
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · ファンタジー
620 Chs

Studying corpses

From Yang Xinxin here got information about the Xishan organization, Zhang Yi's heart stable a lot.

What people fear most is the unknown existence.

Know the strength of the opponent, at least can have the means to deal with.

Zhang Yi touched Yang Xinxin's head, smiled and praised: "Xinxin, you can be really powerful!"

Yang Xinxin proudly raised her chin, "This kind of thing is just a small problem for me!"

"Brother you wait and see, I will give the west Mountain base of the network all to hack off!"

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded: "Well, I'm looking forward to it!"

After talking with Yang Xinxin, Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Keer who was eager to try.

Zhou Keer saw Zhang Yi praised Yang Xinxin after, also cant wait to show their sleepless night research results.

"Kerr, what have you got here?"

Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Zhou Ke stood up, took Zhang Yi's hand and said: "Come with me to the lab, I have a great discovery!"

Yang Xinxin was not interested in the mutilated bodies and did not follow.

Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke 'er came to her lab.

This room is Zhang Yi specially prepared for Zhou Ke, said to be a laboratory, in fact, it is also an operating room.

He let in all his medical equipment, but he kept the important drugs in his hands.

In today's laboratories, all kinds of equipment are so complete that it is not a problem to perform an operation.

Even if there are missing appliances, you can also let Lu combustible help to build.

Zhang Yi walked into the laboratory and saw two bodies lying on the bed.

Their bodies have been dissected and many parts have been sliced.

Zhang Yi is used to dead bodies, so he does not feel how scary.

Zhou Keer pulled Zhang Yi, excitedly walked to the test bench.

Pointing to the slices under the microscope, she said to Zhang Yi: "By studying the bodies of these two people, I found that their cells had undergone changes. Cell activity is tens of times that of ordinary people!"

"And the energy produced by the glycogen reaction is released in unusual ways."

Zhou Ke 'er holds up two slices of human brain.

"The brain cells in particular had the most significant response. This may suggest that the main source of power is in the brain!"

Zhang Yi can not help but think that when he absorbed Xie Huanhuan powers, it was through her brain to obtain.

"It's really an interesting finding."

Zhang Yi nodded and praised a sentence with a smile.

But apparently, that information wasn't his primary concern.

He's not a scientist, he's just interested in what he can get directly.

But of course Zhou Ke 'er could see this perfunctory comfort.

Her angry little mouth flicked, "You have no idea how important this discovery is!"

"Well, how important is it?

But Zhou Ke 'er is very serious: "So far, the human body is affected by gamma rays, the natural variation produced."

"But that group is limited. And the effects of mutation may not be positive, and even if powers are acquired, they may not be useful."

"However, if someone can study the mutation principle of inhumans, or through cell transplantation, they may be able to create inhumans!"

Zhang Yi is much more interested in this statement.

"According to you, won't the whole world be inhumans after that?"

Zhou Ke Er mischievously spit out his tongue, "there is indeed this possibility." It's just The probability is about zero, zero, zero, zero... One."

She said seriously: "With the current medical and biological means, I am afraid it is not yet possible to achieve the degree of perfect reproduction of natural inhumans." After all, humans can't even clone human beings perfectly!"

Zhang Yi spread his hand: "That is not done!"

Zhou Keer said, "However, if some radical means are used, it is possible to produce... Well, I don't know, it's a weird effect."

She said, looking at Liu Ziyang's body on the operating bed.

"This man, for example, has a strange pattern of cell mutation in his body."

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow, "How strange method?"

Zhou Keer picked up his cell slice and Youyou said, "This woman next to you, her cell variation is very natural, and the whole thing has changed."

"But in this man, his cell mutations are only localized, and a large number of cells are malignant mutations that lead to necrosis and even harm his body."

"And the damage was exacerbated each time he was able to use the mutation."

"So I suspect that he's probably a man-made inhuman. So far, it's only defective!"

Zhou Ke's words aroused Zhang Yi's interest.

"Artificial inhumans? Will that do?"

"But looking at it this way, it makes sense."

Zhang Yi heart has been a few questions, now suddenly solved.

The first is his inability to absorb this male inhuman power.

If it were a man-made inhuman, it wouldn't be as perfect as a natural inhuman.

Secondly, the ability he has shown is too ordinary.

It is only to increase speed and agility, but in this respect, among the inhumans Zhang Yi has met, whether it is Uncle You or Liang Yue, he has blown up.

"It's man-made! It seems to be more powerful than the average person, and the ceiling has been locked."

Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, the so-called ace Task Force of the Western Hill Organization, with its large number of inhumans, is mostly of the same kind."

At the cost of damage to the body to gain far weaker than the strength of inhumans, this approach is too low cost.

But the advantage is that it can be mass-produced.

After all, in the last days, the lives of ordinary people are the least valuable.

"It is just the consumables in the eyes of the senior executives of the Xishan Base!"

Zhang Yi gave a very clear definition of this kind of inhumans.

At this time, he has a clearer understanding of the strength of the West Mountain base, and his confidence is more and more sufficient.

The other side does not have strong established armed forces.

Now Zhang Yi had a base for defending against their attacks.

But it's not in his character to just take a beating.

So Zhang Yi used to find the land combustible, let her provide a list of materials to make explosives, ready to go out to find some.

"These materials are not difficult to find, and if they are intended to kill people, even the most common black powder can cause significant damage in enough doses."

Lu Combustible made a list for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi nodded after reading, "These will be given to me!"

He called Fat Wang and asked the boy to go out with him.

With his ability to help, the search for supplies was hardly easy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts