
The word awakened and gained a system: why are all my quests perverted

The world awakens, dungeons form, animals and plants mutate, the gods spectate the world's happenings and find people they think are interesting, and humans gain powers and systems that are tailored to them (They're all the same thing, just with different designs). The usual stuff. It just so happens that our main character's version of the system is, for better or lack of words...flawed. --- Disclaimer: NSFW content will be marked accordingly: N+ for 18+, N- for darker themes, and N for a mix of both. Updates will aim for a chapter every week, with the potential for more depending on my schedule. Your feedback and ideas are greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "good job" or complete negativity. Questions are also welcome.

Resset_Potato · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Survey says?

"What in the fuck?! How could she? No, how dare she? I mean, what kind of grandma does that? I don't remember much about my grandma but she let me sit on her lap and help her bake cookies." In front of me was a girl screaming. She had gray hair with black tips and light grayish-blue eyes. This was completely natural, too. "Frey, I get you're mad on my behalf... But aren't you a little too pissed? I'm not even angry anymore." Frey stopped and looked at me. "Can't I be angry for the both of us?"

"There's no need to be angry anymore; you want to know why?" Frey looked extremely confused. "Why? Did you burn her house down or something?" I looked shocked and a little regretful. "No, that would've been a great idea… I took the money from the register and told everyone on the street that all the candy in her shop was free. When I left, I saw hundreds of people, mainly children, running in. Now she's almost broke and has no way to make money. She won't even know it was me because all the candy is gone and her store is in shambles." Frey looked at me in admiration. "You're a fucking genius. I only wish you had gotten some of the candy." I reached into my backpack and pulled out a grocery bag full of candy. "Who do you think I am?"

Frey began bowing to me as she laughed in superiority. "You truly are a mastermind," Frey exclaimed, amazed by my foresight. I smirked, enjoying the praise as I shared the spoils of my plan with Frey. "Hey, Frey?" Frey looked up as she was stuffing her face with gummy bears. "huh?" Seeing this, I couldn't help but think of a chipmunk. "Have you heard of a new mobile game? In order to play it, you have to text a number and do the whole sign up thing." Frey closed her eyes to think.

"Yes…kinda… I've heard of it; I just don't know what number to text or what to text. Why?" I smiled and told Frey about the grandma on the train. "Hell yeah! So we're obviously going to start the sign up tonight and try to grind through the game as much as possible, right?" I just looked at Frey like she was an idiot before pulling out my phone and starting to text the number. Frey quickly followed suit.

I texted the codeword to the number and it replied:



Question 1: What is your favorite mythological creature from literature or movies?

Me: Anything fluffy.

Number: That's not an acceptable answer.

Me: You asked for an answer, and I gave one.


Question 5: Do you believe in the existence of guardian spirits or angels?

Me: Sometimes


Question 10: What is your favorite animal?

Me: Anything fluffy.

Number: …


Question 25: What is your opinion on the existence of alternate dimensions?

Me: I believe that there's a possibility that they exist, but they're either better or worse than our own, and that's why they never tried to find out if we existed.


Question 35: What is your favorite mythological story or legend?

Me: There are a lot; I can't decide.

Number: That's not an…you know what. Whatever, I'll just write it as you're a mythology nerd who's indecisive.


Question 50: What is your favorite mythological tale involving transformation?

Me: I like the Greek tale of Arachne but find it kind of messed up. I find how the Norse god Loki's children were born; it's funny, but not my favorite. There's also Japan's Kitsune; they're cool.

Number: Okay, I get it. You're indecisive; I'll pick from those three later.


Question 60: Describe a moment when you felt a connection to the energy of a sacred place.

Me: I don't know how to answer that.

Number: Fine, cats or dogs

Me: Fluffy

Number: *Sigh*


Question 75: Have you ever had a prophetic dream or vision?

Number: Let me guess you can't answer this one either.

Me: Actually, I have had one once.

Number: … What was it about?

Me: You asking this bullshit.

Number: Ha.

Me: Tough crowd. Anyway, I don't remember what it was about, but I know it was prophetic or something because it didn't feel like Deja Vu.


Question 80: Are you comfortable receiving physical items in the mail?

Me: Sure, why not?


Question 90: Are you prepared to keep an item on your person at all times?

Me: Totally not creepy, but why not?


Question 100: Would you be willing to provide a DNA sample for authentication purposes?

Me: If I do this, can I finally play the game? I've been answering your weird questions for 2 hours.

Number: Yes, and since you've been…entertaining…I can see if you to play by morning.

Me: What's the catch?

Number: No catch; just put the DNA sample, with your name, in your mailbox and they'll pick it up. First thing in the morning, you should be able to play. This also applies to the lovely lady next to you.

Me: And this suddenly got creepy.

Number: Astounding observation.

Me: I can feel the sarcasm.

Number: Good.

Me: What kind of DNA sample do you need? Do I have to pee in a cup or something?

Number: Just a blood sample, weirdo.

Me: Oh, that's easy.


Me: We both did it.

Number: Good. I'll message you when your items are delivered.



Frey looked at me. "You look like you... What did you do?" I stared at Frey with a slightly triumphant yet scared smirk. "I might have pissed off the guy asking the questions." "How?" I handed Frey my phone so she could look at my answers. Frey scrolled through the responses and chuckled. "You definitely didn't hold back." I grinned sheepishly. "I just spoke my mind." "That's definitely one way to put it." Suddenly, Frey's bedroom door flies open, and a middle-aged man comes running in. "What the hell is going on in here?" he shouted, looking between Frey and me. Frey quickly stood up, ready to defend herself and me.