
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 7: We are gonna be rich!

"So Beautiful." Yestsin, who was not far away to enjoy the fireworks feast, said with emotion.

The four black cars stepped on the accelerator, taking advantage of the cover of night, and drove towards the White House in Moscow like roaring steel monsters.

The bodyguards sitting in the car were all armed with AKS74U, protecting Yeltsin and were alert to the movements around the road.

At this time, Yeltsin in the car was already in a turmoil. He notified his political allies in advance that the top leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union would launch a coup.

On the one hand, he actively mobilized the remaining military forces in his hands.

But the vast majority of his outgoing calls came with busy signals, and that's when he realized that the emergency committee was moving faster than he was, and that some of his army supporters might have been restrained.

  Yeltsin straightened his suit, and was ready to enter the White House and plan for a long-term stalemate with the top Soviet coup leaders.

Once the coup turned into a long-term confrontation, Yeltsin had more chips in his hands.

Not only can he incite the masses in Moscow who don't know the truth to make shields for him, but he can also incite the army to mutiny and split the confederated countries.

Anyway, there are always many people who want to share a piece of meat from the dying red giant beast.

  The agent sitting next to him said to Yeltsin, "President Yeltsin, something has happened. We can't communicate with the outside world now. It seems that someone has specially blocked the radio wave signal in this area."

  Yeltsin frowned, he moved his body to try to maintain a comfortable posture, put his hands on the leather sofa, turned his head and said to the agent beside him, "Confirm again."

"No signal."


The Volga drove into the White House under the cover of darkness, and the driver only let off the accelerator when it reached the parking lot, bringing the car to a slow stop. The agent posing as the driver turned to Yeltsin and said,

"President Yeltsin, we are at the White House. Everything is safe."

  Yeltsin, who was lying in the rear driver's seat, poked his head out of the seat and got up to breathe a sigh of relief. He curled up in a corner along the way, not even daring to breathe too hard. Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way, and he came to the stronghold of democratic liberals, the administrative building in the center of Moscow, the White House.

  As for the life and death of the team of agents who protected him, it is not something the future leader of the Russian Federation has to think about now. The evil of the Soviets, needs to be destroyed.

  Thinking of this, the corners of Yeltsin's mouth could not help but rise slightly, thinking that the resilience of the high-ranking members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is really worrying.

When he broadcasts the news of the coup, the entire population of Moscow will support Yeltsin.

However, if the State of Emergency Committee blatantly suppresses the people when his grip of the army is not yet stable, it will only slide the Soviet Communist Party into an irreversible abyss.

  Yeltsin quickened his pace, and his allies were waiting for Yeltsin to join in the conference room. Yeltsin had already made up his mind and planned to set up a shadow cabinet composed of more than 20 people.

They would be sent to lead Russia at a backup relay station in the forest 70 kilometers from the city of Sverdlovsk. Prepare to organize another base in case the White House falls, and carry out a long-term struggle.

  Yeltsin even prepared a draft in his heart, ready to draft a "Report to Russian Citizens", inciting Moscow, and even the entire Russian citizens to oppose the coup d'état against him. Because of Yanayev's mistakes in strategy and action, Yeltsin came up with this trick earlier than in history to deal with this political change.

  Yeltsin stepped up the last marble steps, and the door of the conference room beckoned to him. He could even see the white light from the shining crystal chandelier inside through the gap in the wooden door.

As long as he pushes open the thick wooden door with his hand, there will be a group of allies supporting him sitting at the conference table waiting for his order.

  Yeltsin slowly opened the door, but the moment he saw the conference room scene, he clenched the cold handle tightly.

  There was no warm applause, eager eyes, and a dead silence in the conference room.

All Yeltsin saw were dilated pupils, temples pierced by bullets, solidified black blood, and silent and desperate corpses lying on the table.

These dead people were Yeltsin supporters in the Russian government, and now the murderer seems to use these corpses to mock his incompetence.

  "What's going on here?" Yeltsin took a few steps back, and the sense of security he had painstakingly built collapsed immediately.

When he turned around, he saw a pair of cold eyes staring at him silently. At some point, those figures hiding in the shadows of the buildings slowly emerged, holding hands in their hands, approaching Yeltsin in all directions.

Yeltsin glanced at the fallen body behind the standing figure in front of him, and he was sure that even the last agent who could protect him was gone.

As if knowing that someone was about to die, Yeltsin suddenly became calm. He began to applaud the instigator, and said flatly, "Congratulations to Yanayev and his accomplices, you have completely won."

  "You are wrong, President Yeltsin. This is the miracle of comrade Andrei Ivan kornilov, including us sneaking in in the name of security in December last year. Of course we have to wait This is the day." One of the assassin smiled slightly and said.

  "What? Isn't that waste son of Nikilov? Tell me, how did your boss find me? If I'm not wrong, he should be waiting to ambush my convoy in the outer suburbs of Moscow."

Yeltsin became very Confused, he even walked into the meeting room and found a chair to sit down.

He even calmly drank water in front of the muzzles of several submachine guns.

Natasha was going to just stood him to end her mission but the male assain stopped him.

She felt pity for the man.

"Wait be a bit paitent."

  The assassin sat on the table and said slowly, "It's nothing, my boss said that if I catch you, let me tell you that he arranged the phone call with General Lebed and was lurking in the building in advance It was also designed by him a long time ago.

Our task is to bring everyone down first, and then disguise you and your friends as a collective suicide."

  Yeltsin stopped drinking water for an instant. He raised his head and stared at the assassin, "You mean all of this is Andrei's doing, including the phone call from the very beginning is the first step of the plan. Even the He has been planning this coup since a year ago?

Why? Could it be that he has calculated when I will enter the White House? I am afraid that killing me is not as simple as fighting for power. It seems that your vice president lied passed everyone's eyes."

  Natasha held her pistol against Yeltsin's forehead and said,

"Sorry, nothing personal."

"To think I'll be defeated by a unknown worm. hahaha...well at least i should thank him for being killed by a beauty."

, " Do you have any last words to say?" The male assain spoke .


Yeltsin raised his head, his expression became ferocious because he was too excited, he said with a sneer,

"Please tell Andrei, I will wait for him in hell."


Natasha pulled the trigger, and the bullet drilled out of the silencer passed through Yeltsin's cranial cavity with soft blood.

The bullet embedded in the floor, smashing a small uneven hole.

Yeltsin's head fell back, and the broken skull followed a puddle of brains splashing onto the portrait of Gorbachev hanging on the wall. Scarlet dark spots, dotted with stars.

  Yeltsin died under the portrait of Getu, which is really a wonderful satire on the top Soviet Union.


"The traitor is dead"

Andrei finally calmed down.

Honestly he was really worried after Putin failed in his mission.But luckily hus backup plan save the situation.

With a big smile he entered the room.It was the same room as before but now there is no blood strange could be found.The room was also unusually quite compare to before . Because the guests are different.

Andrei stood at the same position as before.He looked at the guests in front of him.

Alll the high profile criminals and mafia dons of the Soviet union worth their name were present there.

He could even see many familiar faces of the people who would later become oligarchs ...

All of them a present here because of Anderi .

Some of them look at him with suspicion, some awe fear and some with a mixture of all of those emotions togather.

They were all focused on him, though some did took glances at Natalia beside him .

Andrei chuckled ,then said,

"Gentleman thank you attending my party at such short notice. Soon our coaporation is going to reach new heights .

Now let's give a toast to our prosperity and weath. People we are gonna be rich!"

An enthusiastic cheer took place in the room.

"Hail capitalism!" he murmured.


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