
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · ファンタジー
620 Chs

Xu Hao's mind

A word from Xu Hao instantly pulled Zhang Yi's memory back to more than ten years ago.

In the 1930s, science fiction movies suddenly became popular all over the world, especially doomsday movies.

It is said that the beginning also originated from China's "Exile Earth" series of films.

In those years, apocalyptic films were extremely popular, with many apocalyptic films sweeping the year's box office rankings.

The influence brought by the movie is that some people really start to build shelters, including some of the world's top billionaires.

At the time, it was no doubt regarded as a kind of joke. Not many people really think the end times are coming.

In Zhang Yi's memory, there is such an interesting thing in China, which has stayed on the network hot search list for several months, and even became a classic ghost animal subject matter in an ac station.

That is the story of Wang Siming, the son of the richest man in Jiangnan, who spent $1 billion to build a shelter that could not be destroyed from the outside world.

That shelter, by the way, was built by Dragon Security.

And Zhang Yi later to find the dragon security company, is also related to this matter.

But then there was no follow-up on the shelter.

Gossip is the last thing in the world.

People just think of it as the little petulance of a rich second generation.

Zhang Yi quickly recalled the events of the year in his mind.

He looked at Xu Hao in front of him, and his eyes became serious.

"Do you know where the shelter is?"

If there is such a thing as a $1 billion super shelter, it is undoubtedly one of the safest places in the world!

Compared with the safe house that Zhang Yi spent 8 million Chinese yuan to build, its security level, indoor space and internal facilities do not know how many times stronger!

That's a real Fort of Doom, H-proof grade!

Zhang Yi's heart is also very curious, in the end is there really such a place.

Xu Hao carefully looked around, and then said to Zhang Yi: "There are many eyes here, we still go back to talk carefully!"

Zhang Yi nodded, and then let Xu Hao walk in front of him.

Xu Hao no opinion, in order to express their sincerity, obediently lead the way in front.

The two men went back to the 25th floor and then to the room on the 8th floor.

Zhang Yi closed the door behind her, leaned against the wall, crossed her arms and said to Xu Hao: "Now there is no one here, tell me about it carefully!"

Xu Hao also do not hide hidden, he understand Zhang Yi's character, dare not wordy.

So he said directly: "Wang Siming's shelter is actually No. 101 Yunque Manor!"

"Yunque Manor 101?"

Zhang Yi said the name in her mouth, and suddenly remembered what place it was.

One of the four most expensive villa areas in Tianhai City.

The land price there is a kind of belittling, it is said that the cheapest villa there has to be up to 100 million!

So the people who get to live there, they're not just rich people.

The Yunque Manor 101 is the villa of Wang Siming, the son of the richest man in Jiangnan at that time, and it is also a super mansion rumored to be worth 250 million!

After the death of Lao Wang, Wang Siming inherited the family's assets of 100 billion.

Although he indulged in pleasure and was not good at business, he once fell off the rich list.

However, this man is known as the first son of China, because he has enjoyed unimaginable prosperity and wealth in his nearly 40 years of life.

It is rumored that more than 80% of China's A-list actresses have slept with him.

Some people say that his girlfriend has been up to tens of thousands of people!

Zhang Yi holding arms, a face of fun looking at the front of Xu Hao.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Nothing to pay attention to, either a thief or a thief!

If the shelter is as rumored, it could cost as much as $1 billion.

That is definitely not Zhang Yi can break in with a few guns.

Therefore, he will not fight the wrong idea, so as not to send his own life into.

Who knows, but Xu Hao said: "I tell you this news, is hoping to follow you!" If you let me be your sidekick, I'll help you take down this shelter!"

Zhang Yi narrowed her eyes and looked carefully at the man in front of her.

A billion dollar super shelter, for Zhang Yi is no doubt full of attraction.

His work in Yuelu community is about to be finished, and the people who should be killed are almost killed.

In the outside world, it is believed that there are still some people who know that he is carrying a lot of materials.

At this time, it is the wisest thing to do, to go away and hide deep in the name.

If he could find a more perfect shelter, he would gladly go.

It's just, can he trust this guy?


Zhang Yi sneer, do not need any thinking, he will not believe!

"You take me for an idiot? Is there really such a good place that you will tell me?"

Xu Hao quickly explained: "Although I know where the place is, but now Wang Siming is the master there." I can't take it away on my own."

"That is why I have come to you for help! As long as you are willing to let me follow you, so that I can eat and warm, I will do my best to help you!"

Zhang Yi snorted.

His face did not fluctuate at all, and his tone said flatly: "Since it is a top shelter, how can it be so easy to attack down."

"And on closer examination, there is no friendship between us. Do you expect me to believe in pie in the sky when you suddenly give me such a great gift?"

Xu Hao saw Zhang Yi so cautious, he told Zhang Yi the location of the shelter, the other party is still indifferent.

He gritted his teeth and added an important piece of information: "Not only do I know where the shelter is, but I've been in it!" I know almost everything about the layout."

"Actually, Wang Siming and I were still in touch before. He found out about you in some way."

"So, he actually offered to let me lead you there and then take your supplies and snowmobiles!"

Zhang Yi's eyes in a blank flash.

Xu Hao panicked and waved his hand to explain: "But I refused him at that time!" I have the guts to think of you!"

Zhang Yi sneered.

His eyes cold, quietly staring at Xu Hao, word by word said: "Maybe, you are also playing fishing with me now maybe oh!"

The voice just fell, Zhang Yi's pistol on the top of Xu Hao's forehead.

"I'll shoot you right now!"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

Xu Hao was so scared that his legs trembled and he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Don't kill me, don't kill me! I'm telling the truth! You believe me, you believe me!"



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