
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · ファンタジー
93 Chs

A job; Your father makes breakfast for me.;

Kerren sat on his bed, he was still reading that book. Several weeks passed since the eruption. He continued his lifestyle not bothering about anything else. He calculated that somewhere around the end of the next month he'll be able to finally learn that skill! It wasn't fast or anything, one could even say that it look a long time for him to learn it! But... He wasn't familiar with any of concepts inside of this book! Thus the long time he needed!

Not even once he thought abot the principle spying on him or the girl being upset, he didn't care. Why would? That girl, for example, did look good and everything, but as of now he didn't need her. He cant go inside of the dungeon yet, why bother with her? If he was interested in her that would be another matter, but she was too dangerous... Also, he felt that even if he put the blame on her - it wouldn't hurt her, her guild or a family, whatever it was... it was too strong.

Thus, he decided to use her. Of course, he would have to apologize to her if nothing else happened, it wasn't really a problem for him to do that. He also suspected the principe of being involved in that matter even more after he thought about it. Sudden duel invite, her wanting them to get together?... What bullcrap was that? It's not like it wasn't normal for teachers to tell students to do that, many did so, in fact. But... She was too forceful...

Not only Kerren, many students understood that something was not right, some even speculated that she was her daughter and wanted her to have a child with Kerren! Well... If only they knew that he didn't have any talent at all and was basically a filthy cheater! If they spent so much time inside the purgatory and didn't go insane they'd realise lots of things as well! Moreover, he got a lot of knowledge from the facility!

-* Oh, right! Artefacts! -- Kerren suddenly realised, that wasn't something one would normally forget, but since he had too much going on for him, also since he was somewhat paranoid... he did forget that could make them... But... Was that really that easy? He didn't have any equipment, thus he wanted to get it from somewhere... But... Where from?...

The guild! He still had a contract with them! Since they didn't contact him they must've bet on him approaching them first when he needed something, then they'd get their revenge! Sadly, they weren't exactly right. Kerren would approach them, but who will be the winner in the end?..


Kerren came to the office or whatever it was, he opened it without even knocking and saw another stundent talking to the guy he already knew, it was one that he used to demand crystals from the guild.

- Get out of here -- he told the student, not even looking at him.

The students wasn't stupid, but before he could leave the guy sitting on the opposite side of the desk told him...

- Come tomorrow, i hope you understand -- he apologized in Kerren's stead. -- How can i help you? -- he then asked him.

- I need equipment to make artefacts. S class only, algo a forge that can melt all known ores. Oh, i need an anvil too, or a block of something that could be used in it's stead -- he stated without blinking an eye!

What absurd! If someone but him demanded that from the guild - they'd be kicked immediately! What gall he had! Moreover, he didn't help the guild at all and even angered the guildmaster! What did he even hope for by coming here!? But, as he was about to tell him that he can't help him with that unless he apologized to guildmaster personally...

- I have an S rank skill, Advanced Mana Control, look. -- he said, showing the guy his status panel, it only had the skill he mentioned, he didn't want to reveal more than he needed. -- Still going to refuse me? -- he was smiling while saying that. He knew that they wont ever refuse him if he gave them that information about him.

- W-what!? Where did you...!? -- He was shocked! An S rank skill! A student who wasn't awakened for two full months had it!? AND he was only 16!? Any guild that had being that could think just a little would start a war over such a person!

Without even thinking about it he tried to contact the guildmaster, of course, it took some time, but when people heard that Kerren wanted to ask for something personally they allowed it, thinking that he was there to apologize! He didn't reveal the fact that it was a different reason, nor did he reveal what exactly it was, he knew the importance of such matter!

Soon after, the guildmaster came personally. Did he not have anything better to do!? Why is this the second time he's coming here!? Whatever the reason was, they didn't care, he was the guildmaster, after all. He ordered to make a barrier inside the room so other wont peek if they wanted to. Kerren then showed him that he did have such a skill. Of course, the guildmaster could already see that he wasn't lying, more than that, he could also see his other skills! Do you remember why? Good! In case you dont - it was insight skill.

- So, what do you want this time? -- the guildmaster asked without beating around the bush.

- Equipment to make artefacts, a forge and an anvil. -- he answered without even thinking, as if he already knew what he'd ask.

- Only an anvil? Are you going to use your hands? -- he joked a little. I wonder why his mood was so good?..

- Yeah, i will. It must be of greatest quality you can find. Otherwise i'll just go to another guild. -- he stated blankly. He didn't even care that he was talking to a guildmaster!

- Oh? Are you not afraid to break the contract? -- he asked curiously.

- What? Who cares about the contract? -- he asked back, really not getting it.

- Haha! Yeah, nobody does. -- he laughed about it -- Well, i guess we can do that... But i would ask you to do something for in exchange. -- he then revealed.

- What would that be? -- he didn't care what it was, he needed the equipment, wether it was killing someone or making bombs for him - he would do it.

- Simple, i need you to go on a raid with my son. She's too arrogant, show him what true talent is! -- he said with a somewhat dissapointed expression -- Since you are a mage i know that you'll have a problem with mana, i will give you enough to wreck that dungeon and even more as payment. On top of your request, of course. -- he then played a good guy, which he wasn't. They both knew that.

- Okay, good enough for me. What dungeon do you want me to clear and when do we start? -- he asked about the details only to pretend that he had plan at that exact time afterwards.

- Any time you want, it doesn't matter, i'll force him to come with you. Of course, i will also have some people come with you, so they'll keep both of you safe. -- his answer didn't surprise Kerren, it was an old fox! He knew that he'll try something like that!

