
Event (2)

Tournament Arc!!!!

No, but seriously, I'm kind of worried about this. The most talented young magicians in this area and even some people outside of it will be coming to participate in this event. The tournament won't be easy to win. I know I said that winning isn't the overall goal, but if you are participating in a tournament you gotta at least try to aim for the top.

The main problem is my partner. Sasha is not the best partner to have in this competition. I honestly might have to carry her. I mean according to her, she specializes in Transformation magic, but can't transform into anything but a cat. How is that supposed to help?

Well whatever, we walk into the arena in which the competition is being held. It sticks out a lot by the way. Ever since the Shift, everything in this country has looked like it was one with nature, normally a tree or something. However, this place straight-up looks like a stone colosseum. I don't know how else to describe it.

Inside, there are tons of people who are watching the competition. Almost all the seats are filled up. I would probably get lost in here if I wasn't an elf. Anyway, back on track I see a bunch of geniuses in this place.

There's the famous Ice magician, Jane Tear, and then the Flame magician, Carl Flame. Funnily enough, they are cousins, what irony am I right? Seems like they want to get into Spectrum University too. They both have innate talents just like me, so they will be a huge wall to overcome.

Now, you might be wondering why they aren't known as Water and Fire magicians, and that's because those are different types of magic.

Water magic for example, while it can create ice, Ice magic is a type of magic that is more difficult, and has more applications. Ice magic can create colder ice, and Flame magic can create hotter flames, but because of this, they are harder to control.

Not every magic has an "upgrade" like this, however a good few of the Bottom tier and Middle tier do. Flame and Ice magic are both Top tier magic, which just goes to show how much more effective they are than Fire and Water magic.

Why does our school not teach them? Because almost no one can use them. Unlike most magic, you have to be extremely talented to use "upgraded magic".

Even Gravity and Time magic can be learned at a basic level with practice and enough MP, but not Flame and Ice magic. But that's at a basic level, all Top magic is almost impossible to master for people who don't have a talent for it, and this doesn't mean innate talent, take William for example, has no innate talent. He is just so talented at magic in general, he doesn't struggle to learn Top tier magic.

Back to the tournament though, while I've been thinking about this stuff, the tournament is finally starting.

"Are you excited Jess, it's finally about to start!"

All the contestants have been waiting in this ginormous waiting room, big enough to hold the hundreds of contestants that are participating. There has been a barrier placed on this stadium to prevent unauthorized people from getting in, and also another to keep people from getting tired, hungry, or thirsty. This is to keep the competition fair, and so that the state of our body mostly doesn't affect our performance.

"May our contestants enter the field!"

"There's our call! Let's go, Jess."

"Yeah okay."

Sasha and I, along with the hundreds of other competitors walk onto the field with our partners Jane Tear and Carl Flame are partners. Kind of expected that. We line up and organize ourselves according to the numbers given to us while we were waiting, and prepare to see who and what we are up against.

"The first part of our competition is starting strong, with a 2v2 battle! Each team will battle another until we are left with a total of one hundred teams! We currently have four-hundred-twenty-one so each team may have to fight four others! The battle will end when both teammates of one team are left incapacitated, surrender, or are pushed out of the ring!"

The first bracket seems pretty easy, my partner and I are only going up against some nobodies who specialize in the same magic, Plant. It's good to have the same magic for cooperation but has no variety of uses in battle.

I don't see myself struggling in this, and it's a good time to see what my partner is really capable of. I'd call this round pretty lucky.

After like an hour of waiting for our turn, my partner and I finally get to have our turn. I tell my partner to take one while I take the other, and finally, the battle starts.

The other team tries to separate us with vines from their magic. I just push away the magic coming at me with Gravity magic, and Sasha uses her Transformation magic to grow claws and cut the vines coming at her.

Seems like she has a few tricks up her sleeves. I up the gravity around one of the other team's members to around 4 G's hopefully just enough to make them pass out. It works and now the other team is down to one member. I sit back to see how Sasha does and see if I will need help.

She turns into a cat and skillfully jumps in between all the vines coming at her. By turning into a cat she gains better agility and smaller size, to better dodge the oncoming attacks.

That alone allows her to get close to the other member, before turning back into a human, and with the force she had from running, pushes her to the ground. The other person surrenders and with that, my team wins.

"The winner of this round is Jess Heart and Sasha Lano!"