
The World Flipped

This is a story about Reinard, a boy who was a game freak as a result of things that had happened to him. One night the world suddenly flipped and Reinard saw this as another chance to rewrite himself. But fate takes him on a journey without his consent and Reinard slowly realizes there may be more to the flipping of his world and to everything that exist. Follow Reinard and many other characters as they impact this Abeir Toril,( a beautiful world adored by many but untouchable)in different ways MC is not perfect and overpowered from the beginning and world building takes some chapters but later focuses on MC alone.

CephasWRITES · ファンタジー
303 Chs

Round Table meeting

The ship had set sail and as expected everyone on the royal had settled into their rooms. Except for Rein who was walking to the stable on the ship, after looking so much, he finally finds Belet who wasn't looking so good. He rushes to the pale Belet that laid on the floor.

"Belet... What's wrong?"

The fear could be seen on his face as he opened the short doors of Belet room, knelt before him, and rubbed his cheek.

"nei.. ghh"

".... Are yu.... Ship-sick right now"



Rein burst out into uncontrollable laughter and fell butt on the floor beside Belet. He then sat up next to Belet.

"Alright you'll endure this, since you're my only friend on the ship I'll spend some time"

He rubs Belet neck who slowly closes his eyes falling into slumber.

(weird... Ever since reaching this world, I've been discovering more about myself... For me is this a blessing or a curse)

He stood up sneakily after watching Belet peacefully sleep for a few minutes.

As He walked out, a young boy that waited in front of the stable door bowed slightly to him, he was in the same uniform, had black hair with bangs covering his forehead but just wasn't as handsome as Rein, he also didn't look stunning in the uniform like Rein did, his attire color was black which proofed he was the lowest in the power ranking of the dukes.

"you're been called at the general meeting room..."

"why would I be needed?... "

"I don't particularly know sire, the princes asked me to call for you"

(argh... Seems having all my time to myself would be hard, I should go ahead and train my mana after this)

Rein followed the Black-haired timid looking boy.

.... ¬

The room had a long rectangle table, one red chair at the edge, then were five red chairs following, after which the chairs of the nine duke's kid followed, the chairs were opposite each other except the chair that stood alone at the edge of the table in between the chairs, each chair was only one color each, which meant apart from the royals only one member of each household was expected to be there perhaps the eldest. Following the red chairs was the sky blue colored chair opposite it was a cream-colored, next to the sky blue colored chair was the deep blue chair, opposite the deep blue chair was a white chair, and next to the deep blue chair was a brown colored chair... in that order till the black.

Rein who had understood already what he deemed childish immediately he saw it, took his sit on the white chair.

"Since we are complete we'll now commence the meeting"

A red-haired boy whose hair was neatly packed spoke, his chair was the first.

"The reason I'm calling this meeting is... Most of all probably know ourselves but not all of us do, as royals, we don't know most people here except the Belmont family and the Griswold family... I would like to know everyone and would start with introducing myself"

He stood up and placed his hands on his chest, it was the most polite thing a royal can do, they only bowed to their elder brothers and parents.

"My name is Dundragon el Tlexiclti Nezahualpilli... You can freely address me as prince Neza"

Immediately he sat, a blonde-haired boy stood up, his sharp, red-eye sent a chill to many, he rarely smiled unlike the first who had a warm smile on his face, stood up.

"I'm Dundragon el Tlexiclti Eztli"

He didn't place his hands on his chest and sat down I immediately sat back down however no one dared challenge him, whether the royals chose to show respect was their choice.

"my name is Dundragon el Tlexiclti Zolin..."

He also had red hair but unlike Neza he was very lively, his face spoke that he was the playful and menacing type of prince, his hair fell on his shoulder making him a beauty.

"my name is Dundragon el Tlexiclti Cualli"

He had red hair and a cold smile, his eyes were closed like he was hiding his true self.

"Dundragon el Tlexiclti Mahuizoh"

She was a beauty that caught the glimpse of everyone but she had no smile on her face, she also held a sword in a scarlet scabbard, unlike others who felt it wasn't necessary to take weapons to the meeting room, her sword was a part of her and went everywhere with her. Her red long hair made her beauty outshine others, her hair revealed her forehead and eyebrows were clean and slant, she wasn't an easy target.

"call me princess Quetzalxochitl"

The last one which was the last of them didn't call her out the royal name sat back down, she had short red hair and didn't bother about etiquette, but her face was menacing not to say she had the kind of body every man would want her skirts were almost showing the very bottom of her butt reveal her panties. She was immoral no one denied it, also no one dared to voice that fact out.

A young boy who had white hair and a sea blue eyeball was very handsome, so handsome Rein was angry, his white hair was neatly gelled to the back, reaching the beginning of his neck, he stood up. Rein had thought his attire was the best, but with this person, his thoughts were what people would call delusional.

(why do those damn nobles that rank first have to be so good at everything.)

Rein looked jealously at the boy who started to introduce himself.