- Okay, then i'll be the one choosing the dungeon. -- he then took out his phone and started browsing the website that featured dungeons, it was a popular website for awakened made by one of the guilds. After a few minutes he chose one -- This one -- he said as he showed his phone to the guildmaster.

- What? An A rank dungeon? Are you sure that you'll be able to clear it alone? -- it's not like he had doubts about Kerren's ability, but... it was too much for a kid!

- Well... as i am now - no. But if you gave an infinite mana supply... -- he grinned as he said the last part -- Also, dont you think that it's better than clearing some low-ranked bullcrap dungeon? Who else but me could clear an A rank dungeon alone, especially at my age, two months after awakening? Did you want to show him what talent is? I will! Just give me crystals and it'll be done. -- he was smiling the whole time and it made him look like he was trying to sell some magical talismans to an old woman!

- Your words make sense... -- he actually agreed! -- Wouldn't that be dangerous tho? You dont have that much skill apart from mana control... -- he revealed that he seen them, it wasn't that big, he might already be aware of it -- Wait, how are you even going to clear it? -- he pondered.

- You can ask your son or those people you send with me afterwards. Listen, you gave me job to do, i said what i need for the job, now, your job is waiting until i complete my part, okay? -- Kerren explained his point of view, basically telling the guildmaster to not ask too many questions.

- Good, good! -- he was happy with that attitude! Strong and arrogant! -- We'll do just that, then! My people will come pick you up tomorrow morning, dont oversleep! -- he said as he was about to leave.

- Tell them where my room is and make them wake me up. -- he added as the guildmaster was already at the door.

- Huh? Well, okay. Anything else? Maybe they should bring you some food so you can have a nice breakfast? -- he asked jokingly.

- Uhm... You know what? Sure, make them bring me some mana-fruits as downpayment -- he actually dared to demand for more!

- Ugh... Okay, see you soon! -- he quickly left, not risking talking to him anymore! What if he asked for more!? he was now too valuable for him to refuse unless the request was absurd!

As the guildmaster was leaving, the guy whose office it was saw his distressed face and became afraid... What were they talking about!?

Soon, Kerren left it aswell, at first he thought about placing a bug there to get some information, but deemed it pointless after thinking for a while, thus he took a bit longer to leave.


Next day came, Kerren woke up from people banging at his door again. It didn't bother him this time because he knew that it'll happen. If one expected it - why get annoyed?

He opened the door and asked...

- My mana fruits? -- he was staring at them

- Here -- one of the men handed him a bag with several fruits.

- Good, bring me to the car or whatever you used to get here -- he didn't even bother to get dressed, he was still wearing a t-shirt and shorts he slept in. That puzzled those men, but they didn't argue, they already knew who this guy was.

As they came to the car Kerren saw a tall and handsome guy leaning on it, he instantly realized that it was the guy who he was supposed to teach! When they got even closer, said guy looked at Kerren and started laughing.

- This is the guy pops found!? He's a damn clown from what i see! -- he was barely holding his laugh as he was saying that.

- Am i allowed to cripple him? -- he looked at the men infront of him and asked.

- I dont think so -- one of them replied without a second thought.

- Cripple me!? What a joke you are!? Dont you know who i am!? -- he instantly became red from anger!

- No, but your father personally makes breakfast for me -- he said as he glanced at the bag in his hands.

- Y-You! I will show you what... -- as he was about to continue...

- Young Master, dont go overboard, your father already explained it to you. -- one of the men tried to calm him down.

- Kerren, when do you want to receive the crystals? I have 50 kilograms of A crystals in my inventory right now. -- the other told Keren.

- Let's transfer them all to me right now, it'll be easier that way. -- he didn't even bother to think about it, just give them all to me!

- What!? 50 kilograms!? Why would you give him so much!? -- even for guildmaster's son it was a lot! Why would his father give this guy so much!?

- None of your concern. -- he didn't even bother to look at the guy.

When they finally transferred all of them, attracting attention of countless students, Kerren sat on the front seat of the car without asking and said...

- Come on, i still have things to do -- he was too rude to people around him! Moreover, he didn't take them seriously! He wore a damn t-shirt and shorts! He didn't even have any shoes at all, he was barefoot! What was that guy!?


Magical fruits? Oh, those things... Well, they're not that rare to be honest, they're more like... Excuisite food? Ehm... They dont have that much properties, they're insanely tasty because of the mana, yes, they also imrpove one's mana capabilities because of the same reason, but apart from that? They're not even that expensive and one could grow them basically anywhere with an abundance of mana and right, plants that produced them didn't even need sun or water! Fertile ground and mana was all they asked for!

Well, there were some rare fruits, of course, but getting them is... Hard. Even if you got one - you won eat it easily, almost all of them could be used in potion that had greater effect than said fruits, thus only low-leveled ones could be eaten for breakfast or something like that. Also, the taste didn't change between the truits, even if they looked different they all tasted the same, because they were the same! The only difference was mana inside of them!

Of course, as usual, there were exceptions, MOST of the fruits had the same taste, special ones had different taste. What those special ones were? For example those that were grown without the sun, they had a specific taste and one could tell that they just ate dirt... If one was grown inside water it would taste like it... You got what i mean, right?

Oh, yeah, when i said that the taste didn't change i meant the taste between the same type of fruits, those that were grown in different condition obviously had different taste. That's all for my little lession about mana fruits!

6th chapter for today... Kinda tired...

DaoistBadWritercreators' thoughts