Two temporal manipulators or Chronokinietics, one male aged 14 and the other female aged 15-200, attain the status of Supervillain as they try to find a way to live with each other through time.
The door flies open, startling us and many others awake. The winds blow over and even with Jane at my side I shiver. Through groggy eyes I make out what's happening at the door.
There's Hastra, in heels and a thick indigo fur coat. She pulls on her gloves a bit, the door still open behind her, then she starts clapping.
"Wakey Wakey!" She yells, spurring several to stand amidst all the groans, "Everyone ready to leave Xoxia stand up!"
The words hardly register before Jane pulls me off my butt. Within a second everyone is on their feet.
One of the women that watch over the blankets walks up to Hastra, shivering from the winds still let in from the open door. "Are we going tonight?"
With only the winds to be heard a quiet blankets the room as her words speak for the hope of everyone.
Hastra straightens, her lips part and the room leans forward to grab the slightest whisper, "Yes, tonight we head out of Xoxia!"