"I am Belmont vuz Arnette, the third son of Duke Belmont vuz Hazlitt Rou, I'm here with my younger sisters who are twin"

The person sitting next to him who was in creamed colored attire stood up, it was a black-haired girl, whose bangs covered her forehead wand was nicely trimmed, with her black eyeballs her mood was light, her lips were wine-colored and she smiled a lot, she looked beautiful even though she wasn't a match for the princess Mahuizoh.

"I'm Goldevia of house Osmond, I'm the second child and only female, I'm on this ship with my younger brother."

Next was the yellow-haired boy in blue attire.

"Griswold vou Deffer, I'm the second son and here with my sister"

Sitting opposite him was Reinard, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, everyone wanted to know the son of the duke who has used the money to rise in power and had gotten the title duke of wealth.

"Wimberly Reinard. I'm the only child, at least for now..."

Princess Mahuizoh flinched for a second, Princess Quetz looked at her and scoffed, as she licked her lips looking at Rein like a snake that's had found its prey.

(I'm sure he must be a spoiled lazy kid, with too much money, he'll probably be the first to die...)

The orange-haired boy in brown attire sitting next to Rein finally stood up as he rounded up his thoughts.

"I'm Filmore Finn, I'm here with my younger brother and our Azasi owl; Heidi.

"ohh the Filmore household is powerful when it comes to dealing with mythical beasts, I hope you will be of great help to us."

Finn bowed completely while standing and shouted;

"yes my prince!!"

Next to him was a short boy in green attire, his hair was light blue and they were spiky and his eyebrows were thick, his eyeball was light blue which was the color of his hair. However people marveled when this boy introduced himself because every noble in the empire had heard that name from their parents, even the Royals were familiar with the name, as it was the name of the person, their mothers would compare them to when they were lacking in strength.

The prodigy... who had graduated the magical academy at age 11 when a normal kid should graduate at 17. The teachers had said there was nothing more to teach him and had graduated him.

"my name is Clemon Jon, I'm the last child of my family and don't mind my height I'm 18 just like everyone."

Jon has used to the eyes people gave him a moment and didn't make a fuss about him, because he knew that every noble had used him to compare their kids, even his dad used him to compare his elder ones. However, he was marveled at the one person who didn't seem to care about his identity.

Rein who didn't know why the atmosphere turned gloomy stared blankly at the roof and around the room.

"I guess I've finally found some competition huh"

"you praise me too much my prince"

"hu.. h"

The warm smile of the prince disappeared immediately, he tilted his head and his face wore the appearance of a devil. Everyone felt the atmosphere tighten as if someone concealing his power suddenly unleashed it.

"... What do you mean praise... why would I Neza praise you?"

Everyone in the room except four gasped for hair, even Rein gasped. Jon didn't, he smiled and bowed...

"I'm sorry for my misuse of words"

Princess Mahuizoh who didn't gasp and still kept her cool looked at Rein disappointedly as he gasped.

The meeting was to introduce each other no doubt, but everyone except Rein knew the true motive of the meeting. It was to pick out the trash from the good ones and show the power of the strongest.

Prince Neza grinned

(I'm fucked, is he stronger than me, I directed all that killing intent to him, even people I didn't direct it to were not okay, and yet he smiled... He should've passed out by now... How strong is he?)

"you are pardoned... Let's carry on... Next person"

A boy in ash-colored attire, his black hair was tied up, his eyes were black and were like that of an eagle, it wasn't ordinary as his household was famous for their eye prowess.

"I'm Edgerton Rai, I'm here alone as I'm the last child of the family."

Next was a muscular boy with black low hair-cut, he was pale orange-colored attire. He had an agile look with freckles.

"I'm Bardulf Reed, the last child of the Bardulf household"

Next was a white-haired lady, her bangs covered her forehead and were neatly trimmed she had a calm look to her and was dressed in purple attire.

"I'm Ravinger Natasha, and I'm here alone"

Finally was the boy in black attire rose, he was the one that had went to call Rein earlier.

"my name is Spooner Seth, I'm the second child of the Spooner household I'm here with my sister"

"... Well that'll conclude it, everyone please feel free to relate with us, we are royals that have been locked indoors all our lives, we might look hard but we'd love to have some subordinates."

Prince Neza stood up and walked out, immediately Princess Mahuizoh followed him.

"How was he?"

He asked her,

"he's weak, seems like a kid that has been spoilt with riches... He might even die soon."

"If he dies it's a win for father... He will be able to swallow up the duke of wealth's riches and if he doesn't, he'll be stronger regardless and you'll eventually have to marry him."

"He'll die"

Neza laughed at his sister who had a serious but cute face.

As everyone went out of the room Jon who had been holding it in finally spitted out blood.

"haha, I thought they were supposed to be pampered and proud royals... How are they this strong... I guess we'll meet stronger people in the academy too... Two years uhh... It's gonna be far."
