
The World's Strongest Healer

What exactly is the strongest? For the longest time, he has been chasing that dream. Up to his death. Yet even that would not be enough to stop him. What does it mean to become the strongest and what sacrifices will come with it? Reborn as Sai Reschelburg, he vowed to accomplish his dream. To become the strongest. Even with the hands he was dealt. Even if death itself tried to stop him. In this world teeming with countless mysteries and threats, he will rise and achieve the dream he couldn't in his past life. The legend of the greatest healer starts. .... Join me in discord using the link below: https://discord.com/invite/rRcAjzaRJE

LazyPath · ファンタジー
138 Chs

Chapter 10

"I'm coming in!" 

And those words were accompanied by a huge noise as part of the ceiling fell to ground kicking up dust and wind.

Katarina looked as a white haired figure walked out of the dust cloud and approached them with a leisurely smile on his face and his hands in his pockets.

"Hope I'm not too late."


I looked at the scene in front of me and instantly took stock of the situation.

A young boy currently had his hand stretched out towards the head of a girl whose clothes around her stomach region was missing and blackened skin replaced it.

Boy was currently emitting strong death energy and was smiling evily and girl was quaking in her boots.

"You..." I pointed at the boy with right hand and put the other in my waist.

"... Are evil!" And loudly proclaimed.

Katarina and the boy both looked at me with dead eyes and sighed simultaneously.

"You guys are supposed to be enemies. Don't get in sync with each other." I said pouting as I formed a finger sword with my right hand and swung it.

A sharp gust of winded formed and sliced straight at the boy and I took the chance and dashed forward faster as the attack and reached them in seconds and grabbed Katarina and jumped away from there.

The wind slammed into the boy kicking up dust. If only that would be enough to take him down.

"What was that?" The dust cleared and the boy frowned as he stepped out slowly. From him, I could smell a small threat. Judging from this and the energy rolling off him...

"You... You're a lich king, aren't you?" I asked and dropped Katarina who's legs went limp on the ground and turned to face my opponent.

"That's what humans call me."

I crushed a jade badge and a barrier appeared around Katarina and teleported her to another location and began to assess the threat in front of me.

Monsters are classified according to the threat they pose to humanity.

The lowest rank monsters are called mortal rank monsters. So long as a group of five adults come together, they can easily be defeated.

Above them are town destruction rank. As their name implies, they can easily wipe out entire towns and villages overnight if they aren't stopped.

City class are capable of wiping out cities or regions single handedly.

Lich kings are...

"Disaster class. Can wipe out a country if they wished." I said slowly and cracked my neck and rotated my arms.

"Time to fight."


"This man..."

The lich king, Adeius muttered and as he looked at the boy who was performing stretches in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

From what he could sense, the boy was just a healer. Just a healer but he could sense an enormous threat coming from his tiny body.

In his four hundred years of undeath, only a few people have been able to threaten him or even defeat him.

But instead of being scared, he was...

"Interesting." Adeius licked his lips and shifted into battle mode.

Death energy rolled off from his body as he stopped surpressing his mana and unleashed his full power.

"Soul magic, Death Wail." Adeius, pointed his hand at the man and directly unleashed his strongest magic.


"Soul magic, Death Wail." The lich king in front of me floated into the air and pointed his hand at me and said.

Something's coming!

Even though I could not see the magic he cares, my instincts hinted throughout the course of two lives earned me and I leaped into the air and grabbed onto the ceiling with my hands.though I could not see it, I could tell an attack passed through the area I was in and clicked my tongue.

"I hate invisible attacks you know. They're hard to punch." I rotated my position with my legs gripping the walls of the ceiling and my head now facing the ground.

"I doubt that much would be able to hinder you." The lich king said and I clicked my tongue as he was right.

Though I couldn't see it, I could teel from the minute fluctuations of magic that something was there.

The only thing is that it would be hard to do it in combat.

In that case...

I slammed my legs against the ceiling and shot towards the ground and immediately kicked off as I landed heading towards the undead without any pause in my movements.

In a flash, I arrived in front of him and brought my arm back and punched at him.

I felt my fist hit a water like barrier and leaned back to dodge as a fireball soared over my head.


I twisted my body and dodged an arthen spear that stabbed at my left flank and used the lich's barrier to kick off and put some distance away from him.

Even though that may have put me at a disadvantage, he wasn't the kind of opponent that distance would hinder from casting his magic.

"Firestorm." The boy opened his pale lips and a magic circle instantly formed on the ground and doused the area with tendrils of fire.


'What will be your choice, warrior?' Adeius looked at the blazing hell underneath him and thought.

He had no expectations that a spell of this level would kill someone that was able to make him afraid.

But a battle doesn't just come down to how many large scale spells you throw around but how you use them.

As he expected, a huge wind kicked up as a whirlwind appeared and dispersed the fire. 

The whirlwind eventually slowed down to reveal Sai who still rotating.

"Earth swamp." Adeius pointed his hand at the ground and the ground immediately turned mushy, sinking Sai into it's semi solid embrace before turning solid.

"Gravity magic, Hell's Fall." Adeius still sensed life buried under tons of rock and decided to add on a gravity spell to finish things off.

The faint life force that he had been sensing was eventually sniffed out and Adeius let out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding.

As an undead creature, he didn't need to breath but some of his habits from when he was a human still remained and as he became a lich king, more of them began to surface.

'That was disappointing.' When he felt someone threaten him, Adeius held some minor expectations in his heart but seeing as it was just another fool who depended on strength to win battles, he felt a bit of disappointment mixed with frustration as he left.

'Oh?' He looked into the corner to see the girl he was about to test some of the spells he developed in recent years in and reached out and she floated to meet him.

"Eh?" He was about to reach out and take her in his hand when he felt something penetrate his chest and turned in disbelief.

Behind him was the white haired figure he thought he vanquished, smiling as he ripped his hand out and kicked him to the ground.
