
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · ファンタジー
620 Chs


Ling Feng wanton killing Xujia town villagers.

He had lost his mind, and only through killing and blood could he release his inner rage.

By the time he felt some relief inside, the ground was covered with mutilated bodies.

He held two pieces of his body inside his hands, and he was covered in blood, like a demon who had come out of hell.

The villagers were forced by other special forces to prevent them from escaping.

Ling Feng looked at the shivering villagers, and suddenly felt as if he had done a little too much.

He quickly explained, "Look at you, I just wanted to ask you if you saw the killer." Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Knowing that so many of my brothers died, I feel so bad now!"

"It's all right, everybody don't be afraid."

Although Ling Feng felt that there was something wrong with killing so many villagers, he thought that he had this impulse because of the tragic death of his brothers, and felt that this practice could be explained.

He asked the villagers again with a straight face: "Now you all give me an honest account!" You must have seen the fighting in the village. Tell me who the murderer is! '

The villagers looked at the sudden change of face Ling Feng, only feel that this person is a living devil, where also dare to answer his words?

Ling Feng angrily said: "If you don't say it, that is what you did!" Then your whole town will die!"

As soon as this word came out, some people were frightened to say: "I saw that they killed each other!"

Lingfeng smell speech, eyebrows upright, "you nonsense!"

He walked over and picked the guy up by the neck.

"It is impossible for our people to fight among themselves! Are you trying to hide the truth? I'll kill you!"

The old man's legs were flailing, his neck was caught, his face was red, and he was looking like he was going to be strangled.

Next to him, his daughter could not help crying and said, "What my father said is true, the man who started killing people wore the same clothes as you."

"But he killed everyone else all by himself, and by the way, he had a strange cat that could grow bigger than a house!"

Ling Feng widened his eyes. "Inhuman?"

He threw down the old man in his hand, pulled the woman over, pointed at her and said: "Well, I am a very fair person." As long as you tell me what you saw, I will not kill innocent people!"

How ironic that sounds.

It makes sense that he just killed someone.

The woman trembled and told her what she had seen.

But at that time, the villagers were afraid and could only secretly observe, and the women did not see much of the battle.

Fortunately, other villagers also added some, and finally filled in the puzzle of the story.

After listening to the villagers' narrative, Ling Feng was stunned and took two steps back in disbelief.

"Space is a power, it is Zhang Yi! Isn't he in the shelter? How the hell did he get out?"

Shen Hong came by and reminded him, "Captain, is there another channel?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "Yes, it must be like this!" A proper shelter cannot have only one road."

Their shelter is also, just escape with at least two channels, this does not include Chen Xinian special.

"If we can find that road, we can get into the shelter!"

"Damn Zhang Yi, you killed so many of my brothers, and so many villagers in Xujia Town, I must kill you!"

Lingfeng said, do not forget to the villagers of Xujia town: "Remember, it is not I Ling Feng who killed your relatives today." But Zhang Yi! All this is his fault."

"I will avenge you!"

The villagers lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, but they already regarded Ling Feng as a more terrible demon than Zhang Yi.

At least, Zhang Yi is their initiative to provoke after the counterattack.

And Ling Feng these west Mountain base special team members?

They try their best to serve each other, the results Ling Feng and others still take them as pigs and dogs.

They bitterly regretted it, but now it was too late.

Because they don't have what it takes to fight the Special Forces.

Ling Feng immediately ordered his soldiers to search Zhang Yi left traces.

It's snowing all over the place, and anyone passing by is bound to leave a mark.

Follow it to find Zhang Yi's way back, which is where the secret passage is located.

At this time, Zhang Yi has taken Xu fatty away from Xujia town.

But before taking him back, Zhang Yi also wanted to confirm whether this guy really completely put down the people and things in Xujia town.

"Fat man, you must think carefully. Once you enter the shelter, you must obey my orders unconditionally!"

"Can you really give up your beloved Xu Lili?"

When Fat Xu heard Xu Lili's name, he clenched his fist. Tears suddenly splashed out of the corners of his eyes and he shouted, "Of course you can! The three dimensional women are not trustworthy, I will never believe in love again!"

"That's best."

