
The World's Shift

I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.

Xubx · ファンタジー
76 Chs

Crazy Reporters won't Leave me Alone!

After yesterday, I feel compelled not to leave the house. The feeling of being watched is very uncomfortable after all. I have this weird feeling that the feeling may return if I leave the house, so I'm staying home today.

I decide to go down stairs to get some breakfast. I decide to eat some leftovers, after all the most complicated food I can make is toast. I'm not gonna cook anything. I throw some leftovers in the microwave and decide to watch some TV. Seems that everyone in our area is still freaking out about the attack on our school, and wondering who the person who saved all the students is.

Still trying to find that out huh, well jokes on you, no one will ever find out, for I have plot-armor!!! Muahahaha!

...Or not, why are there cameras outside my house. Why, on the news, are there reporters reporting from my doorstep about the rumored 'Floating Elf Princess'?

*Knock* *Knock*

Well, I have two options, one is leave this to my family and make them deal with this crazy amount of people. Two is to open this door and deal with it myself... I choose option three. Just get the reporters... out of the picture.

I use gravity magic to set a repelling force around the house and force them away, then I just casually walk out of the house, just outta reach. I may be rubbing salt into the wound, but look, they deserve it. Who surrounds a random person's house. I then wave goodbye, and float away.

The repelling force outside the house should hold up for long enough that my family won't have to worry about the reporters before it gets dark. I should probably be back by then.

What did you think I would do? Option one is just cruel, and option two requires social skills. I can't do either, so I tried something else. Only seems logical right? Life isn't a multiple choice question where you only have a select amount of ways of solving a problem. Of course, some answers are better than others.

I guess it's time to move to the next problem. Since my stay-at-home day I planned on was ruined, I guess I gotta find something to do, preferably away from people so I don't get that uncomfortable feeling of being watched again. I guess I could go take a stroll through the forest. I heard that Elves are better at navigating through nature than other races. Why not see if that is true.

If you are thinking that it's dangerous, it's not like there are monsters in this world, trust me, I checked. Well, that's half true. They once existed, but almost all of them went extinct from mass-hunting for materials. Nowadays, materials from a monster are highly valued and monster's found alive are extremely protected by the government.

So yeah, it's probably safe for me to take a walk in the forest... or is it a float? Anyways, as I'm travelling through the forest, it seems it really is true that Elves are good navigators. I'm not getting lost and know the exact way back home. It's kind of freaky honestly. I was never badly directionally challenged, but knowing exactly which path I took is new is kinda creepy.

It seems this memorizing thing I got going isn't something that can be used constantly though. I mean it could, but to memorize the path this thoroughly I have to be actively thinking about where I am going, so the chances of me doing that are slim to none. It's a nice thing to have though.

As I keep floating around in the forest, I come across a beautiful lake, glistening a purplish hue, surrounded by flora that I can only describe as a delicate shade of violet. It was so fantastical that I couldn't look away. I have to remember this scene so I can teleport here later. It doesn't seem like it is super far away from my house after all.

I look up in the sky and realize it's getting dark. I should probably start heading home before my repelling barrier spell wears off. An angry mob of reporters does not sound fun to deal with, and I do not want to leave that up to my family. I quickly take a picture of the lake and head home.

I teleport back home real quickly and reset the barrier I put around the house to make sure none of my family is bothered by these crazy reporters, that for some reason haven't left yet. Seriously, do you guys know how to give up? Maybe I should try something more permanent. Just in case.

I float up above the house and use a new spell I've learned. As you might know, black holes don't appear black. Their gravity is so strong that it pulls in even light. Using this concept I created a new spell using Gravity magic.

"'Invisibility'!" I yell activating the spell. In a second, it's like the tree in which my house resides isn't even there. Everything near the barrier is being pulled in and then dispersed out on the other side. Effectively, this spell uses gravity to pull something in on one side and disperse it on the other side, thus it makes it seem like the space in the barrier doesn't exist.

Essentially, the spell creates a bubble in which if you walk into from one side, you come out the other, and vice versa. This applies to light, sound, etc. It can't be used for teleportation, because it isolates the area in which the barrier takes up though.

The spell is complicated, using it feels like playing origami out of time and space, but I managed to get it to work. Saying how interconnected space, time, and gravity are, the only true differences between each magic are what they specialize at. Like how you can run spreadsheets on a gaming computer, or simple games on a work computer, but neither is meant to run complicated programs of the other's respective purpose.

The good thing about this spell is that it is semi-permanent. I can cancel it any time, however it doesn't go away until I do. Also, while it is up, it doesn't take up any extra MP. I learned how to do that in an advanced Gravity magic book I found in my room.

The technique uses MP like glue to hold the spell in place, but you can use MP like a glue dissolver to undo the spell as well.

There are only two downsides to the spell. First of all is that it uses so much MP I doubt I'll be able to move well for the rest of the week, and the other is that no one inside the spell can leave. The spell works as a dome so anything under us is safe, so the wires for internet still work.

Now about the problem with air... I didn't think about it. I could form a small hole at the top of the technique, it's not like they'll get through the top, or I could form small holes around the technique to let small things like air through. Lets go with the second one for now. That's about all I can do with my current limit of MP after all.

I end up slowly falling asleep on the couch in the living room because that's about as far as I could get into the house without passing out from exhaustion. Was using that spell to avoid social interaction worth it? Of course... maybe.


Brothers POV:

Did my sister really do something this crazy again. She has always been into Gravity magic, but recently she has been inventing crazy spells left and right. On top of that, instead of patenting them and earning a butt-ton of money, she keeps them to herself! It is actually crazy.

Also, I swear she is so dumb sometimes. Not only teleporting straight into school, but she literally floats everywhere! If she wants to avoid social interaction so much why doesn't she just try to act normal for once! Well I guess that is just how she is.

... What was that. I see my sister cast a ridiculously complicated spell, float into the living room, and fall asleep on the couch. What did she even do? I could tell from the formation of MP that is was complicated beyond belief, but what did it do?

I look out the window and see... our house infinite times over. Like looking at two mirrors facing each other. It is like everything that enters one side comes out the opposite side, creating some endless loop. Which if I had to guess, is exactly what it is.

The same is probably the same on the outside of the barrier. Something goes in one side and comes out the other.

Seriously though, how does Jess always manage to do this madness...