
007- Why did this happen!

Seiya Groggily woke up in his home that he was growing to big for. He didn't realize but every time he Evolved he grew in size.

'Whoa what the... the tree is so small! or... im bigger? That one makes more sense.'

He was originally 1 Square meter but now he was 5 Square Meters! He had settled in a pretty big tree but he could tell that by his next evolution he would be to big.

'I guess I should go to the Slime Village now right?'


"Looks like Where almost there Alexis." Said a man in Golden Plated Armor.

"An idiot would have noticed that 3 minutes ago Jake." Said 'Alexis' while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah....Well i noticed that like... and hour ago!" Said Jake trying to prove himself to his Friend.

"Toootally." Alexis clearly knew he was trying to act cool, because they left an hour ago!

These two were S Rank adventurer's that were on a subjugation quest to explore the [1st through 3rd Layer] of the [Primordial Forest]. They had Also heard that a [Divine Herb] had been found near the [Entrance of the 4th layer]. They weren't ordered to find it but that was the real reason they took the quest.

They were nearing the outer layer as they were talking and would probably arrive in another 2 minutes. There were actually two different outer areas, the [1st Layer] and the [Outer Layer]. They were totally different spots. The [Outer Layer] were just the Forest-e area outside of the real [1st Layer].

There were no beasts at all in the [Outer Woods] because of the barrier placed by the 'Jade Emperor'. If there were beasts there they either had a [Bloodline] with Unlimited potential, were protected by a Divine Being, or had surpassed [Tier 7].

The [1st Layer] itself was the weakest layer in the [Primordial Forest]. It only contained [D & C Rank] Beasts with a max of [Tier 1]. It was a walk in the park for them.

They had finally reached the [Outer Woods] and started walking inside.

"The first area to scout is the [Slime Village] right?" Asked Jake as they were entering.

"Yup." Alexis didn't even bother to look at him.


Seiya had estimated the Village to be around 20 minutes away from his home when he was at his top speed, if he used [Lighting Movement] he would got there in less than 7 minutes, but he didn't want to waste it in case he needed it. Before he left he wanted to [Fuse] his Arts.


[Fuse Arts: [Eat] and [Assimilation]?]


As Seiya said yes he could feel the familiars feeling of his life being sucked out of him. This time it was 10x faster than last time!

He was even shriveling up and turning gray! Anyone would think that this slime was cursed.



'[Supreme Regeneration]!'




'[Supreme Heal]!'



'[Supreme Heal]!'

This went on for 10 minutes and as Seiyas Mp was drying out the pain stopped.

[Fusion: Successful]

[Obtained Art.]

[??? Rank] Divine Absorption


[Reach Tier 5 to Unlock or level 300 without Evolving]


If Seiya Legs he would be down on his knees bawling.

'Just From How i can't see the rank its definitely powerful but, NOOOOO!'

'My most important Art is gone!!!'

'Well at least i still have [Slime Storage] i could store the bodies there for when I regain the skill. But still, I wont be able to grow as fast anymore.'

'Is it because it was an [XX Rank]? I've [Fused] two [X Rank] Arts but never an [XX Rank]. YES! That has to be it. So I can still [Fuse] my other arts'

If you looked at this pretty large slime you could see it had a sinister smile on its face.

'Before that.... lets use my stat points.... Im so dumb. I should've done this earlier' Seiya was feeling stupid but he decided that it was in the past.



[Name: Seiya]

[Race: Tier 3 Terrain Devouring Slime]

[Danger Class: S]

[Potential Danger Class: ∞]

[Bloodline: Descendant of [The World Devouring Guu God Jormenheim]

[Level: 153

[Health: 34,300]

[Mp: 2810]

[Vitality: 343]

[Strength: 50]

[Agility: 28]

[Intelligence: 281]

[Stat Points: 500]

'Wow! No wonder I did almost no damage to the [Divine Herb], even with my strongest Arts!

He added all his stat points and was feeling better about him self.


[Name: Seiya]

[Race: Tier 3 Terrain Devouring Slime]

[Danger Class: SS]

[Potential Danger Class: ∞]

[Bloodline: Descendant of [The World Devouring Guu God Jormenheim]

[Level: 153

[Health: 34,300]

[Mp: 2,810]

[Vitality: 343]

[Strength: 290]

[Agility: 288]

[Intelligence: 281]

[Stat Points: 0]

'Nice! I even Went up in danger class.'

'Well...Onto the next fusion.


[Fuse Arts: [Expansion] and [Shape-Shift]?]


The normal Process had repeated itself again but unlike last time he was being brutally destroyed as fast. He didn't want to go through this pain so he was going to make a sacrfice instead.

Seiya once again shriveled up and turned gray.



[Art Just 2 Slivers?: Activate]

When his Art activated he tried his hardest not to let the sliver seperate from him and it worked. This time instead of using any healing art he just let himself die.

The pain was incredible but it was nothing like the last fusion.

[Art Soul and Body Resurrection: Activate?]

Seiya saw the panel pop up in front of him, it was what he was trying to do.


Seiya saw the world that had turned black coming back to him.

[Art Soul and Body Resurrection: Successful]

[Lost 23 VIT]


[Health: 32,000]

'Nice! It was worth it, that type of pain would make me lose my mind if I endured to much of it!'

[Fusion: Successful]

[Obtained Art.]

[X Rank] Supreme Transformation: You can change your body to look like anything you have seen before (Even Other Worlds *Wink Wink). Granted your body will just look like said thing but made out of Blue Liquid. As long as you have enough VIT you can freely increase your size. To a Certain extent you can get basic abilities of the Race of the body.

Definitely worth it! On to the next!'

'Well let me go humanoid first, im getting tired of having no arms and legs.

[Supreme Transformation]!

Seiyas slimey body slowly started forming into human like legs then he grew more parts of his body.


Left Arm....

Right Arm...

And finally his head.

He even Went the extra mile! He separated a part of his body and expanded it to form a blue liquid like Scythe! Even Though it was slime, you could tell it was incredibly sharp! He kinda looked like "Kayn' from LoL just fully blue.

'Since im humanoid I can't just run around slapping things!'

He swung and slashed with the Scythe a few times and found that it felt like another part of him. He experimented for a bit and found that this Scythe was like another him. He could move his soul into it and change its form to be identical to the regular him or someone totally different.

'Yes! This is amazing!'

He didn't bother to [Fuse] any more Arts because he wanted to be on his way already. Instead of just running regularly, he could feel that he was clearly faster since he had human legs. He felt that if he used [Lightning Movement] he could make it to the Slime Village in 3 Minutes.

[Lightning Movement!]

So he used [Lightning Movement] and dashed towards the Slime Village.