
The word awakened and gained a system: why are all my quests perverted

The world awakens, dungeons form, animals and plants mutate, the gods spectate the world's happenings and find people they think are interesting, and humans gain powers and systems that are tailored to them (They're all the same thing, just with different designs). The usual stuff. It just so happens that our main character's version of the system is, for better or lack of words...flawed. --- Disclaimer: NSFW content will be marked accordingly: N+ for 18+, N- for darker themes, and N for a mix of both. Updates will aim for a chapter every week, with the potential for more depending on my schedule. Your feedback and ideas are greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "good job" or complete negativity. Questions are also welcome.

Resset_Potato · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Traditions are fucking dumb

(I know that I said I'd post when the story started but nah)

Saturday, February 2nd, 2030

The streets bustled with people, the aroma of food vendors saturating the air, and music reverberated through the night. Crowds gathered to witness a puppet dragon dance, brought to life by the coordinated efforts of numerous performers, while men adorned in lion costumes pranced around them. Festivities engulfed this corner of the city, alive with vibrant energy.

Perched atop a renovated apartment building with a shop below, a solitary figure sat. Clad in a cream and black Cheongsam-style hoodie embellished with a striking red spider lily and blue cherry blossom motif, she observed the celebration below with a resentful gaze. She longed for the festivities to cease, wishing to escape the reminder of what this day was. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, partially veiling her eyes behind bangs, but when caught at the right angle, her soul-piercing gold eyes were unmistakable. Round pink glasses softened her appearance, lending her a more approachable air.

Abruptly, the instrumental of "Resonance" by T.M.Revolution pierced the air, rousing her from her brooding. Puzzled, she scanned her surroundings, attempting to locate the source of the music. Then, realization dawned, and she retrieved her ringing phone from the confines of her bra, glancing at the caller ID with a frown. With a reluctant sigh, she answered the call.


"What do you want, grandma?" Despite my irritation, my voice remained in its naturally sweet, gentle, and soft tone. A raspy, aged voice crackled through the phone. "Rika, where are you? You're not on the roof again, are you?" I rolled my eyes. "And if I am?" Her grandmother sighed. "Come down and enjoy the festival; it only happens once a year." "Is this another one of your 'family traditions'?"

A brief silence followed before my grandmother responded. "Yes and no. The tradition dictates that children in our family meet their betrothed on Lunar New Year. Isn't that wonderful? I've found a suitable match for you; it wasn't easy given your personality. He might be older, but he's kind and financially stable." I held my emotions in check, posing a simple question. "How old is he?"

"38." My fuse finally burned out. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I've just turned 18 today, and you expect me to marry someone more than twice my age? Are you out of your mind? How can you auction off your granddaughter to the highest bidder?" Anger and disbelief trembled in my voice as I confronted my grandmother. "Rika, it's not about money, I swear. I only want what's best for you. It's tradition for the mother to choose her daughter's spouse, and since your mother passed, I'm your guardian. Therefore, I have the right to choose. I've indulged your pickiness until now because you were too young, but now you have no say."

"FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR STUPID TRADITIONS! Do you want to know why my mom and aunts fled and never looked back? It's because of your archaic customs that drove them away. You're so entrenched in the past that you're blind to the changing world. If it weren't for the fire that claimed my family, you wouldn't even know I exist."


A year prior, Rika returned home from a friend's outing for her birthday to witness fire trucks speeding past her. "What the hell? Did a cat get stuck in a tree?" she muttered to herself, trailing the trucks with her gaze until her own house came into view, engulfed in flames. Racing towards her home, she attempted to reach her parents' phones, but they went unanswered. Collapsing upon seeing their car parked outside, tears streamed down her face as she witnessed the devastation before her. That day, exactly one year ago, marked the beginning of her nightmare. Following the funeral, it was decided that she would reside with her grandmother until she turned 18, as her aunts were preoccupied with their own families, but they did warn her to leave her grandma as soon as she could and that there was a reason why she only just met her.


"Rika, how dare you! How could you speak to me, your grandmother, like this?! I only want what's best for you." My gaze turned frigid as my anger boiled over. "Rika, I am your family, and you live under my roof and my rules! If I tell you to jump, you ask how high. So, if I tell you to marry someone, you should ask when—" I snapped once more. "You're not my damn family." With that, I ended the call, rising from my seat and striding towards the door.

Entering the house, I hastily packed my belongings, tears streaming down my face. I knew that if I didn't leave now, I never would. Ensuring I had everything—clothes, valuables, wallet, phone, hidden savings, and my most cherished possessions, a ring and an earring—I steeled myself. There was no turning back. I decided to get a little revenge before leaving.

Stepping out onto the street, I surveyed the throngs of people before opting for the less crowded alleyways to escape the area. After thirty minutes of brisk walking, I reached a quieter locale and made my way to the nearest train station. Retrieving my phone, I scrolled through my contacts until I found Frey's number, dialing it with a heavy heart. Before it could even complete a ring, a cheerful voice greeted me.

"Rika? Is that really you?" I managed a melancholic smile. "Y-Yes, it's me." Sensing my distress, Frey inquired, "Rika, are you alright? Something seems off. What happened?" "I—" "Rika, you're always welcome at my place. My parents adore you; they even said they would've adopted you if you'd asked to stay with us." "I'll be there in an hour. Also, Frey… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you." Frey giggled. "Good. And Rika… Don't apologize, I shouldn't have been so insensitive. I'll see you soon."