
How To End A Massacre

William started to climb up the shelves that ran along the wall of the store until he found a layer with the least amount of supplies, he started to walk along the shelf towards the 2 super zombies who hadn't noticed him yet. When everyone saw what he was doing they were all confused, why go for only those 2 and not help everyone kill as many as possible.

However William was going off of his gut which was telling him that those 2 were the key to beating the rest of the zombies. The closest thing he could think of that would describe what he felt from the 2 zombies would be queen bees, without them the zombies would go back to being disoriented and madly rush at them, which at first might seem like a bad thing in reality what they are doing now is even worse, they target certain people and whenever an opportunity arises they swarm them. The only reason that no one has died yet is because they are only a minute or two into the fight and they have quite a few guards so they can quickly kill the smaller swarms before anyone is hurt. As William makes his way towards the 2 they spot him but don't react at all, maybe they don't see him as a threat or don't think that what he will do will change anything.

As he gets closer to them the nearby zombies also spot him and start trying to climb up to him but a few grunts for one of the supers and they all stop, this confirmes William's guess on the 2 supers commanding the rest of the zombies. He speeds up and quickly gets near them, he quickly finds a big problem...he can't reach them with the axe and if he throws it he can only kill one. They had tried to hide themselves in the swarms of zombies so unless they killed the rest shooting them wasn't an option and as soon as someone got hurt things would start going downhill if nothing changed.

"Hey Jack, is there anything near you that I can throw? I kinda can't reach with the axe and I have nothing else that will kill them."

"...Tour in a shopping centre and standing on shelves in the storage area how hard us it to find something that can be used to kill some zombies, I thought this would be your strong point, killing zombies with literally whatever you can find."

After he says this William looks around him to see what the shelves held, most held small things like screws, nuts and bolts so those wouldn't be usable as they were too small. But when he looked at the shelf above him he found what he was looking for, long planks of wood usual used for building. If he could grab a few of those he could definitely kill the 2 super zombies, however he needed to climb up to get them and that would take some time as he didn't have anything to stand on like the ram to give him the extra height he needed to safely get up.

After a few failed attempts he managed to jump high enough to grab onto the next shelf and pull himself up, when he got up he found that there were 6 planks of wood that he could see, the rest must have been sold hist before everything went wrong. He grabbed his axe and started to whittle one of the planks down by first chopping an inch into the wood then grabbing one if the wooden blocks that were also there, hitting the axe cutting the wood in half down the middle. After this he started rounding it and sharpening one end, while he was doing this the first guard got injured but thankfully it was only because a stray bullet skimmed his arm slightly cutting him. However this meant that he couldn't shoot as fast as before which tightened the 'noose' around them whenever a swarm attacked, after a few more minutes William had finished making his spear so he climbed back down to the lower shelf and got ready to stab the super zombies. But by this point another one of the guards had been hurt, this time by a zombie but thankfully only his left hand was hurt. But surprisingly enough he hadn't turnt yet as continued to kill zombies like the rest, but even so this still slowed them down even more.

As William took aim with his spear one of the super zombies finally realized what he was trying to do and after a few grunts some zombies started to try climb up to him again but by this point it was too late as he threw the spear hitting one of the SZ (Super Zombies) on the left side of its head, and embedding itself in it. This causes another problem as William had hoped that it would go through the skull completely and kill the 2nd zombie, he stops for a few seconds before whistling 2 low notes. The sound if paws on tiles can be heard as Ban appears from the hole before running up to where everyone else is at before looking round him, probably trying to find William.

"I'm up here boy, go fetch me that wooden stick if you do I promise to make Annabel cook some sausages for you."

At the word 'sausages' Ban's eyes widen slightly before he bounds over to the 2 super zombies, as William thought the zombies took no notice of him and let him do whatever he wanted so with a quick leap he grabbed the spear from the super zombie's head and runs to below where William is, he grabs it and ruffles his head before standing back up and taking aim at the other SZ who by this point now sees William as a genuine threat and tries to slink away in the swarm before it also gets killed. However by this point is was already to late for it to hide as William had already found it and was ready to kill it, he threw the spear again but this time the spear missed its head, hitting the SZ in the back of the neck which thankfully still killed it. As soon as it died the rest of the zombies turned round to the guards and immediately lunged at them however they were immediately shot down as they were disorganised and disoriented.

"Hey Jack, I've got some more planks here that we might be able to us to block the hole again, do you want me to bring them? Also how did you guys do, any big injuries?"

"No big ones but one of the guards has been bitten, but hasn't turnt yet and its already been a few minutes, he was bit on his left hand so that might be why."

"Ok well just in case when we block the hole again I want him on the outside just incase he does turn, if any zombies come he has to kill them and we are only to help if it gets like this again. I know that this may be harsh but we cant take any chances at this point."

After this William grabs all the wooden planks and throws them at Jack.

"Oh yeah, catch."

Jack obviously wasn't expecting this...and all of them hit him square on the head making him stagger and loudly swear at William. After he stops staggering he looks up at William before flipping him off and walking away muttering under his breath.

One of the guards went and picked up the planks and headed off towards the hole behind Jack, William jumped off the shelves and quickly went after them with the rest of the guards following behind him, except for the injured guard who stayed. When they all went back inside the vault they found that everyone had squashed themselves up against the back wall trying to get as far from the hole as possible, when they saw that it was them and not zombies that had come through sighs of relief could be heard from some of them. Some of them started to walk towards them, lead by the man who argued with William before they walk straight past him and start talking to the guards about why they are back so early. Obviously they think that something must have gone wrong but almost all the guards are still alive, so they go to the guards as they think that they did all the work after all, all William, Jack and Daniel must have done was hold the ram. The guards dont know what to say as everyone is asking different questions to different people all at the same time, William quickly shouts out.

"Just so you know, I threw a spear...twice."

They all turn around giving him a 'bitch tf' look and going back to asking the guards again. This time however the guards know how to respond and they all shove past the crowd and go talk to William and Jack to see what they need to do next. This displeases the crowd as all of them have just been ignored, a few people in particular are very annoyed as they spent the entire time talking to everyone and getting them all to dislike William, Jack and Daniel and they were going to try and get the guards to kick them out however that didn't go to plan...