Zhang Yi started the snowmobile and drove back to the entrance of the back mountain.

He opened the door of the passage and walked in with Fatty Xu and Huahua.

Fat Xu looked behind him cautiously and then asked, "Boss, when I came here, the wheel mark on the road was too obvious." Will this passageway be discovered?"

Zhang Yi glanced at him, "As long as the other side is not a complete idiot, you can certainly find out."

Fat Xu suddenly a little nervous: "This is not a good thing!" It would be bad if they attacked from here!"

Zhang Yi's mouth showed a meaningful smile.

"I wish they would come soon!"

Fat Xu blinked his eyes and immediately understood, "Boss, you also prepared traps here waiting for them!"

"I never fight a battle unprepared."

Zhang Yi with Xu Chuzi came to the alloy door, after a complex program to unlock, and he entered the shelter inside.


On the other side, Ling Feng and others soon found traces of snowmobiles.

Shen Hong was vengeful and gnashed his teeth and said: "Captain, let's chase after it!" Kill that damn dog Zhang Yi!"

Ling Feng said calmly: "We have fought with that guy so many times, when have you seen him suffer losses?"

"This is an extremely dangerous adversary, and he could not have left such obvious holes unless he had other means at his back."

Shen Hong smell speech, agreed with the nod.

"But we can't miss this chance. In half a day, the trail will be covered by snow, and we'll never find the passage again!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said coldly: "Of course we should chase, but we can't be too impulsive."

He took a deep breath, his voice cold with sadness.

"We cannot afford any more casualties!"

More than 60 elite troops, 50 dead now.

The rest, a dozen or so, are either inhumans and modifiers, or engineers who oversee the progress of the project.

The death of one of these men is worse than the death of 30 ordinary soldiers!

Ling Feng stood up and said in a deep voice, "Call everyone back!"

Shen Hong froze for a moment, "But our tunnel is still digging, can the project be shelved?"

Lingfeng took a deep look at Shen Hong, "You think about it carefully." How dare Zhang Yi come out and attack our headquarters?"

Shen Hong slightly frowns along Lingfeng's words began to think.

A moment later, he looked up with shock in his eyes.

"Captain, you mean to say that there are traitors among us!"

"It is he who passed our intelligence to Zhang Yi, so Zhang Yi will take advantage of the emptiness behind us, alone to attack!"

Ling Feng eyes insidious said: "Yes, it must be so! He would not have been prudent enough to leave that shelter."

"Do you think it makes sense to dig a tunnel if our intelligence is really leaked?"

Shen Hong's breathing became faster.

That is to say, they have worked for more than half a month in vain?

The only good news is that although they wasted time, the work was done by the villagers in Xujia.

No, wait a minute!

Shen Hong suddenly realized something, and he blurted out: "But in this case, who among us is the traitor?"

They searched all the villagers in Xujia town and confiscated any communication equipment in their hands.

Even if someone tried to hide it, the task force members used the equipment to retrieve it.

What's more, Xujia town itself has a deep hatred between Zhang Yi, they did not tip off Zhang Yi means and reasons.

So, the traitors are among the members of the Task force?

But are most of the members of the Task Force dead, or are there, like, a dozen of them left?

Shen Hong's mind, immediately emerge a person's figure to.

Among them, the most suspicious person is undoubtedly new to join the special task force soon after Liang Yue.

After all, Liang Yue has publicly opposed Ling Feng's plan, and she is not close to anyone in the special team.

When I think about it, she's the most likely suspect!

Shen Hong whispered to Ling Feng: "Will it be Liang Yue?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. "Call them back and you'll know!"

Just take Liang Yue's mobile phone and send it to a technician to retrieve it, and naturally you can know the answer.

Even if she erases the communications, they can get everything back.

It's impossible to hide something.

So Ling Feng issued an order to all the people on the other side of the river, asking them to return to Xujia town immediately.

When the people on the other side of the river heard the gunfire, they knew something had happened, so they rushed back.

Liang Yue some doubts in the heart, but for Zhang Yi's plan, she is all know, just vaguely aware that the situation seems to be some bad.

So on the way back, she quietly hid herself and Zhang Yi contact that mobile phone into a tree hole.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MrQianniancreators' thoughts