
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 6: Old fox

The August 17th incident can be said to have given the heads of government of Western countries a shot of stimulant.

Those heads of government who were planning to go on vacation canceled their vacations one after another, and paid close attention to every move of the Soviet Union.

Shuttle between the president's office and the intelligence building, muling over first-hand news from Moscow.

  At this time, everyone was extremely excited. They hoped to see the red empire that had terrified them for more than 60 years quietly collapsed in a coup, making this coup the last straw for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The general public also jumped on the hype train . These capitalists who regard communism as a scourge viciously criticize the coup and called for the top leaders of the CPSU to be hanged.

After the declaration of Marshal law, huge protest erupted across the Soviet union against the coup, demanding to bring back Gorvochov and reverse the order.


"Is everything ok sir? " Natalia asked a bit concerned.

"Hua? Oh it's nothing. I am just a bit nervous."

"Nervous?" Though it's been a short while, she never seen him showing any emotions akin to nervousness , he seems to be a hypocritical ruthless politician to her.

Andrei felt a bit lost. He finally took the most critical step in the overall plan. The news of the coup will be deliberately spread to Yeltsin's ears through some channels tonight. At that time, the panicked old fox will definitely escape from the heavily guarded villa and go to the White House, and the road leading to the White House is his grave.

"I hope the plan goes smoothly, i am counting on you comrade Vladimir."


On the outskirts of Moscow, summer nights are always a quiet and peaceful scene.

The fireflies deep in the grass on the roadside cling to the branches and leaves, emitting light green light dots, echoing the twinkling stars in the sky.

Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate slightly, the fireflies in the grass flapped their wings, and the originally dark and vast wilderness flickered with fireflies.

  The roar of wheels crushing the road came from a distance, and three black jeeps sped towards the direction of Moscow.

Putin, who is sitting in the car, is not in the mood to appreciate this wonderful scene.

A few kilometers further ahead is the location where Yeltsin would be ambushed. Yeltsin's suburban villa leads to an important section of Moscow City. This section of the highway is the only section of wilderness where there will be no witnesses.

  For this ambush, Putin planned this meticulously, he even asked the high level of the KGB Technical Bureau to deploy a radio jamming system in this area.

He knew this would be the moment of judgement of his career.

"So comrade Vadimir can you brief me about the situation?"

Putin looked at the red haired women beside him . Though it's a bit unsual for a Russian to have red hair,he wasn't going to inquire about what kind of KGB experiments she was in .

He couldn't trust her but he had no choice but to follow Andrei's order.

" Natasha romanoff right? I hope you have the ability to perform. So don't get in my way . For this assassination, we have mobilized two helicopters, five tanks and armored vehicles, and a special force with more than 20 people to complete the task.

Moreover, from now on, we will no longer use The Alpha team. I have prepared two teams dispatched from the GRU and are on standby at the KGB stronghold on Lenin Street."

  "Why not use Alpha? Letting them infiltrate the White House is the easiest plan to succeed." Natasha didn't understand why Andrei made such a decision. He obviously had the best and most easily mobilized Alpha. Why not make use of it?

  Kryuchkov on the side interjected, "Because the Alpha team was attacked by mobs last night and all of them were killed."

Natasha immediately recognized the meaning of Kryuchkov's words. Once she was part of the alpha, cold sweat began to ooze from her forehead.

How many small tricks did that lascivious guy hide behind her back?

Seeing her not knowing such critical information Putin felt good about himself.

Putin(yes that one), the future president of Russia, was an agent of the KGB when he was accidentally promoted by Andrei four months ago, and was transferred from Leningrad to his side as an office secretary.

Putin was a little surprised by Andrei's direct and friendly aproch. But he saw it as nothing less than hitting a jackpot for his career.

Now he is doing all the shady stuff for Andrei.

