
Last Twelve Teams

The first three teams were not Sasha and I. I don't know anything about this version of the world's history, and Sasha just doesn't pay attention in class apparently.

I kept looking down and found us on the list. we did pass. My knowledge about everything else came through and we got fifth place. Worst placement so far, but what can you do about the limited information I have.

If anything, I'd say getting fifth on that test with no knowledge about history is a feat in and of itself. I mean, that means we got almost no questions wrong outside of history questions.

Well, On to the rest of the competition I guess.

"Now that there are only twelve teams left, we will now break for the rest of the day and resume the competition tomorrow. No doubt the competitors are running low on MP and need rest."

I guess that makes sense. We really do need a break, especially people who don't have a ton of MP like me. I navigate throughout the arena and walk out the hall.

Once I'm outside, I see my family waiting for me. I split up with Sasha telling her that I'll see her tomorrow.

My mom greets me saying, "Congrats on making it so far Jess! I know you can do it!" And other stuff along those lines.

My dad isn't much different and my brother just taunts me like normal. My sister isn't here because she has school and can't make it, but my mom says that she secretly watched the whole thing streamed live.

Well, this is only the beginning though. Tomorrow is going to be busy, and also I heard that the rounds are going to get longer and more difficult from here on out. I don't know what they'll be though.

I go home and decide to get some rest. Tomorrow I'm going to be busy all day and it is already like eight o'clock. Too bad I can't sleep. I am seriously trying but, I just can't seem to be able to fall asleep.

I walk downstairs to get something to eat and grab some snacks. Nothing that big of course. I also store some snacks in 'Singularity' just in case I get hungry tomorrow.

Oh well, I guess I'll try to get to sleep again. By now it's around ten o'clock so it should be a bit easier. I don't know though. If I can't get to sleep soon I'm going to have no energy for tomorrow. It would suck if I lost the next round because I had no energy. MP does replenish the quickest while sleeping after all.


??? POV:

"Did you do it?"

"Yes, I cast Mind magic on the other contestants to keep them from sleeping. Made it undetectable too."

"Good, because if anyone found out, we'd both be going to prison."

"By the way, if we're going to use Mind magic, why'd you only choose to affect their sleep? You could have just sent subliminal messages to make you win."

"That is true, but this is a lot harder to track, and harder to trace back to us."


Jess' POV:

Well, I still can't sleep. I'll just practice MP circulation then. I heard if you get better at controlling your MP then your magic will be stronger. Some people even live longer because of it or heal faster too because in this world life itself is dependent on MP.

Because of that though, I find something weird, my MP is circulating improperly. Was I cast under a spell or something? That could explain why I can't sleep. I try to correct my MP circulation, but I'm not experienced enough to do so, so it takes me a while, and by a while, I mean an hour.

Finally, my MP circulation is flowing properly again, and I feel ready to pass out. At least I can finally fall asleep though, so some good things did come out of this. Now I can circulate my MP better than before.

Whatever, good night, I feel so tired.

=== The next day ===

I wake up pretty early, we have to be at the arena ready to compete by a certain time so I had to wake up at around like five o'clock. Not the earliest I've had to wake up for something, I believe that was two o'clock and it sucked.

I eat breakfast and make my way to the arena and of course, I mean teleport. I make sure to teleport somewhere people can't see me, so they don't see a random sixteen-year-old teleport straight into the arena.

I walk through the hallways and into the waiting room to see all the competitors who are already here, impressive that they could be someone who can teleport to the room, but they probably came here very early, I wonder why.

They also look tired too, I guess they couldn't get to sleep either. Jane and Chris practically have bags under their eyes, I feel really bad for them. I decide to go up to them and ask them something.

"H-hey, um, did you by any chance find anything wrong with your MP circulation, I couldn't sleep last night until I noticed something wrong, and then I went to sleep just fine after I fixed it, did take a while though..."

"Huh, oh, I never really checked..." Man, they sound wiped out, I guess that happens to someone after they spend a whole day spending MP and running around like crazy without getting any sleep. I feel bad for them, so I put one hand on each of their backs and try to fix their MP circulation.

Won't do much for the competition, they don't have much time to sleep before it starts, but at least they might get some rest later. It takes a while, but much shorter than it took me to fix mine. Not because of the fact that I've gotten better, but because their flow was messed up just like mine, so all I had to do to fix it was retrace my steps.

The two were so out of it though that I don't think they noticed what I was doing, and were too tired to move my hand. After I finished they noticed something though, they almost pass out because they can finally sleep.

Hopefully, I'll find out who did this, they don't deserve to win at all, using cheap tricks on everyone competing like this is unfair.

Sorry for the lack of uploads. Mix of being busy and writers block.

Xubxcreators' thoughts