
The World According Cards

In the year 3050, T.W.A.C., a formidable corporation, enters the global stage, unveiling its revolutionary inventions known as "The Cards," which become the key to manipulating reality. These devices enable users not only to change their perceptions, emotions, and physical abilities with subtle wrist movements but also grant them the power to shape the reality around them. While many people embrace the new reality imposed by T.W.A.C., an increasing number of individuals begin to feel uneasy about the corporation's excessive control over their lives. These dissatisfied rebels start to unravel deeper aspects of the mysterious powers of the cards, realizing that their potential reaches far beyond what they initially suspected. With each use of the cards, they unlock new gateways to understanding the true nature of reality and the strength inherent in their thoughts and beliefs. However, as they approach discovering the full potential of the cards, they become targets of T.W.A.C. and its dedicated faction of loyalists. Determined to maintain their dominance over the world, the corporation tries to suppress the rebels, setting them on a race against time. They must uncover the secrets of the cards before they are entirely eradicated. During their journey through a dangerous and ever-changing world, the rebels must confront their deepest fears and desires while seeking allies and battling adversaries. Gradually, they unearth the depths of their own power, realizing that the fate of all humanity lies in their hands. The world depicted in this story is full of intrigue, surprising plot twists, and profound moral conflicts, where the cards are not just a tool but also the key to grasping the truth of existence and ultimately breaking free from the constraints imposed by corporate authority.

shirq · SF
2 Chs


Year 3042, Nihon Both Nations, Slams in Yoko—a place once teeming with life, now abandoned, save for scuttling cockroaches and the swift movements of surviving rats, resilient in conditions they've adapted to. Gone are the days of domestic companionship, like cats and dogs, fading into the past, replaced by their cybernetic counterparts.

In this bleak world, life persists in the slums, where every day is a battle for survival. Cockroaches and rats become symbols of life's resilience, while cybernetic pets offer a glimmer of hope in this somber reality.

Seventeen-year-old Shiko Sakurada resides here, whose life story brims only with tragedy and loss. Her fate etched in sorrow; her mother succumbed to brain damage inflicted by her father's brutal attacks when Shiko was merely five. Bereft of family and left orphaned, her father, consumed by mental illness sparked by a chip malfunction, took his own life when Shiko turned twelve, leaving her without any support.

Raised amidst despair, she grappled with survival in a world where poverty and desperation reigned. Without money and family, she fought a relentless battle for life alongside the inhabitants of her district, seeking sustenance and shelter wherever possible.

Her exceptional intellect set her apart, a glimmer of light in the darkness. Yet, this gift also brought her fear and mistrust. The gaze of her eyes could instill dread, pushing others away. But she knew she had to be strong to survive.

At times, scavenging from nearby restaurants became her means of sustenance, where her clever intelligence allowed her to outwit others in acquiring food. Yet, this only deepened her isolation from the rest of the community.

Despite the severity of her circumstances, she refused to surrender. Her resilience and extraordinary mind became her only weapons in a world that seemed poised to destroy her spirit. Within the labyrinth of her existence, she began to see that life wasn't merely about survival. Her intelligence and perseverance could change the world, even in the smallest ways.

A glimmer of hope emerged in the form of T.W.A.C., an emerging star in the business world. Their latest creation, "The Cards," quickly gained popularity among both the rich and the poor. It was an enhanced version of traditional playing cards, but with a mysterious secret—these cards held the power to alter perceptions, emotions, physical abilities, and even language with a single touch.

Initially skeptical of the game's promises, Shiko gradually immersed herself in an extraordinary realm where anything was possible. The cards wielded control over reality, altering the very existence of the player. They unlocked visions of emotions she'd never experienced before and extraordinary perceptions of the world.

However, with the game's increasing popularity, Shiko began to see T.W.A.C.'s hidden intentions. Beneath the guise of fun, the company aimed to exploit the power of the cards, manipulating minds and exploiting humanity for its own purposes.