
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 12: Shirtless Dictator's Image management

This one and the next one is written a bit differently, comment about it, i had a lot of fun.


"Is this brown bear safe? Can you guarantee it?" Andrei asked Natalia seriously.

After all, he just wanted to pose for a photo. If this big brown bear, which is only three meters high, goes crazy, his body will not be able to bear it. He didn't want to die by a bear like a number of shameful deaths in a YouTube video.

"It is already full and has taken a lot of calming medicine. Moreover, this brown bear is well-trained and has been rehearsed many times. The possibility of accidents is very small. The anesthesia gun is ready." Natasha answered as if it was nothing. Though Andrei thought she was having fun .

Unlike the other people around their forehead was covered with cold sweat, Although many leaders would do this kind of show, who would have thought that Andrei would actually want to ride a bear across the river this time? This is really too dangerous.

As a symbol of an evil empire, the bear has always been loved by the people, although everyone knows that a neutralizing of this kind of bear is hard.

Recently he was criticised a lot by the media, both foreign and domestic. He refused to put rustication on the media.

After all he didn't want to create an echo chamber like other dictators , he wanted to see the genuine reaction of his people so they could vask in the glory of Andrei, their beloved handsome dictator.

If you rode a bear across a turbulent river by yourself, this must be a very popular thing for the people, and it will be very beneficial to your own image and rule.

A good image is really important.

Andrei's leadership doesn't have to be wise nor correct, his image and his people are there, and he can make a difference. to an effective stabilization effect. He needs to overwhelm ambitious people with prestige.

In addition to shaping the personal image, Andrei also plans to draw some brilliance from the prestige from the legacy, and further myth the leader who is destined for greatness.

Unfortunately for him, his forefathers were just simple farmers and he didn't participate in a war so it's hard to build prestige.

So he decided to interview with the deceased leader's widow, Victoria Brezhneva. Originally, the widow had not appeared in public after her husband's death, but under Andrei's enthusiasm, Still agreed to his visit.

During the visit, Andrei spoke highly of Brezhnev's great contribution to the people. He was one of the most outstanding figures of that era and the great leader of the Soviet people. Keep up with the times. As his successor, Andrei cherishes the memory of this great man's voice and smile, and will make more contributions to the people under his inspiration.

At the same time, the photos of Andrei riding a big brown bear across the river began to be posted all over the streets and alleys with the efforts of the Propaganda Department, which attracted the attention and evaluation of countless people. Because of the free press it also reached the world.

Riding on a big brown bear, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, the brown bear has a docile expression on its face, as if tamed by Andrei.

Being able to tame a powerful brown bear, one can imagine how powerful and powerful Andrei is.

The people always expect their leaders to be flawless and great figures, and they will always add glory to them unconsciously. So, does Andrei's behavior meet their expectations in their hearts?

Yes, rather in some places it got even a boost by an accident photo of Us president Bush falling off a bicycle while in a campaign rally.

Even in American newspapers like New York times and Washington post the headlines were two contesting photos.

On one side a young man, shirtless, riding a brown bear as if he tamed it like Tarzan. While on the other side an old man falling on a sewage drain.

It's simply humiliating .

The American public was in uproar .The opposition demanded Bush to step down for being weak and ineffective. Everyone around the laughed at President Bush while in awe of this shirtless dictator.

Being the laughing stock of the media of both foreign and domestic Bush vowed to revenge.

" Damm you Andrei ! How dare you humiliate me like this. I want revenge!"

The CIA chief after getting bombarded by Bush for not handling the situation well, promised to increase funding for separatist movement in The Soviet union.

If Andrei knew this he would have surely beaten himself. Who knew these petty grudges led to international conflict?

Although there is no shortage of smart people in the evil empire, they criticize this kind of boring show, thinking that it is to fool of the people and create a cult of personality.

Some even criticized him saying see! The Soviet people are so poor that even their leader can't afford a shirt.

But this kind of hearty and strong style still makes many ignorant people think more about the new leader. A few favors, which made the intellectuals who worked hard to enlighten the people heartbroken.
