I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.
Other than English and Magic Studies, the day has been pretty normal. Elvish is basically like English class in my old world, just boring stuff like writing essays. Not that I expected any less.
But yeah, other than that it's all pretty normal. There is Calculus, Chemistry, a boring history class, and a study period. Although in that boring history class, I did learn that (obviously) this country isn't called the United States. It's called the EUT. The Elvish United Territories. Yet another difference to take note of.
Anyway, my final class is wrapping up. Today almost feels like it's been going by in slow motion, and some crazy things have happened. I need to look into what happened to me at the Magic Studies class soon. I get on the bus and finally leave school.
I finally make it to the bus stop at 3:30, which I almost missed because I didn't recognize it. Would you if your neighborhood became ingrown by forest overnight? It really is a sight to behold though. From my neighborhood you can see that ginormous tree in the center of the town. It seems that the elves believe it was left as a gift from God a long time ago, which explains it's unfathomable height.
"Hey Jess, welcome home." I hear from Mom as I walk through the door.
"Hi mom."
Our house is now in this weirdly shaped tree. It's like someone took and tree and switched the width and height. It is the most 'fat' tree I have ever seen, but to be fair that is what every house I've seen looks like.
"Hey Jess, can you get that book for me?" Mom asks pretty much out of nowhere. Did my mom read before? I don't remember her being interested in books.
"Okay, but why can't you get it?"
"Because it's too high to reach." 'huh?' I used to be taller than her but ever since the 'ahem' thing that happened to me, I'm about the same height so I don't know what she expects me to do.
"How am I supposed to reach it if you can't?"
"Just use your innate magic like you always do."
Innate magic, I did read about that once. It's when someone is born with a talent for a certain type of magic, be that fire, poison, space, light, etc. The rarer the type of magic, the rarer the innate talent is. People with innate talent for fire magic are one-in-a-hundred while people with innate talent for sound magic can be one-in-a-thousand.
"I have an innate talent?" I absent mindedly ask her.
"Yeah? Are you okay Jess, you've been acting weird."
I didn't mean to say that out loud! How embarrassing! Maybe that innate talent has to do with that floating spell I cast in Magic Studies though. That was probably why I could use it without having known magic previously. I have an innate talent for it. I guess floating magic would fall under the category of gravity magic so lets try something.
"I'm fine, just a little tired. I'll get the book one sec... Is it this one?"
"Yeah that's the one."
"'Levitate'" Suddenly the book starts levitating and I focus on the image of it floating towards me. It slowly starts floating towards me, and I grab the book and give it to Mom. Huh, she was reading 'Magic for Dummies: Book 4' why would she need that? Why do we even have a book with such a silly name?
"Thanks Jess."
I shake my head and leave for my room. I didn't notice it before but my room is a little bit different than before. My computer is still there, but the desk is covered in books. Really there are books everywhere. From reading the title of one of the books I found on the desk I can tell that this-world-me is very into magic. Specifically of the gravity type. Makes since stating my innate talent for what I guess to be that exact magic.
Well I do have a Magic Studies 3 class, so lets read some of these books and see what I can find out. I open the 'Basics of Gravity Magic: Volume 1' and start reading. I find some interesting things out, starting with that Gravity magic is about manipulating the gravity of a given object, that much is obvious, but while reading I find out how things like levitation actually work in relation to Gravity magic.
It turns out when I make something float, I kind of make negative gravity, instead of pushing things away, it makes them repel one another, and by controlling the direction and strength of this force which I do subconsciously, I make it float. Doing this subconsciously sounds crazy but most people have to actively think about it. The subconscious part comes from my innate talent.
By the way innate talent for gravity magic only occurs in one-in-every-hundred-thousand people so it is extremely rare. I also started subconsciously floating while reading the book, what kind of weird habits do I have now, just floating and reading in my room? Please don't tell me that the me from this world doesn't do that in public...