"Now everyone focus! We set up this simple bomb on the side of the road. The explosive device was used to destroy Yeltsin's convoy. From previous observations, it can be concluded that Yeltsin's protection convoy is generally four black cars. The C-4 explosives ambushed here can destroy the first car of the convoy, forcing the convoy to Stop. Then the agents behind us in the grass use the RPG to destroy the last car, so that the convoy in the middle will be immobilized."

"This section of the road has a wide view, so I have arranged machine gunners on both sides of the road. No matter which direction they get off from, they will be suppressed by powerful firepower."

Putin picked up a heavy PKM general-purpose machine gun, which fires 7.62mm The machine gun with caliber bullets will definitely become a nightmare for Yeltsin's bodyguards.

"Considering the bulletproof performance of the presidential seat, we have also prepared a GP25 grenade launcher. If Yeltsin is unwilling to surrender, we can turn him into coke." Putin spoke.

" So everybody is ready?"

"Yes sir!!"


The four black cars stepped on the accelerator, taking advantage of the cover of night, and drove towards the White House in Moscow like roaring steel monsters.

The bodyguards sitting in the car were all armed with AKS74U, protecting Yeltsin and were alert to the movements around the road.

The car walking in the front suddenly shot out a ball of dazzling flames from the ground, lifted the steel monster weighing several tons to a height of more than three meters, and then clumsily rowed in mid-air.

After passing through an arc, the overturned corpse crashed to the ground.

The jeep at the back seemed to want to retreat. The agent who had expected to ambush suddenly stood up from the grass, carrying an RPG on his shoulder, and aimed a rocket at the back of the jeep. In the dark night, only a dazzling tail flame could be seen flashing a distance and hit the jeep fiercely. In an instant, the whole car turned into a burning fireball. Huge coffin.

  The car in the middle wanted to pass through the grass on both sides of the road, and the ambush pulled the trigger.

The PKM machine gun continuously harvested flames and directly reduced the car's tires to a pile of black rubber, but soon the machine gunner discovered something was wrong. , This car is actually able to withstand the bullets of the PKM machine gun.

The machine gunner did not dare to slack off, and suppressed the agents in the car with the most powerful firepower, and then rushed from all directions, slowly narrowing the encirclement, so that the people in the car had nowhere to escape.

  "The bulletproof work is good. It's definitely from the west."

Natasha turned her head and asked Putin,

"Is this situation within your consideration? Said I wanted Yeltsin's body intact."

  "Of course."

Putin said in a calm voice,

"I believe the KGB has enough experience to deal with this situation."

  After speaking, a loud noise sounded from the bushes on Natasha's side, and the sound was as harsh as someone detonating a grenade inside. Then she saw the car window shatter instantly, and a pool of blood that was not obvious in the dark night was splashed on the broken car window.

Afterwards, this chilling sound came from the bushes again, and the bullet-proof glass, 7.62mm bullets could not help at all, was cut open by the bullets of this gun like jelly.

  "We also carried large-caliber anti-material sniper weapons, in order to prevent unnecessary situations like this."

Putin put down the binoculars, and the gunfire gradually became thinner, which meant that everything was over.

  "Let's go, let's visit our old friend Yeltsin." He stood up and patted the dust on his body, and walked down the hillside.

He couldn't even wait to see Yeltsin's desperate and terrified expression before he died.

  The machine gunner was still picking up the PKM and firing continuously at the palm-sized bullet holes, and didn't stop until there was no movement in the car.

  Putin, who was full of longing, was disappointed when he saw the scene inside the car.

What was displayed in front of him was just a presidential seat full of corpses of secret agents.

The cunning Yeltsin was not in the car, and the pungent smell of blood He also had to cover his nose.

  "Yeltsin is not in this convoy, but took another road."

Putin clenched his fists, it's a big miss, he has no choice but to report this bad news to Andrei,

"Shit! That old fox, i should have known this is a decoy."

Then he noticed someone was missing and asked,

"Hey! Where is Natasha?"


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