

His pale silver eyes gaze up at the murky brown moon as he silently waits for the most regrettable part of his night, having to face the man that has him on a tight leash. He sits on the edge of the decrepit roof with his legs crossed over one another. His hands are neatly folded into his lap.

Each second passing tightens his throat, slowly suffocating him. Then, he hears the familiar sounds of someone climbing. He looks over his shoulder, to see the man climbing onto the roof. As usual, he towers over him. Dressed in black from head to toe as a way to sneak through the alleyways unnoticed.

He pushes himself to his feet as the man slowly walks towards him. He walks halfway to the man, as he does he unties the small beige pouch from one of his back belt loops. "Did you get everything I asked for, Lykas?" The mans voice is low, and soft. Which makes this even more terrifying for him. "Yes, I did Sir." Lykas responds as he slips the pouch into the mans hand.

The man allows him to. Lykas steps back slightly to allow the man to have room. His eyes fixate on the way the man is weighing the pouch, he always can tell whenever he's not satisfied.

"Good job." The man says finally. Lykas watches him turn away from him. The man walks to the edge of the roof and he signals something to the ground. Lykas sees a pouch similar in looks to the one he gave the prize in land beside the mans feet. "Come get your pay."

As if on command, his feet take him to the pouch. He crouches down and picks up the pouch. "Thank you Sir." He says as he gets up and holds the pouch close to his torso. The man nods his head, then he jumps onto the ground without saying a word.

Lykas stays behind on the roof until he's sure the man, and whoever was with him, is gone. When he's sure, he unties the pouch and looks through it. A sigh of relief slips past his lips, frosting the night air. "Thank Gods. . ." He mumbles beneath his breath as he sees that he managed to make enough money off of him to make it through the next few weeks.

Lykas climbs down from the rooftop with the pouch, a relieved smile is spread across his lips. The very few times that the jobs he is forced to do is worth it.

Lykas finds his way to the back alleyway he uses as a way to travel beneath the city he is doomed to live in. He passes a few people who are passed out drunk against the crumbling building walls, or huddled up sleeping in a corner before he reaches the secret hatch that runs underneath the city. He shoves the pouch into the nearest pocket he can feel on him before he punches the 4 digit code into the keypad.

The hatch slides open, allowing him to drop down inside and descend down the ladder. As the lid of the hatch closes, a series of lights turn on one by one, revealing a series of paths to take that run through the city. The white metal walls are labeled with hanging signs, all directing the user to the place they need to get to.

Lykas finds the path that runs to his neighborhood. The walk always calms him down due to the cold air that fills the metallic manmade streets.

As he walks, he hears the automated voice that alerts him he has a new message ring throughout his ears through the voice chip that has been implanted by his temple. "You have one new message from, The Boss." A sigh escapes his lips as he reaches for the cuff of his sleeve. Annoyed, he pulls the sleeve of his sweater up just enough so the microchip in his wrist can project the holographic screen that is responsible for playing the message.

The mans face appears on the crystal clear screen before him. His eyes look unforgiving as he speaks. "Lykas, I have a job for you. A copy of the file is being sent to your Sight Chip. But, I wanted to give you more details. Be gracious boy." Lykas sees the mans eyes darken, as if to let the last part of his sentence to sink in.

"The person requesting this mission has specifically asked for you to take it on. And she is a very good friend of mine. She has requested me to tell you that if you mess anything on this mission up, she wants your head displayed on her wall." The mans face then vanishes in a fit of static. The automated voice follows him saying, "Message ended. Would you like to replay?" Lykas sighs once more, "No. Save to folder." "Saving to folder."

He pulls his sleeve back up, just in time to see the Sight File appear before his eyes. He decides to scroll through the file as he continues his walk home.

Mission File: 006341

Client Requested: Syrin Noctin

Code Name: TheViper

Mission Details:

Hello My Dear, I am Syrin Noctin. Also known as The Viper, I am requesting you specifically to do some dirty work for me.

I need you to spend some time as an undercover spy for me, you will be gathering information on a group of OutLaws known as "The Vemons Tooth" I'm asking of you to do whatever it takes to see what they are planning. Please meet me at the location provided below. Come alone on the night the moon is brightest this month.

Location Link.

Payment Reward: 200,000 Vistix

Lykas's eyes grow wide in shock. "THE VIPER?" He shouts to himself, his voice echoes off the long corridors louder than he expected. He stops in his tracks, deciding to take a break from walking to process this. "How does Boss KNOW THE VIPER?" He says to the empty space before him. If I fuck this all up, I definitely can die. And as far as I know she's not the kindest when it comes to killing her victims. His mind races with thoughts and questions.

"System, call Rykis." He says. A moment later he hears the sound of his side of the call ringing throughout his sound chip. Then, the other line is connected. "Hold on babe, I'll be right back. . . Gods what Lykas?! You always call at the worse times possible! I was just about to get someeee." Lykas bursts into laughter, he subconsciously pinches the bridge of his nose and he presses the back of his head against the wall.

"Well, sorry for interrupting Rykis. My favorite sex deviant brother. But I have some news that could change a lot." "Well? What is it? I have a hot girl in my bed right now with her clothes off." "Boss sent me a Mission File. And, it's from The Viper." The other end of the line falls silent almost immediately. Lykas can hear the long pause that follows, before Rykis growls under his breath. "Is that slippery bastard TRYING TO GET YOU KILLED? Lykas, THE VIPER? She's the most feared bitch on the streets! What does she possibly want from you?!"

"I don't know, but I'm walking home after getting the pay from the job I just finished and Boss hits me with this halfway through." Lykas can hear a very long winded sigh slip past his brothers lips before he continues, "Lykas. Get your ass home right now. I don't want you to even take ANY detours. You can't back down from this client. She'll kill you for declining. And I hope you know what Boss is getting you into. We'll talk more when you get here."

The line disconnects without giving Lykas a chance to even respond. "System, save Sight File to Important Missions Folder." Lykas says before he pushes himself off of the cold, metal wall. He forces himself to keep walking. Not because he doesn't want to get home, he definitely does. But, because he doesn't want to walk in on Rykis with whatever girl he's charmed off the streets.

Lets hope he's done by the time I get home. He bitterly hopes.