
the world between realities

Atel woke up and met a being that sent him to a new world. Follow Atel as he wanders the world and discovers that the world isn't what he thought it was,Nothing is what it seems to be. There is No Harem( the mc is overpowered, compared to others because he has way more abilities and potential, but He doesn't know exactly how to use them well, so that's why I have bother the overpowered and weak to strong tag) also I will try to upload 1 chapter every week at least.

Gavyn_Mack · ファンタジー
4 Chs


As Atel stood his ground, the flames came bursting toward him.When Atel saw this, he took out his sword hoping it could limit the flames. As the flames got closer, Atel could only think about how he got in this situation,but before he could continue thinking, the flames hit him.

As the flames engulfed Atels body, he could feel the heat around him, yet he wasn't getting burned. Atels armor stopped the heat from burning his skin, and his sword was blocking the flames.

As time passed, the heat got worse. Atel knew he couldn't last forever, so he pushed forward. Using the knowledge Atel gained when he woke up. Atel learned that if he could spin his weapon fast enough, he could essentially make a shield with the force of his blade.

As Atel started spinning his sword, it started to spin slowly and overtime got faster. When Atels sword started spinning fast enough to block the flames, he decided to start moving. When Atel started to move, he felt even more force pushing him back, yet he still continued on.

Atel decided to move back toward the clearing to see if he could stop the people. Atel knew that trying to stop the people was a dumb udea, but from what he could see, if they continued to fight nothing would be left standing. As Atel got closer to the clearing, he could see the man struggling to fight off the flames and his weapon slowly melting.

When Atel saw this, he knew it was to late stop them, and before long the flames fully engulfed the man turning him into ashes.

When man turned to ashes, the flames stopped, as Atel looked at the woman, he could tell she was exhausted. The woman's face was pale with sweat over her whole body, seeing the exhaustion, Atel knew it took a toll on the woman's body, yet when he looked at the surroundings that were ash, maybe being sweaty wasn't that bad.After all, turning the surroundings into ashes was no small feat.

When Atel was finally done thinking, he decided that he would just walk away, after all, he wouldn't want to deal with any problems that involved someone burning down a forest.

After thinking this ,Atel turned around, and started walking away, and now that a lot of the forest turned to ash, he could see everything in his surroundings, though it was just ash. Seeing this Atel decided to just walk a random direction. As Atel took his first step, he felt a gaze on him, when Atel turned around he saw the woman looking at him, seeing this Atel realized that because there were no more trees, there was nothing blocking people from seeing him, just the ground covered in ash.

As Atel looked at the woman and the woman looked at him, he just turned back around, and started walking. Atel was nervous that the woman would try something,but luckily as he kept walking, nothing happened, seeing nothing happen made Atel feel relieved, so he continued to walk. as Atel kept walking it didn't take long for him to reach the end of the forest, seeing as most of it is ashes.

When Atel saw the forest or what was left of it end, he felt happy,he could finally get out. Now that Atel was out of the forest, he looked around, and all he saw was grass plains. Realizing that he would have to continue walking with nothing to follow made Atel disappointed. after being disappointed, Atel decided to try to look towards the bright side of things,maybe it wasn't so bad, after all, there has to be a road at some point.

As Atel started walking, he started thinking.Now that Atel thought about, how was he able to do so much without getting exhausted, not only that but his bag was perfectly fine, as if there was no fire, there wasn't even scorch marks on his weapon or armor.

When thinking about all these things, Atel realized that he wasn't normal, he had a lot of stamina, so much in fact that it was almost like it was endless, also he wasn't burned at all. When Atel thought about it, he figured out that his armor blocked most of the heat,but not all of it,so his armor was hot from the fire, yet his skin was perfectly fine.

Seeing all these things happening, Atel knew he probably has a good resistance to fire.

Thinking this Atel also though that he probably has a good resistance against everything else too. Maybe he wasn't as weak as he thought.

After walking for a while, and seeing nothing interesting,Atel decided to stop and rest because he could see the sun going down.

When Atel stopped, he didn't know what to to do, he didn't know how to make a camp. Though oddly he felt comfortable in his armor, so much so, that he could quite literally fall asleep wearing it.

Though Atel may have almost infinite stamina doesn't mean he still can't get sleepy. So Before night came, Atel thought maybe he could practice with his sword, as Atel got ready for practice, he decided to take a random stance, Atel knew his weapon was special, because of the information he got.

You see,Atels sword could transform, it could change into a spear, bow and sword, but what makes it even more special, was it's ability to change it's size and length.Atel could make his sword as big as a Giant or he could just increase the length of his blade,spear and arrow, this means,if he's using his sword, he could hit his enemies more easily, and if using his spear, it would increase the the piercing power and for the bow, he would be able to shoot an arrow the size of a spear.

As Atel started practicing his weapons different forms, he also practiced changing his weapons size and lengths to get used to using them. Before Atel knew it, night came,seeing this, he decided to lay down and get some rest.

I think I did well so far.

Gavyn_Mackcreators' thoughts