect excuse to set him free.

However? Of all the continents in the world, why was only the Aovlle continent destroyed? I asked that, and the strange servant also said that there was a figure that stopped its destructive effects

Hearing his words made me a little amazed. because there is a figure who is able to stop the destructive power of that dark hole.

But I think that's just in the past, because? now a lot of time has passed, and thousands of years have passed. and also 'Vrylia' I named this place like that? a very beautiful place but also very strange..

years after I woke up in this place? I tried going around from one place to another, and found something I had never found before. And that is unique to Vrylia, and I love this place.

'Vrylia' was huge and I couldn't see the end of this place, even for ten years I wandered around looking for the end. I doubt vrylia is not a continent, but like a world in itself.

Vrylia is like a garden world that has some parts that interest me? like the vast ocean to the east, the misty forest to the south, the floating palace to the west, and the purple ice crystal plain to the north.

It looked like an endless circle with an empty place in the middle, and that was the place where I first woke up? a tower tall enough to pierce the sky, and a meadow filled with flowers around it.

Before I came to this place, I lived without knowing who my parents were. I always lived alone and alone, even until the end of my life—.. no, I've been homeless since I was born, that's how I feel my whole life.

I didn't really think about what kind of life I was living, I just wanted freedom, and at that time? thinking that I would die, I realized that my peace was death. but surprisingly, I was trapped in this place, like a bird living in a cage without knowing the way out. can't get out and can't find a way out.

This place rejects death, and I feel this place? vrylia' is sealed by something from the outside and restricts the movement of people inside, so they don't get out.

of course that also made me quite interested, because I thought. what's in this vrylia? To the point that Vrylia was sealed from the outside

I didn't know it, but Vrylia is a strange place! As if this place was isolated from the outside world. or maybe this place is in another dimension like the supernatural realm that people believe is after death

it's just a possibility, but a very strange one indeed. I woke up in this place after sleeping for thousands of years? Of course that's true, but it's also strange. Why can living humans sleep that long? Even though I am an artificial wizard, I am not immortal. of course I thought about the possibility, if I had died and entered the supernatural world then it could be believed. but I'm still alive, and that means Vrylia isn't a magical realm after death.

But what surprised me was, why a human like me could fall asleep like that, without even showing the slightest aging.

My hair is still black as before, but? There was a change in my pupils which were previously black, are now silver with black circles in them

My current appearance is nothing special and is still the same as before? My face was gloomy and there was no smile, perhaps because of the bad influence of my previous life. but I think my face is quite handsome for a homeless person.

And I'm currently the host of this place? Vrylia, which will shake the world in the future.

' of course I was joking about that. ' but of course I can now control the causes and effects in this world, even with my own will.

Apart from that, this place is very peaceful, especially since the view is very beautiful, it makes me quite comfortable living here.

And on top of this tree? I sat on a fairly large branch and leaned my body. I always stay at this place, of course to enjoy the view of the vast ocean in front of me, right under the high cliff.

for me, the branches of this tree are like my own throne to enjoy the natural beauty of Vrylia.

From this place I can also feel the emotions of the outside world. maybe it's my strength, but I've never experienced something like this before. Hatred and despair! all this time, in this place? I always feel that emotion, but I don't know what kind of existence has that emotion, because I can't see it.

but yes, as long as I am given the opportunity to live life again, then I will enjoy it more this time. "I will be a free man more than anyone else." I think.

I continued to enjoy the beauty of the view, and enjoyed the sounds of nature that I heard. Is that so cool? leaves swaying in the wind, moonlight illuminating the darkness, and the sound of crashing waves coming from the ocean.

' Maybe I'll fall asleep here. ' Kalvhe muttered.

slowly he closed his eyes. Then surprisingly there was laughter and made Kalvhe, who was feeling peaceful, start to feel annoyed with him.

"Khuhuhu...isn't this Mr. Tevaros? It's been a long time, huh." The man was standing on the edge of the cliff looking at him.

"ohoh... loyal servant huh? That's right, it's been about three years. Kalvhe answered without looking at him at all.

"Khuhuhu...that's right..." answered the servant, but seeing Kalvhe's face displeased with his arrival, he immediately bowed again.

"It seems like I'm disturbing your free time? So I'm sorry." he continued.

'that's right, you're annoying..' he thought about the discomfort.

"No need to be so polite, just be yourself as usual." Kalvhe looked at him with his pupils pointing downwards..

"as usual.... (he tilts his head in confusion)

"You are very strange, so stay strange as always." His words were insulting.

"Khuhuhu... So it's like that, sorry sir! I'm not strange, but this happiness makes me look strange." the answer was refusing.

"Okay... What do you want to tell me again?"

kalvhe knows having held five meetings in the past ten years, he usually brings new information when he meets her. but at the same time kalvhe also feels annoyed about it? Kalvhe felt that the waiter had a very light mouth, he would insult someone's truth without having to lie to protect that person's feelings.

"Right? That's it... His Highness 'Vishlevan realized that the seal of this place would rise and reveal itself again. he looked up at the cloudy sky as if he saw everything.

and made kalvhe think, maybe he heard it wrong, or did he really hear it, he knew but he was shocked. Kalvhe knows that to get out of this world, he must destroy the seal but the seal is not something that can be destroyed, because of the sealhas merged with the world of Vrylia, but there is one possibility to break the seal, namely by awakening the existence of the seal

I hope you can enjoy this story, and don't forget to keep stopping by the story 'The World Is Stupidity'... because I will update this story every day. even at random times.

Yoredreamcreators' thoughts